Chinese medicinal herb: Pomegranate flower
Release time:2024-08-28 16:37:38
Word Count:2239
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Nicknames: Pomegranate Flower, Sour Pomegranate Flower
Harvesting and processing: Harvested in May when flowering, fresh or dried.
Medicinal parts: flowers
Origin: National
Family: Pomegranate family
Original plant: Pomegranate
Pomegranate flower medicinal properties:
[Taste] Sour taste; Astringent; Sexual Peace
【 Indications 】 Cooling blood; Stop bleeding. Main bleeding; Vomiting blood; External bleeding; Menstrual disorders; Red collapse and white discharge; tympanitis
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 3-6g; Or add a dispersing agent. External use: Apply in moderation, grind and sprinkle or adjust.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "Classification of Herbal Properties": Used to treat vomiting blood, menstrual disorders, redness, collapse, and vaginal discharge. Soup and fire damage, grind into powder, apply sesame oil.
2. "Fujian Folk Herbs": To treat toothache, it is commonly taken by boiling water instead of tea.
3. "Explanation of Wild Medicinal Plants": Treat middle ear inflammation and prevent pus discharge. "
① Treating nosebleeds is not limited to: one point for sour pomegranate flowers and one yuan for yellow Sichuan sunflower flowers. Add two flavors, mash the Luo into powder, take one dagger and one cup of water per serving, fry until six minutes, and warm up at any time. (From the "General Record of St. Francis", Erhua San)
② Treat nosebleeds with appropriate amount of pomegranate flowers, grind into powder, use one minute each time, and blow into the nostrils. (Guizhou Herbal Medicine)
③ Treat nine orifices bleeding: pomegranate flowers, rub and stuff them. (Gangmu)
④ Treating Golden Ulcers with Knife and Axe Wounds that Break Blood Flow: Take one liter of lime, half a pound of pomegranate flowers, crush into powder, take a small amount and apply it. (Offshore Inspection Method)
⑤ Treating lung abscess: Two coins each of pomegranate flowers and Achyranthes bidentata, five coins each of silver vine, three coins each of Bai Bu, one or two of Bai Ji and rock sugar, boil and take orally. (Guizhou Herbal Medicine)
⑥ Treatment for otitis media: Pomegranate flowers, baked on a tile, a small amount of ice slices, finely ground, and blown into the ear. (Jiangxi Herbal Handbook)“