Traditional Chinese Medicine: Rhubarb Bee Seed
Release time:2024-08-26 20:28:59
Word Count:3533
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Nickname: Lu Feng House
Harvesting and processing: During the breeding season, dig out beehives, collect larvae, and dry them in the sun.
Medicinal parts: Immature larvae
Origin: National
Family: Apidae
Original plant: Bumblebee
The female bee has a narrow and elongated body, measuring 20-25 millimeters in length and appearing black. Head triangle. 1 pair of compound eyes, dark brown, arranged on both sides of the head; Three eyes, located above and in front of the head. One pair of antennae, slender and curved, with a black base and 12 whip nodes, also brown in color.
There are yellow brown spots on the face, top of the head, back of the head, base of the lips, upper jaw, and cheeks. There are incisions on the chest, and there are two yellow vertical lines on the posterior edge of the chest and back, as well as in the middle of the thoracic plane. Two pairs of wings, transparent membrane material, with color. The forewings are large, the hindwings are small, and when at rest, their wings are half open. The wing base and scutum are black, with two yellow brown lines in the center.
The thoracic and abdominal segments are black with four yellow brown longitudinal lines. Three pairs of feet, slender, with five segments, yellow brown in color, with a spindle shaped abdomen and slightly narrow sides. The first abdominal segment merges into the chest, forming a combined thoracic and abdominal segment; The first and second abdominal segments are compressed into a narrow waist shape.
In the center of each section, there is a black vertical line, and at the end, there is a poison needle that can be freely extended and retracted. Laying eggs in spring. The larvae are milky white in color, slightly resembling maggots in shape, with small heads and distinct nodes.
Medicinal properties of rhubarb wasp seeds:
[Original text of this sutra] It has a sweet and smooth taste, dominates the wind, eliminates toxins, and nourishes the weak and injured. Long term consumption can make it shiny, good in color, and not old. Rhubarb bees are responsible for bloating and pain in the heart, light the body, and invigorate qi. Earthly bees are responsible for carbuncles and swelling.
Gale disease - no more beard and eyebrows, skin and flesh have rotted into sores: bee seeds, wasp seeds, yellow bee seeds are stir fried separately for one cent each, white snake and black snake are soaked in wine and their skin and bones are dried, whole scorpion and silkworm are stir fried separately for one or two cents each, half a liang of earthworm is stir fried, 15 scorpions (guarding the palace) and barefoot centipedes are stir fried separately, one or two pieces of cinnabar, one cent of realgar (stir fried in vinegar), half a qian of dragon brain, a total of fine powder, one qian per serving, mixed with honey soup, taken three or five times a month. (St. Francis). "
[Taste] "Gangmu": "Sweet, cool, with a small poison. ""
【 Indications and Functions 】 Treat chest and abdominal distension and pain, as well as dry vomiting.
① The main text states: "The heart is bloated and full of pain. ""
② The main character vomited. ""
③ According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, it is effective in treating bird egg spots and blisters, and its residual effects are similar to those of honey bees. ""
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoct soup or grind into powder.
【 Appendix 】 Treatment of rubbing: For the exposed bee house, take the juice from the lacquer cup and filter it again, then mix it with Hu powder. (Emergency Response Plan)“