A special formula for treating moisture and edema in the lower body such as legs and feet
Release time:2024-08-28 13:31:44
Word Count:3716
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There are many people with modern cold and damp constitution, where moisture accumulates and sinks in their feet over time, causing athlete's foot due to lack of breath.
According to the "Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment", Jiming Powder can treat wet athlete's foot.
It manifests as swelling and weakness in the feet and legs, difficulty moving, or numbness and cold pain, as well as rheumatism, foot pain that cannot be touched, and lower limb swelling.
Jiming powder is used to treat water dampness and edema in the lower limbs.
Why is edema? If the airway is blocked or the waterway is blocked, the wastewater cannot be discharged and stays in the feet with relatively loose tissues.
Or it may be due to the accumulation of cold and dampness in the feet, which can cause the blood vessels to become stiff and blocked, leading to athlete's foot.
The clinical use of Jiming Powder in the treatment of cold dampness edema has a very high therapeutic effect, often leading to the disappearance of swelling as soon as diarrhea occurs.
This disease is more common in the south than in the north because the south is more humid.
Original recipe composition: 15g betel nut, 9g dried tangerine peel, 9g papaya, 3g Evodia rutaecarpa, 3g perilla leaves, 5g Campanula root, 5g ginger, and 5g peel. The dosage is for reference only.
Firstly, using betel nut as the ruler, the quality is heavy and the qi is expelled to remove dampness; Papaya helps to relax muscles, activate collaterals, and dissolve dampness;
Wu Zhuyu was originally used to warm the stomach and dispel cold, and when paired with papaya, it can treat "foot pain entering the abdomen"; Su Ye, Platycodon grandiflorus, Chenpi, and Ginger are all products that promote lung qi, strengthen the temperament, and dispel cold and dampness.
These medicinal herbs are used as adjuncts to unblock the qi and blood in the upper, middle, and lower parts.
The Sanjiao waterway is well connected, allowing the water to operate normally and allowing cold and dampness to naturally flow out from below.
The combination of various medicines can dispel dampness and turbidity, warm and dispel cold and dampness, and promote qi circulation and blockage.
If a person is in a cold and humid environment for a long time, it is easy to cause swelling and pain, and the pain can be severe. Using Jiming Powder as the main formula, adjusting the effect according to the symptoms is good.
According to the book, Jiming Powder must be taken in three to five doses during the fifth shift (3-5 pm at night).
At this point, the person's stomach has already been emptied, and the medication can be effective.
And at this time, the yang energy of heaven and earth begins to rise, and the yang energy will become more and more abundant, which can help the yang medicine obtain qi.
And this medicine should not be consumed hot. If it is slightly warmer in winter, it should never be consumed hot.
Don't think that all medicines should be taken warm, it depends on the specific purpose.
This prescription for cold clothing is actually to deceive you first.
Because both cold and dampness are yin evils, and the temperature of this medicine is also cool, making you think they are all family, but in fact, they are all warm medicines inside.
Lure them first and attack them later, and they can immediately cure the Yin evil.
The prescription itself is not very hot, but it has strong attacking power and can eliminate the evil of cold and dampness from the stool.
Sometimes I also sweat a little, but mainly from the stool.
The specific way to take it still depends on the doctor, it is not mandatory to eat it at the time of the rooster's crowing.
Believing without superstition is the key to avoiding mistakes.