Knee pain is unbearable, and ancient Chinese medicine formulas have excellent effects!
Release time:2024-08-28 13:29:08
Word Count:4318
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A folk remedy for treating synovitis:
Composition: 20 grams of Poria cocos, 15 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala root, 15 grams of Atractylodes macrocephala root, 10 scallion roots, one handful of corn silk, and 500 ml of vinegar
Usage: Soak the above items in vinegar and seal for 3 days, then take them out of the bag and apply hot compress for 15 minutes, twice a day.
Kind reminder: Rub the knee joint frequently and scrub the affected area with vinegar every day.
Synovitis can affect the patient's life and seriously harm their body. Patients with synovitis can be treated conservatively. Currently, traditional Chinese medicine acupoint application therapy is the most effective conservative treatment for synovitis.
Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of treating synovitis. It can be directly applied to knee acupoints, which is safe and non irritating. It can relieve pain in just a few hours and is trusted by a large number of patients.
Among various therapies, external application of traditional Chinese medicine is the most popular. Traditional Chinese medicine is safe and harmless in regulating inflammation, and can balance symptoms. Traditional Chinese medicine treatment for synovitis not only has no side effects and does not harm the spleen, stomach, and kidneys, but also can concentrate medication to directly solve the problem of synovitis.
On August 27, 2012, the China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine published a prescription for treating knee osteoarthritis, which included 30g Huangqi, 15g Huaixi Achyranthes, 15g Yuanzhi, 20g Dendrobium, 15g Fangji, 15g Shenjin Grass, 30g Chicken Blood Vine, and 30g Honeysuckle Vine. Boil in water and take one dose per day. The doctor reported that these tested formulas have been repeatedly used and proven effective.
Knee Bi Xiao Tang for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis
Composition: 30 grams of achyranthes bidentata, 20 grams of angelica pubescens, 20 grams of spargans, 20 grams of zedoary turmeric, 30 grams of tung bark, 20 grams of frankincense, 20 grams of myrrh, 15 grams of ground beetle beetles, 10 grams of processed aconite, 30 grams of clematis, 15 grams of safflower, and 30 grams of astringent herb.
Function: Promote blood circulation and remove stasis, regulate qi and blood, dispel wind and dampness, reduce swelling and relieve pain.
Indications: Knee osteoarthritis.
Usage: Take 1 dose per day, soak in 3000ml of water for 20 minutes, then fry for 20 minutes. While hot, fumigate and apply hot compress to the affected knee joint for 20 minutes. Smoke and apply once in the morning and once in the evening, with 10 doses per course of treatment, with an interval of 2 days between each course.
Solution: Knee osteoarthritis belongs to the category of "bone obstruction" in traditional Chinese medicine. As one reaches middle age, symptoms such as knee joint pain, stiffness, and limited mobility may occur due to insufficient liver and kidney function, imbalance of qi and blood, combined with external injuries, fatigue, or exposure to wind, cold, and dampness. This can lead to stagnation of phlegm and blood stasis, obstruction of the meridians, and loss of muscle and bone nourishment. Chinese herbal fumigation and washing therapy is one of the external treatment methods in traditional Chinese medicine
Addition and subtraction application: add 20 grams of windproof and 15 grams of Asarum for heavy wind and cold;
Add 30g of Huangqi and 20g of Danggui to treat Qi deficiency and blood deficiency;
Insufficient liver and kidney, biased towards kidney yang deficiency, combined with 20 grams of Eucommia ulmoides, 20 grams of Epimedium, and 20 grams of Cistanche deserticola;
20 grams of Yin deficiency combined with 20 grams of female Sadako and 20 grams of Cuscuta;
Adding 20 grams of peach kernels and 20 grams of red flowers to alleviate blood stasis;
For those with excessive phlegm and dampness, add 20 grams of Pinellia ternata and 20 grams of Earthworm;
Add 30g of Poria cocos, 30g of Coix seed, and 30g of beehive to damp and hot conditions.
Caution: Do not use if the skin on the affected area is ulcerated. If there is redness, swelling, or fever in the joints, it is easy to leave the decoction warm and cool before washing and applying it to the affected knee. Chuan Wu is toxic and should not be imported.