Chinese medicinal herb: Vason
Release time:2024-08-26 20:25:15
Word Count:9011
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Nicknames: Yesterday Leaf Lotus Grass, House Rootless Grass, Towards Heaven Grass, Tile Flower, Stone Lotus Flower, Cuolian Lotus, Dry Dripping Drop, Cat Head Grass, Vata, Tianpeng Grass, Tile Frost, Tile Onion, Tile Pagoda, Tile Lotus Flower, Rock Pine, House Pine, Pine Shoot, Pine Jade, Dog Nail, Rock Fat, Rock Bamboo Shoot, Tile Lotus.
Harvesting and processing: Harvested in summer and autumn, soaked in boiling water and dried or used fresh.
Medicinal parts: whole plant
Origin: Northeast, North China, Northwest, East China, Hubei, etc
Subject: Sedum
Original plant: Pinus massoniana
Plant condition: biennial or perennial herbaceous plants
Height 10-40cm. The whole plant is pink green, hairless, and densely covered with purple red spots. The roots are multi branched and fibrous. The stem is upright and unbranched.
The basal leaves are lotus shaped, fleshy, spoon shaped linear to lanceolate, 2-4cm long, 4-5mm wide, green with purple or white powder, with fringed edges, semi-circular cartilaginous appendages at the tip, and a needle like spike in the center; Stems and leaves alternate, sessile, linear to lanceolate, 2-3cm long, 2-5mm wide, apex long and gradually pointed, entire margin.
Racetraose inflorescence, compact, with branches forming a pointed shape at the lower part; Small flowers, bisexual, linear and pointed bracts, leaf shaped; Sepals 5, oblong, length 1-3mm; Petals 5, light red, needle shaped elliptical, 5-6mm long, slightly connected at the base; Stamens 10, 2 whorls, equal or slightly shorter than petals, anthers purple; Heart skin 5, separated, with one scale attached to the base of each heart skin, nearly square in shape.
Follicles, oblong in shape, approximately 5mm in length, with a slender beak measuring approximately 1mm in length. The seeds are mostly small and oval shaped. The flowering period is from August to September, and the fruiting period is from September to November.
Characteristics of Vasong medicinal herb: The stem is yellow brown or dark brown in color, 12-20cm long, with most of the scars left after leaf shedding, and is interconnected to form angular patterns. The leaves are green or yellow brown in color, wrinkled and curled, measuring 12-15mm in length and approximately 3mm in width. There are small flowers between the upper leaves of the stem, which are reddish brown in color and have varying lengths of stems. Lightweight and brittle, easily breakable. Mild odor and sour taste.
Vason medicinal properties:
[Taste] Sour; Suffering; Cool; Toxic
[Guijing] Liver; Lung meridian
【 Indications 】 Cooling blood and stopping bleeding; clearing away heat and toxic material; Dampened sword sores. Main vomiting of blood; Nasal bleeding; Rectal bleeding; Bloody dysentery; Hot shower; Menstrual disorders; Heat sores and abscesses; Hemorrhoids; Eczema; Scald; Pneumonia; Hepatitis; cervical erosion; Chyluria
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 5-15g; Mashing juice; Or take pills. External use: appropriate amount, massage and apply; Or boil and fumigate; Or apply it at the end of the study.
【 Attention 】 Quanzhou Materia Medica: Avoid using it for those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "Tang Bencao": The main symptoms include dry pain in the mouth, diarrhea caused by water, grains, and blood, and the need to stop bleeding.
2. The Classic of Materia Medica: Walking through the meridians of women.
3. "Gangmu": Blood under the large intestine, burning ashes, taking one coin of water, and applying various sores without healing.
4. "Herbal Renewal": Treat hundreds of toxins, treat fire sores, reduce swelling and kill insects.
5. "Classification of Herbal Properties": Treat all hemorrhoid swelling, pain, and bleeding, boil water, smoke and wash.
6. "Scientific Folk Herbs": Convenient.
7. "Hebei Medicinal Materials": Treatment of Water Stagnation.
8. Quanzhou Materia Medica: Clearing heat, detoxifying, and promoting urination.
9. "Tang Bencao" is used to treat stomach heat, alcohol accumulation, smoke and fire, and blood diarrhea and intestinal wind caused by metal, stone, and pill poison. Taking it will stop the bleeding and stop the bleeding. The woman's internal hot blood is dry, and the meridians are not functioning properly. Taking it will immediately promote blood circulation, and it will also cool the blood and promote blood circulation. The cold nature of nature is beneficial, and it is mostly used for transportation. For example, people with blood heat, solid qi, and rich taste in alcohol and food can benefit from it. For the elderly, weak and weak in the stomach, general treatment should not be given. "
【 Attention 】 "Quanzhou Materia Medica": "People with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should avoid using it. ""
[Storage] Store in a ventilated and dry place.
① Treatment for vomiting blood: Vason, stewed pig, slaughtered and orally taken. (Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
② Treatment for nosebleeds: Two pounds of fresh Chinese pine. Wash, dry in the shade, mash, use gauze to extract juice, add sugar for five cents, mix well, pour into a porcelain plate, and dry into pieces. Five minutes to one yuan per dose, twice a day, served with warm water. Avoid spicy and stimulating foods and hot water. (Selected Works of the Exhibition: Facial Features)
③ To treat heat, toxicity, and alcohol accumulation, as well as intestinal wind, blood, and dysentery: eight liang of water pine (mashed juice, half of the wine), five yuan of white peony medicine, and five yuan of ginger powder. Boil in half and drink empty. (Tang Bencao)
④ Treatment of acute non jaundice infectious hepatitis: Two taels of pine, one taels of malt, and three taels of willow twigs. Boil it in water.
⑤ Malaria treatment: Fresh tiles cost five yuan, one or two pieces of distilled liquor, stewed in water, taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Take one to three doses consecutively.
⑥ To treat children with wind shock: take five to six yuan worth of water boiled with water. (Below is the article "Common Herbs Used in Zhejiang Folk Medicine")
⑦ Treating urinary sandstorm: Boil a thick soup of Chinese herbal medicine and fumigate and wash the lower abdomen with heat. (The Good Formula of Experience)
⑧ Treat fire and dampness: Boil water with water and mix it with white sugar to take. (Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
⑨ Treating hemorrhoids: One tile pine stewed pig colon head. (Sichuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Chronicles) Two fresh pine nuts, boiled in water, smoked and washed on the affected area. (Commonly Used Herbs in Zhejiang Folk Medicine)
⑩ Treatment of eczema: Wazon (dried in the sun), ground into powder, mixed with tea oil and applied to relieve pain and itching. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)
(11) Treatment of moxibustion sores, if the sores do not subside for a long time: To make the final powder, wash it with Huaizhi and Congbai soup first, and then mix it in. (Jisheng Secret Overview)
⑿ Treatment of sores and boils: Apply an appropriate amount of Vaseline, add a little salt, mash it together, apply it to the affected area, and change it twice a day. (Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine)
13. Treatment for cleft lip and sores: tile flowers, ginger. Add a small amount of salt and rub it on. ("Extracting Yuan Formula")
(14) Treatment for soup fire burns: pine and raw cypress leaves. Apply together. The doer is the last. (Medical Summary)
(15) Treatment for pneumonia: Fresh Chinese pine, 4 to 8 liang each time, washed with cold water, crushed and juiced, slightly heated and taken orally twice a day. (Fujian Folk Herbal Medicine)
(16) Treatment of gum swelling and pain: equal parts of tile flower and alum. Boil and rinse with water. ("Extracting Yuan Formula")
Treating mad dog bites: Vason, realgar. Research post. (《 Sheng Sheng Bian 》)
(18) Treatment for centipede bite: Two liang of fresh Chinese pine, a small amount of sour rice, mashed and heated, and applied to the affected area. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)
(19) Treatment of white shavings: Use pine (expose to dryness), boil to ashes, drizzle with juice, heat up, wash hair. (Holy Blessing Formula)
⒇ Urine soaked in sand. Boil a thick soup with water chestnuts, smoke and wash the lower abdomen with heat, and after about two hours, you can defecate with sand.
(21) Breaking blood through the meridians. Boil paste with five liang of fresh clay, one liang of Angelica sinensis beard, and one liang of dried lacquer. After burning the smoke, make it two qian. Grind it into powder, add jujube meat, and make it into a pill like container, as big as Wu Zi. Take 70 pills each time, and bring down the red flower soup.
(22) Head wind white shavings. Sun dry with pine, pour ash and wash with hot sauce. 6、 It will take effect after seven attempts.
(23) Soup fire injury. Mash and apply with pine and cypress leaves.
(24) Ulcers. Dry with damp water and grind to the end. First, wash the affected area with Huaizhi and Congbai soup, and then apply the medicine powder. "