A few medicinal formulas have solved gout and uric acid has returned to normal!
Release time:2024-08-27 13:13:18
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What is gout?
Gout is a syndrome caused by abnormal purine metabolism in the human body. Commonly occurring in middle-aged and elderly people aged 30-50, about 95% of them are males, and 5% of females often develop the disease after menopause.
At present, the most common and widespread acute arthritis is caused by gout, which often results in redness, swelling, heat, pain, and functional limitations in the affected joints and surrounding tissues. Some parts have swelling and pain in the first metatarsophalangeal joint, while others have symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, palpitations, and nausea.
Treatment Cases
From May 27th to June 2nd, 2016, the health column of Southern Digest cited an article from Medicine Wednesday, stating that important external application was used to treat 110 cases of gouty arthritis. Among them, 72 cases were cured, 17 cases showed significant improvement, and 1 case was ineffective, with a total effective rate of 99%.
1. Regarding the therapeutic effect:
(1) Healing: Recovery, all clinical symptoms disappear, joint movement is free, blood uric acid levels return to normal;
(2) Significant effect: Clinical symptoms have improved, joint mobility is flexible, and blood uric acid levels have decreased by more than 10% compared to before treatment;
(3) Invalid: Symptoms do not improve significantly, and there is no significant change in blood uric acid levels compared to before treatment.
2. Typical clinical cases:
Patient: Male;
Age: 42 years old;
Symptoms: Sudden swelling and pain (redness, swelling, and tenderness) in the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the left foot, but without obvious trauma, accompanied by symptoms such as headache and fever. Examination revealed an increase in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, elevated blood uric acid levels, swelling of soft tissues in affected joints, narrowing of joint spaces, and irregular joints.
Prescription: 30g each of Huangbai, Baizhi, and Honghua, 15g Qingdai;
Auxiliary medicine: 20 grams each of honeysuckle and coix seed, 10 grams each of Huangbai, Atractylodes macrocephala, Fangji, and Duhuo.
Grind the traditional Chinese medicine from the above prescription into powder, mix the powder with honey to form a paste according to the size and location of the lesion, and apply it to the patient's metatarsophalangeal joint.
Cover with glossy paper or plastic film and wrap with gauze bandage. Change the dressing once a day and apply it continuously for 3 days. The patient should rest and drink water according to the doctor's advice.
Three days later, the redness and swelling of the patient's left metatarsophalangeal joint subsided, the pain eased, and the symptoms of fever and headache disappeared. Continue to apply the above prescription for 4 days. And supplemented with the above-mentioned adjuncts, decoct in water and take 3 times, 1 dose per day.
After 4 days, the patient's swelling disappeared and their joints moved freely. Advise them to drink plenty of hot water and avoid foods rich in purines and nucleic acids (such as animal liver, kidneys, brain, and beans).
After 4 weeks of follow-up, the patient's blood uric acid levels were found to be normal.
3. Attention:
Patients with secondary gout caused by malignant diseases, severe liver and kidney dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and those with mental illness, senile dementia, etc. who cannot cooperate are not included in this treatment scope.
Secret recipe:
60g each of rhubarb and gardenia, 15g each of sanqi and saffron, 30g each of peach kernel and castor, 5g of borneol, 10g of camphor, 180g of saltpeter,
First grind the first four herbs into powder, then add the last five herbs and grind them into a greasy powder. When using, mix an appropriate amount of honey and apply it externally to the affected area. Cover it with plastic film and wrap it. Change the dressing every eight hours.
This formula quickly relieves pain and swelling, and after six hours, the redness and swelling begin to subside.
Tang, male, 45 years old, has been suffering from gout for three years. Sudden joint pain occurred in the middle of the night, followed by redness, swelling, pain, and heat the next day. After taking the medicine, the pain decreased within an hour and the symptoms disappeared after thirty hours.
Five herbs cured gout. Although this prescription may seem straightforward at first glance, it is the most proud prescription I have been practicing for many years
To treat gout, I only use 5 medicines. I deeply understand that if a hospital becomes a place of fame and fortune, doctors will be like flies in a glass bottle, with a bright future but no way out.
20 years ago, when I first started practicing medicine, I felt very happy because at that time, hospitals were still hospitals and doctors were very down-to-earth, comparing medical skills and ethics.
Twenty years later, doctors in hospitals will be compared to cars and houses. I am heartbroken because if a doctor falls into the vortex of fame and fortune, it proves that there is one less hero who saves lives and helps the wounded, and one more walking dead in this world.
Professionalism lies in diligence, idleness lies in leisure, and destruction follows. Life from the ocean to land is a milestone in the evolution of life on Earth. However, those fish that land are no longer fish. Similarly, if a doctor only thinks about making money, he can no longer be called a doctor.
How do these doctors treat diseases? Taking gout as an example, they first use drugs such as colchicine to control uric acid, and once they have gouty stones, they undergo surgery.
Many patients go to the hospital for repeated treatment and relapses. Western medicine has always emphasized uric acid indicators, and reducing uric acid is the first task during treatment. However, they have not considered why human uric acid levels rise?
Last year, I received a gout patient. At first, his toes hurt, but it became increasingly severe and he dared not touch them. After being introduced by a friend, he came to me and asked me to help him take a look.
After the combination of the four diagnostic methods, I gave him a prescription: yellow cypress, Atractylodes macrocephala, fresh white fescue roots, tender branches of small leaved poplar trees, and turtle shell powder.
As soon as he saw that there were only 5 medicines, he said, 'Doctor, are you mistaken? Can 5 medicines cure my illness?'?
I said: Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions are not about quantity. If 5 herbs can solve your problem, I won't use 6 herbs because prescribing one more herb means you will have to endure more trouble and pay more for different places.
As a result, the patient used it for more than a month, during which time the gout had caused trouble twice. Since then, there has been no recurrence, and regular follow-up visits have been conducted in the outpatient department. The patient has been well ever since.
Gout, known as the White Tiger Festival in folk culture, means that the pain is like a tiger biting a joint, causing unbearable pain. However, tracing the root cause, it is very simple. In my opinion, it is just a damp heat.
When gout attacks, the redness and swelling that appear in the joints is heat. Where does this heat come from?
The answer comes from moisture. If moisture accumulates in the body for a long time, it will heat up. It's like putting a wet towel in a sealed plastic bag and looking at it again after a night, if the wet towel heats up, it's called dampness heat.
After understanding this point, I first used Huangbai and Cangzhu. Huangbai is one of the four bitter medicines, and its heat clearing effect is quite powerful. The ancients said that Huangbai can clear heat from head to toe, which means it can clean up the heat from head to toe. Cangzhu has two functions here, one is to strengthen the spleen and the other is to dry dampness.
Using white thatch roots, tender branches of small leaved poplar trees, and turtle shell powder, these three medicines can have great benefits. White thatch roots can cool blood, stop bleeding, clear heat and detoxify, while turtle shells are the back armor of turtles, which have the effects of nourishing yin and clearing heat, suppressing yang and wind, strengthening tendons and bones, softening and dispersing lumps, and can disperse blood stasis and spleen swelling.
Let's focus on the tender branches of small leaved poplar trees. The poplar sprout fat contained in them can promote the recovery of blood flow and microcirculation after microcirculatory disorders, reducing the "concentration", "viscosity", "coagulation", and "aggregation" of blood. It also has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, and can be maintained for a long time. It is a good medicine for treating gout.
I have been practicing medicine for many years, treating many patients and using many formulas, but the one that satisfies me the most is this one. Today, I am writing it down, hoping to help more people.