Traditional Chinese Medicine: White Grass Flower
Release time:2024-08-27 18:56:28
Word Count:1594
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Nicknames: Sugawara, Maohua, Maokuihua, Maozhenhua
Harvesting and processing: Harvesting before the flowers bloom from April to May. Remove the flower spikes with stems and dry them in the sun.
Medicinal parts: flower spikes with stems
Origin: Northeast, North, East, Central South, Southwest, Shaanxi, Gansu, etc
Family: Poaceae
Original plant: Baimao
Characteristics of Baimaohua medicinal herb: The dried flower spikes are cylindrical in shape, 5-20cm long. The base and glumes of the spikes are densely covered with slender filamentous hairs, accounting for the majority of the flower spikes. They are gray white, light and soft in texture, and resemble cotton fibers. The spikelet is yellow brown, located between slender filamentous hairs, not easily shed, and the outer spikelet is rectangular and lanceolate in shape, membranous; The pistil style is two-fold, with linear lobes and yellow brown hairs on the lobes. The inflorescence stem is cylindrical in shape, green in color. The air is faint and the taste is light.
High quality products are best if they are dry, white, leaf free, and have short stems.
Medicinal properties of white clover flowers:
【 Taste 】 Sweet; temperature
【 Indications and Functions 】 Hemostasis; Fixed pain. Main vomiting of blood; Bleeding; Knife wound
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 9-15g. External use: Apply or plug the nose.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "Tang Bencao": It mainly deals with bleeding, vomiting blood, and moxibustion sores.
2. "Rihuazi Bencao": Used to treat knife and arrow sores, stopping bleeding and causing pain. "