Traditional Chinese Medicine: Eggs
Release time:2024-08-27 18:42:17
Word Count:3367
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Nickname: Egg
Medicinal part: Egg
Origin: National
Family: Pheasantidae
Original plant: Chicken
The medicinal properties of chicken seeds: Chicken seeds are mainly used to eliminate heat sores, epilepsy, and can be used as a tiger spirit artifact.
[Taste] Sweet taste; Sexual Peace
[Guijing] Lung; Spleen; Stomach meridian
【 Indications 】 Nourish yin and moisten dryness; Nourishing blood leads to pregnancy. Main fever causing distress; Dry cough with hoarse voice; Red eyes and sore throat; Fetal restlessness; Postpartum thirst; Diarrhea; Malaria; Scald; Dermatitis; Virtual people win weak
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: Boil, stir fry, 1-3 pieces; Or raw clothing; Or rinse with boiling water; Or take pills. external; Moderate amount, apply yellow and white tones.
【 Attention 】 Use with caution if there is phlegm retention, stagnation, or cessation of food during the night.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. Compendium of Materia Medica: Egg white, with clear qi and slightly cold nature; Egg yolk, its qi is turbid and its nature is warm; Eggs are used with both yellow and white colors, and their nature is flat. For those with insufficient essence, supplementing with qi can invigorate the egg white and treat diseases such as fever, red eyes, and sore throat. For those with insufficient appearance, they should be supplemented with taste, so yolk can nourish blood, treat diarrhea, and various diseases during pregnancy and childbirth. Eggs also regulate qi and blood, thus treating the aforementioned diseases.
2. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Chicken seeds have a sweet taste, a flat qi, and are non-toxic. All seizures and spasms are caused by heat, and the sweetness of chicken can slow down the heat. It can also cool down and relieve heat, so it is mainly used for treating seizures, spasms, and heat sores, as well as treating typhoid fever, Shaoyin, and sore throat.
3. "Herbal Readings": Chicken seeds are yellow inside and white outside, entering the heart and lungs, calming the mind and calming the soul; Hehe cooked food can also nourish the spleen and stomach; Taking it orally can nourish the mind and relieve deficiency heat.
4. "Shennong Bencao Jing": It mainly removes heat sores and spasms.
5. "Treatise on Medicinal Properties": Treating redness and pain in the eyes.
6. "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica": To treat fever in adults and children, take three eggs, mix them with white honey, and take them together.
7. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Nourish qi, eat more to make people sound. Stir one with turbid water, boil two times, mix with water and take orally. The main product is diarrhea. Make pancakes with wax and eat them with children to stop diarrhea.
8. "Rihuazi Bencao": Calming the mind, calming the five treasures, stopping shock, and ensuring a safe pregnancy. Treating fever and excessive walking during pregnancy, causing wet and itchy scrotum in men, and opening the throat. Boil in vinegar to treat chronic dysentery. Stir fry with light powder until dry to prevent infantile malnutrition and female genital ulcers. Drinking alcohol with beans can cure the numbness of thieves. 9. Daily Materia Medica: Treating soup and fire pain.
10. "Sui Xi Ju Diet Guide": Nourish blood and stabilize the fetus, moisten dryness and eliminate annoyance, detoxify and calm the wind, moisten the lower body and stop the reverse. "
