Dragon Horse Boy Chicken Soup in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Release time:2024-08-27 14:17:49
Word Count:5604
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Recently, the southern region has finally entered winter mode, with low temperatures. In order to maintain a certain amount of heat, the human body must increase the breakdown of sugar, fat, and protein to produce more energy and meet the body's needs. Therefore, it is necessary to eat more foods rich in sugar, fat, protein, and vitamins. At the same time, cold also affects the urinary system of the human body, increasing urination and the excretion of inorganic salts such as sodium, potassium, and calcium with urine. Therefore, it is recommended to eat more foods containing inorganic salts such as potassium, sodium, and calcium. You can eat more vegetables, appropriately increase animal organs, lean meat, fish, eggs and other foods. If conditions permit, you can also eat more chicken, turtle, turtle, lamb, longan, lychee, walnut meat, fungus and other foods. These foods are not only delicious, but also rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. They can not only supplement the calories consumed due to the cold winter, but also nourish qi, blood and deficiency, especially suitable for people with weak bodies. Below we share this dragon and horse chicken soup, which can strengthen the foundation and fill the gaps, warm and nourish kidney yang, improve immunity, and make your body full of sunshine in the cold winter.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
20 grams of seahorse, 20 grams of sea dragon, one child chicken, 15 grams of goji berry, 5 red dates (without seeds), and an appropriate amount of ginger
Clean according to the above ratio and stuff the medicinal herbs into the chicken's belly to make soup, eat meat and drink soup. For those with yin deficiency and excessive heat, replace the sea dragon with shrimp.
Analysis of Soup Formula
Hippocampus, sweet in taste and warm in nature, has the effects of tonifying the kidneys and strengthening yang, regulating qi and blood, dispersing nodules and reducing swelling, relaxing tendons and collaterals, relieving cough and asthma. Hippocampus contains proteins, fats, amino acids, acetylcholinesterase, cholinesterase, proteases, sterols and other components. Modern pharmacological research has confirmed that the hippocampus has functions such as protecting neurons, inhibiting thrombus formation, reducing blood viscosity, improving microcirculation, promoting the growth of testes, prostate, and uterus, anti-aging, improving memory, and regulating immunity. It has a male hormone like effect, which can prolong the estrus period of animals and enhance sexual desire.
Hailong has a sweet and salty taste, a warm nature, and belongs to the liver and kidney meridians. It has the functions of warming the kidney and strengthening yang, dispersing nodules and reducing swelling. It is used for treating erectile dysfunction, nocturnal emissions, pathological accumulation, scrofula and phlegm nuclei, and injuries caused by falls and falls. It is also used for external treatment of pain, abscess, swelling and sores. Hailong can warm the kidneys and treat asthma, and when combined with walnut kernels, it can treat asthma caused by kidney deficiency. Hailong can also soften, firm, disperse, and reduce swelling. It is often used in combination with leeches to treat the accumulation of symptoms. The recommended dosage for decoction is 5-15 grams, or it can be taken as a powder. Pregnant women and those with yin deficiency and excessive heat should avoid taking it.
Goji berries nourish the kidneys, moisten the lungs, nourish the liver, and improve eyesight. Treat liver and kidney yin deficiency, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, dizziness, vertigo, blurred eyes with tears, fatigue cough, and thirst.
Red dates have a sweet taste, warm nature, and can regulate the spleen and stomach meridians. They have the functions of nourishing the middle and qi, nourishing the blood and calming the mind, and relieving medicinal properties; Modern pharmacology has found that red dates contain rich nutrients such as protein, sugars, organic acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, various trace amounts of calcium, and amino acids.
Ginger can relieve fishy odor, and most importantly, it can dispel surface coldness, warm the middle and stop vomiting, warm the lungs and relieve cough. Commonly used for spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, decreased appetite, nausea and vomiting, or vomiting due to phlegm or phlegm, vomiting due to disharmony of stomach qi, wind cold or cold phlegm cough, cold wind and wind cold, fever due to evil wind, nasal congestion and headache. Modern pharmacological research has shown that ginger has antibacterial, anticancer, antioxidant, and anti-aging effects. Its unique "gingerol" can effectively treat bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms caused by overeating cold foods. In addition, ginger can enhance appetite and promote the secretion of digestive juices; The gingerol in ginger also has a strong choleretic effect.
【 Health benefits 】
Longma Tongzi Soup is a Tonic Diet that can help Yang. It has the effect of strengthening the foundation, warming the kidney, helping Yang, warming the middle and benefiting Qi. It has a good tonic effect on people who are afraid of cold hands and feet, and cold feet. It has a good health care effect on people who are weak due to fatigue, lack of appetite, weakness after illness, frequent urination, diarrhea, impotence, premature ejaculation, and other people with deficiency of vital energy. Pregnant women and those with yin deficiency and excessive fire should take it with caution.
