Traditional Chinese Medicine Liver Nourishing and Beauty Soup
Release time:2024-08-28 14:47:43
Word Count:3426
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Everyone has the desire to love beauty. People with poor liver function may also have poorer appearance and skin. If we take care of our skin all day but don't improve, it may be because the liver is not well maintained. The human liver bears the responsibility of "detoxification". If the liver is not good, toxins will also deposit, naturally affecting our appearance. Only a healthy liver can make our appearance better. So how to take good care of the liver in our daily life? Here is a liver nourishing and beauty soup to share. Drinking it two or three times a week can effectively nourish our liver and have beauty benefits.
Analysis of Soup Formula
10 grams of longan, 15 grams of lily, 10 grams of mulberry, 15 grams of Poria cocos, 10 grams of red date slices, 10 grams of wolfberry, and one black chicken
Boil soup according to the above ratio and drink it
Analysis of Soup Formula
Cinnamon contains abundant nutrients such as protein, minerals, and glucose, which have the effects of promoting brain health, eliminating fatigue, calming the mind, nourishing qi and blood, and beautifying the skin. It can improve hematopoietic function, enhance memory, resist aging, fight cancer, and improve skin elasticity.
Lily has a sweet taste, a cold nature, and a moist texture. It enters the lung meridian and has the effects of calming the heart, calming the mind, moistening dryness, and relieving cough. Lily is rich in vitamins, which can promote skin cell metabolism and have beauty and moisturizing effects.
Mulberry is rich in B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals, as well as nutrients such as gluconic acid, fructose, niacin, malic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid, etc. Mulberry has the functions of nourishing yin and blood, nourishing liver and kidneys, generating fluids to quench thirst, and improving hair and vision. It has the effects of reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and beautifying black hair.
Poria cocos has a sweet and mild taste, with a neutral and non-toxic nature. It enters the heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, and has the effects of promoting dampness and diuresis, benefiting the spleen and stomach, protecting the kidneys, and calming the nerves and generating fluids.
Goji berries have the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, improving liver function and vision, enhancing immunity, anti-aging, lowering blood sugar and blood pressure, and beautifying the skin.
【 Health benefits 】
As the saying goes, 'The health of the liver can be determined by looking at the face.' People with a healthy liver often have rosy and glossy blood and qi, clear and non yellowing eyes, and beautiful black hair. People with poor liver function, on the other hand, are prone to spots on their faces and bad breath when speaking. These are all caused by poor liver function and incomplete elimination of toxins. Liver nourishing and beauty soup can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish the liver and blood, regulate endocrine function The effect of enhancing immunity, relieving stress, nourishing the kidneys and liver, regulating body functions, improving immunity, enhancing body resistance, promoting the balance of endocrine regulation function in the human body, improving symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, dizziness, etc., making people energetic and physically fit. Plays a role in promoting health, wellness, and beauty.