Three drugs, the patient escaped the stent and bridge
Release time:2024-08-27 13:27:09
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Cardiovascular disease is one of the strengths of our traditional Chinese medicine, but many people suffer from heart disease, panic and fear, and go to the hospital, either to get a bridge or a stent.
Especially in recent years, stents have become popular and require very low technical content. Therefore, most hospitals at or above the county level can carry out them with high profit margins. Therefore, it has prompted hospitals and medical institutions to tirelessly place stents on patients. Our original importer of heart stents is now deeply regretful. Every year at the Great Wall Cardiovascular Disease Forum, he opposes the indiscriminate placement of stents, but he is powerless to do anything about it.
Placing the stent is simple, but Western medicine says it cannot be removed. Since it cannot be removed, lifelong use of anti rejection drugs, anti platelet aggregation drugs, and blood concentration lowering drugs is necessary to maintain it. Additionally, the stent should be placed for two to three years, with a second or even third placement, and finally, a bridge must be built.
The introduction of heart stents was originally intended for emergency use, but now it has become widespread. And heart stent surgery cannot improve patients' symptoms. Often, if you have any symptoms before the stent surgery and still have symptoms after the stent is inserted, it can also increase anxiety or depression.
Because our heart governs the gods and minds, and our hearts are all made of flesh. If you put an iron frame on it, your iron heart will not be soft. Once your heart loses its soft function, its function of governing the mind and the mind will be affected. Therefore, our emotions will become fluctuating, either depression or anxiety.
Among the five organs and six viscera, the heart is the official of the monarch. It does not suffer from illness itself, but is replaced by several other organs to be affected by evil. Therefore, among all diseases, heart disease is the easiest to treat and has the fastest effect.
Our Golden Chamber Synopsis Volume 9 is the most detailed and complete article, which explains the sequence of heart diseases from shallow to deep and from mild to severe. In addition, for urgent and severe cases, we also need to explain their treatment methods. Therefore, by studying this article well, we can easily solve the problem of heart diseases.
It is necessary for us to study the ninth chapter on the diagnosis and treatment of chest obstruction, heartache, shortness of breath disease. This chapter is very important. If we learn it, we will not have to worry or panic when we see heart disease again. If we can popularize this chapter in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, then we can quickly regain the high ground of traditional Chinese medicine in treating heart disease.
Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Soup
Let's first take a look at the original text.
Chest stuffiness, wheezing, coughing, chest and back pain, shortness of breath, deep and late pulse in the mouth, close the small tight count, and make the Baijiu soup of Trichosanthes Xiebai. "
Symptoms of chest obstruction
Let's briefly explain the original text, 'The disease of chest obstruction', and clearly tell you that this disease has been diagnosed with chest obstruction. So the main manifestations of this disease are "wheezing, coughing and spitting, chest and back pain, and shortness of breath". What are these symptoms similar to what we have now? Heart failure, pulmonary heart disease, and similar to myocardial infarction.
Here I would like to emphasize again that there are many clinical situations, including heart attacks and intermittent atypical heart attacks. Some people come to see their throat and say they have a blocked throat; Some people come to see their left hand and say that it hurts and their left arm hurts; Some people, especially those with anterior septal myocardial infarction, have been diagnosed with stomach diseases. Once the disease recurs and cannot be cured, we need to think about whether we are concerned about the disease; Some people are treated as having gallbladder disease, while others are treated as having cholecystitis. The location of pain caused by cardiac radiation is different, which can easily lead to misdiagnosis. For people over 45 years old, we must pay attention and be alert to the onset of myocardial infarction.
If a patient experiences shortness of breath, fatigue, or mental exhaustion, we would say there are four situations: the first is feeling wind cold, the second is having heat in the body, the third is qi deficiency, and the fourth is having phlegm dampness or blood stasis obstruction.
◎ Pulse of chest obstruction
How is the pulse classified? The Cunkou pulse is deep and late ", which refers to the Cunkou pulse. The deep pulse is mainly internal, while the late pulse is mainly cold. The" closed pulse is small and tight ", which is a compound pulse. Why close the small tight number?
How is the pulse classified? The Cunkou pulse is deep and late, and we refer to the Cunkou pulse. The deep pulse is mainly characterized by internal delay and coldness, while the closed pulse is small and tight, so this is a compound pulse. Why close the small tight number? The left hand is the heart, where is it closed? Below the inch, above the closed, is the area between the stomach and the diaphragm, commonly known as the heart below, counting the pulse.
We usually believe that the number of meridians is the main heat, and the number of meridians is also the main solid. If the number is tight, cold solid can also be seen.
Especially when we have multiple heartbeats, some people may not have a fever syndrome, so we must differentiate them through other comorbidities. To distinguish comprehensively, don't just say that someone is actually hot just because they see several veins.
So what is the reason for closing the small tight number when the pulse of the inch mouth is deep and delayed? We have talked about it before, and the pulse qi runs from the left hand to the right hand. When our pulse is blocked, as we mentioned earlier, it is chest obstruction. Zhongjing clearly stated that it is not heart obstruction, but chest obstruction. It is the obstruction of qi and blood in the inch pulse area. Therefore, if the pulse of the inch mouth is too tight, the pulse of the inch mouth will be delayed.
◎ The pathogenesis of Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Decoction - cold heart, leading to cardiovascular spasm
Our Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Decoction is a very commonly used recipe in clinical practice, which treats the heart as a organ that is subject to cold pathogen, which leads to cardiovascular spasm. Let's strictly classify it as a lesion of qi differentiation, so our treatment only requires warming yang to transform qi and dilating blood vessels.
So how can our hearts be cold? There are two reasons.
One type is external cold, for example, if the elderly have insufficient yang energy and exercise early in winter, they may inhale cold air in the morning due to the cold air, leading to cold pathogens and causing the central body to catch cold. We do not recommend elderly people to get up early for exercise in winter.
Our Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon states that winter health preservation must wait for sunlight. When the sun rises, exercise. At this time, the yang energy of our heavenly qi has already risen. We use the rising of yang energy to elevate our body's yang energy, which is called following the heavens. So we need to follow the four seasons of the Dharma. Those who follow them will be born, while those who go against them will perish.
There is also a type of heart cold, which is caused by the stomach. We eat too cold, and we often see people with heart attacks in the summer. After eating a bowl of ice cream, they have a heart attack and need to be rescued. Having listened to our class on the top ten diseases, we all know that the pericardium is separate from the stomach, and our stomach consumes Jun fire. This is physiology, and we must remember it.
Therefore, in this case, we use Trichosanthes Xiebai Baijiu soup to master it. It is very clear that this is a master's prescription, not ambiguous.
Composition of Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Decoction
Let's take a look at the composition of Gualou Xiebai Baijiu soup:
1. Use one piece of Trichosanthes kirilowii, use the whole one.
We have this defect when we inject medicine now. For convenience, the Trichosanthes kirilowii has been cut into slices. So is it a complete Trichosanthes kirilowii? No, maybe we caught thirty grams, which is the same thing as ten or one hundred Trichosanthes kirilowii. Can we achieve the same effect? If the specifications are different, the taste of the same Trichosanthes kirilowii, including its top, middle, and handle, will be different. Therefore, the taste inside its flesh will also be different.
Why do we need to use one? A complete trichosanthes, with a small melon hanging upwards, we can imagine that it looks good like a heart and crooked like our stomach. It can communicate and unblock the qi between the stomach and heart, and it is the only one that works very well, much faster than our current trichosanthes.
A few years ago, we only got whole trichosanthes, but now we can't get them in. There's nothing we can do about it, we can only make do with it.
2. Xiebai
So what is the function of Xiebai? Xiebai belongs to the category of small garlic, which is spicy and has a slight odor. There is a saying among the common people that goes, 'Scallion is spicy in the mouth, garlic is spicy in the heart, and chili is spicy in the lips.' Xiebai is actually small garlic, and its spiciness lies in the heart. This pericardium contains the stomach, which can be spicy and pungent. It also has a putrid and turbid qi, which can be lowered. Therefore, when combined with trichosanthes, it brings happiness to the epigastric region, or in other words, the qi flow between the heart and stomach.
3. Baijiu
With a taste of Baijiu, here it is spicy, making the medicine quickly reach the designated hospital. Therefore, the combination of our three medicines is a perfect match.
This Baijiu refers to our Baijiu of the Han Dynasty. Why is it called Baijiu? Compared with rice wine, this Baijiu is also called sake. In the past, we in the south liked to brew this kind of wine. We don't know whether we still have this habit. People brew it with glutinous rice. After brewing, they are the first to pick up the very clear wine. When we pick it up, we call it Baijiu or sake. The second one produces a yellowish color, which is called Huangjiu. If both glasses of wine have been consumed and the remaining cloudy ones are left, we call it fermented rice wine.
So for our Baijiu, don't go back and just open two bottles of Baijiu and boil medicine. One Trichosanthes kirilowii, half a liter of Allium macrostemon, boil it and drink it. People get drunk later, which is very troublesome.
Case Study of Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Decoction
Case 1: Let's first talk about a heartache.
A patient surnamed Liu, in his fifties, is already experiencing heartache. Western medicine examined the heart and found some problems, but there were no major issues. The stomach was also examined and there were no problems. The MRI scan did not detect any issues, but he only had a slight pain in his heart and mouth, which was very uncomfortable.
Various Western medicine treatments for expanding the crown, including nitroglycerin preparations, have no effect. However, taking gastric medicine such as omeprazole, cimetidine, famotidine, Chenxiang stomach tablets, etc., has no effect. Then he sought traditional Chinese medicine treatment from multiple sources, and when he came to me, he said he had been treating for eight years without much effect.
One pulse, his pulse is very distinctive, with almost no inch pulse available, very deep, and the closed pulse is slightly tight. This kind of pulse.
Then when I saw that the pulse condition was typical, and the doctor in front had used all the moves, we returned to the classic prescription, and we adopted the method of "Tao Zhi Jian" to directly open the Trichosanthes Xiebai Baijiu soup. We usually use 30 grams of Trichosanthes kirilowii, 30 grams of Allium macrostemon, and 200 milliliters of Huangjiu. This is one dose, and we have prescribed seven doses. After returning home and finishing the meal, the patient came for a follow-up visit a week later and said that since taking the first dose of medicine, there has been no pain and it has been very good until now. Therefore, we used the prescription correctly and it is as effective as a drum.
Case 2: Cardiac hypertrophy leading to valve insufficiency.
Let's talk about another patient from Qinghai. For unknown reasons, the patient's heart suddenly became enlarged, leading to mitral and tricuspid valve regurgitation.
He mainly experiences wheezing, coughing, wheezing, and chest pain whenever he is active, but the pain does not reach the level of chest pain penetrating the back. Later, I came to me and felt the pulse, which was particularly consistent with the pulse of Trichosanthes Xiebai Baijiu soup, so we made a decisive prescription: Trichosanthes Xiebai Baijiu soup. The prescription was prescribed for twenty days, and after a check-up, the patient's heart returned to its original size, returned to normal, and all wheezing and pain disappeared. Later, I reinforced it again, and the patient was completely cured.
When it comes to heart valve insufficiency, we also want to talk about a case: a patient had mitral valve insufficiency due to heart enlargement. Western medicine performed surgery on him and replaced the valve with a larger one. Later, after treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, the mitral valve was not fully closed again. What is the reason? This valve has widened, wrinkled inside the heart, and is not fully closed. There's no other way, I had another surgery and replaced the valve with a smaller one. When we replaced this valve, we were surprised to find that it was exactly the same as the valve that was removed from our heart in the first place. So, is it interesting that Western medicine doesn't treat diseases, we just replace valves?
Pathogenesis and Pharmacology of Gualou Xiebai Baijiu Decoction
Let's briefly explain the principle of Trichosanthes Xiebai Baijiu Decoction in treating cardiac hypertrophy with our method.
We repeatedly emphasize in the top ten diseases that our lungs are the main source of qi, the stomach is responsible for regulating qi, the large intestine is responsible for reducing qi, and the heart is located above. Its qi needs to go down to the small intestine, passing through the stomach in the middle. As a result, if the stomach, upper stomach, or stomach is blocked, the qi in the heart cannot come down and is held back. At this time, our heart has an inverted pressure, so the upper heart is held back and enlarged.
After understanding its principle, we will use it to regulate the qi flow between the heart and stomach. We talked about it, this is a very good medicine, and it's the only one. We use Xiebai to lower this qi, so that our heart qi can pass through the stomach in one go. When our stomach qi is opened, our heart qi passes through the stomach and then reaches the small intestine. As long as the Qi of the heart reaches the small intestine and the Ding fire reaches the Bing fire, it is a positive fire that is beneficial to humans. It helps digest and absorb food, helps the large intestine to vaporize water, helps the bladder to clear its pores, and then helps the uterus warm up to conceive a fetus. Therefore, as long as the Qi of the heart can be lowered, when we move the Qi, we move the blood, when we move the Qi, we move the water, and when we move the Qi, we move the disease away.
Therefore, when we treat diseases, we need to understand the principles. Our path is simple, and when we study the classics, we aim to simplify them. Our mentor did not tell you how complicated it is, but rather to let you think and treat diseases simply. Alright, that's all for today. Thank you all.