Chinese medicinal herb: Rhamnus
Release time:2024-08-28 16:35:19
Word Count:5131
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Nicknames: Niu Li, Rat Zi, Zhao Li, Zao Li, Shan Li Zi, Wu Chao Zi, Niu Li Zi, Daughter Tea, Niu Jin Zi, Chu Li, Wu Rou Zi, Niu Zao Zi, Lv Zi, Wu Gang Zi, Niu Xiao Zi, He Lian Zi, Yang Shi Zi, Hong Dong, Lu Li, Oil Gourd Zi, Brain Head
Harvesting and processing: Harvested from August to September when the fruit is ripe, with the stem removed, and dried fresh or over low heat.
Medicinal parts: Fruit
Origin: East China, Central South, Southwest China, as well as Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, etc
Science: Muridae
Original plant: Rhamnus
Plant condition: deciduous small trees or shrubs
Up to 10 meters in height; The bark is dark gray brown; The small branches are thick and robust, nearly opposite; The top has a large ovate lanceolate apical bud without thorns.
Leaves grow opposite or in bundles at the ends of branches, with no hairs on both sides. They are ovate elliptical, oblong elliptical, elliptical, or lanceolate in shape, measuring 3-12 cm in length and 2-5 cm in width. The tips are acute or gradually pointed, the base is round, and the edges have fine rounded teeth. There are 4-5 pairs of lateral veins.
Flowers are unisexual, dioecious, with 4 cardinal numbers, petals, 1-3 female flowers growing in leaf axils or several to more than 20 clusters growing in short branches, with degenerated stamens, and 2-3 shallow or semi lobed styles; The flower stem is 7-8 millimeters long.
The drupe is spherical in shape, black in color, with a diameter of 5-6 millimeters, and has two nuclei. It has a persistent calyx tube at the base; The fruit stem is 1-1.2 centimeters long; The seed is oval in shape, yellow brown in color, and has a narrow longitudinal groove on the back that is the same length as the seed. The flowering period is from May to June, and the fruiting period is from July to October.
Characteristics of Rhamnus chinensis herb:
1. The dried fruit is nearly spherical in shape, with a black purple appearance, shiny and wrinkled.
2. The flesh is loose, hard inside and behind, usually with 2 pits; The nucleus is oval in shape with narrow grooves on the back.
The medicinal properties of rat plums:
Treat cold and heat, as well as scrofula. Born in the field. Use less now.
【 Origin 】 It can be found everywhere.
[Taste] It has a bitter and cold taste, with slight toxicity. Its skin has a bitter and cold taste, and is non-toxic.
【 Indications 】 Detoxification, accumulation of insecticides, treatment of scrofula, hernia, abdominal distension, smallpox, and scabies with worms. Pi can treat heat poisoning and chancre.
Da Ming treats swelling, bloating, and fullness.
[Su Jing] Blood and minced meat, remove hernia and cold accumulation, nine steamed wine stains, take three doses.
[Additional entry] Rat and plum skin for treating body skin heat toxicity.
[Meng Xian] For the treatment of mouth ulcers, tooth decay, and spinal bone erosion caused by ulcers, it is best to boil concentrated juice and pour it in. "
【 Taste 】 Bitter; Gan; Sexual coolness
[Guijing] Liver; Kidney meridian
【 Indications 】 Clearing heat and removing dampness; Reduce accumulation and improve convenience. Main edema and bloating; Hernia; scrofula; Ulcers and sores; constipation
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 6-12g; Or at the end of research; Or boil ointment. For external use: Apply in moderation, grind the powder oil and apply.
① To treat acne, inverted cheeks, and black spots: Mix beef and plum juice with a pestle, seal it inside a stone tool, take a large amount of soap each time, and decoct with apricot gum soup to dissolve. (Scratching and Child Medicine Syndrome Direct Formula "Niu Li Gao, a must win ointment)
② To treat various sores such as cold, heat, toxin, and rheumatism: Rub and apply rat and plum seeds. (Holy Blessing Formula)
③ Treating toothache: Boil beef and plum juice, drink one cup on an empty stomach, and continue to rinse frequently. (St. Francis of Assisi)
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "The Book Meets the Original": Niu Li is good at understanding the hidden poison of various scriptures. The Classic of Materia Medica treats cold and heat scrofula, Da Yin treats edema and abdominal fullness, Su Gong treats blood and hernia cold accumulation, tamps and compresses cattle and horse sores with worms, and is skilled in treating scabies with worms, always taking its ability to remove dampness and heat.
2. The Book of Canon states: It deals with cold and heat, as well as scrofula and sores.
3. Annotations on the Compendium of Materia Medica: Mainly popular.
4. "Tang Bencao": Bloodshed and minced meat, remove hernia and accumulated cold air, steam wine stains nine times, take three times a day.
5. "Dietary Therapy Materia Medica": The main ingredients are bloating and bloating, making dough into cakes, eating them hollow, and diarrhea when they are rare.
6. "Rihuazi Bencao": Treating edema.
7. "Essence of Product Collection": Insecticidal and Disinfection.
8. "Gangmu": Treatment of acne, black spots, and scabies with worms.
9. "Essentials of Medical Forest Compilation": Take juice and boil ointment to nourish yin, nourish kidneys, and promote blood circulation.