A traditional Chinese medicine formula for reducing fever, effective in one dose without harming the body!
Release time:2024-08-29 14:01:42
Word Count:4746
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The prescription for reducing fever is actually very simple, consisting of only three ingredients: silkworm excrement, bamboo root, and tangerine peel.
This recipe is the ancestral secret recipe of Chen Yunbin's family, which was later announced to the public with the consent of his elders. We would like to express our gratitude to the Chen Yunbin family for their contributions to the development of traditional Chinese medicine.
Although silkworm excrement is a traditional Chinese medicine, it is also commonly used in daily life. It can be made into a silkworm excrement pillow, which is sold in many department stores. Sleeping with this pillow can clear the liver and improve vision. The black sand like particles inside the silkworm excrement pillow are called silkworm excrement.
Sericulture, also known as silkworm excrement, is the excrement of silkworms. It sounds a bit unclean, but those who have raised silkworms know that they are very clean animals. It spends its entire life in the bamboo plaque of raising silkworms, only eating fresh mulberry leaves and completely avoiding the dust of the human world. So silkworm excrement is actually the residue of mulberry leaves, without any peculiar smell.
Sericulture entering the liver meridian can dispel wind and promote blood circulation; Entering the Spleen Meridian can dry dampness and stop diarrhea; Entering the stomach meridian can harmonize with the stomach and dissolve turbidity. Combined with these effects, in this formula, it can reduce fever, stop vomiting, and relieve headaches and overall pain caused by colds and fever.
Zhuru, which may sound unfamiliar to most people, is actually the middle layer of bamboo. Scrape off the outermost layer of green skin on the bamboo, exposing the greenish white part inside. Scrape it off one by one and let it dry to make the traditional Chinese medicine Zhuru.
The function of bamboo stems is to clear fire, and also to clear the fire above. Zhuru can clear the heart fire and cool the blood; Can clear lung heat and phlegm; Can clear liver fire and relieve annoyance; It can clear stomach fire and stop vomiting. Used in this formula to enhance the effect of reducing fever and stopping vomiting.
And tangerine peel, on the other hand, can relieve external heat, warm the middle, and dispel cold. That is to say, it can dispel wind and cold, phlegm, cough, regulate upper respiratory tract infections, warm the stomach, stop vomiting, and alleviate indigestion. Zhuru is relatively cool, paired with warm aged tangerine peel, it balances the cold and heat.
I don't know if you have noticed, but these three medicines have one thing in common, which is that they can stop vomiting. In fact, they help the spleen and stomach restore their function through their different medicinal properties.
Mild cold, only showing upper respiratory symptoms, with illness in the lungs. And when it reached the level of fever, the disease had already progressed to the stomach. When a person has a fever, they usually have no appetite, feel uncomfortable in their stomach, and even experience nausea and vomiting. So reducing fever is not the key, the key is to treat the spleen and stomach, drive away the pathogenic factors, and then the fever will naturally subside.
Zhuru, silkworm excrement, and tangerine peel are commonly used traditional Chinese medicines that can be purchased at any pharmacy, and tangerine peel can also be homemade. These three medicines are resistant to storage and can be stored for a long time without spoiling. After buying it, keep it at home for long-term use. For general colds and fevers, there is no need to go to the hospital. Just boil some medicine by yourself.
The cooking method of silkworm excrement, bamboo, jujube, tangerine peel water is very convenient:
Use 10 grams each of bamboo stalks, silkworm excrement, and tangerine peel. Wash the dried tangerine peel, put it in a pot with silkworm excrement and bamboo stalks, and boil it in cold water. Boil for another three minutes after the water boils.
Ordinary people can reduce their fever by drinking it once. Severe cases can be consumed two to three times, and once the fever has completely subsided, there is no need to drink again.
The several medicines in this prescription are quite safe, and children and the elderly can use them with confidence.
Adults using this formula are basically effective with just one dose. For decades, we have used this prescription for many people with fever, and almost none have exceeded three doses. It is more effective than taking antipyretics and intravenous infusion, and there are no side effects of Western medicine. If the child is too young or has a persistent high fever, they need to seek medical attention!
