The second son of traditional Chinese medicine, Chrysanthemum Drink
Release time:2024-08-29 14:52:19
Word Count:3752
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Nowadays, many people have symptoms of dry eyes and excessive eye fatigue. The root cause is that we live in an era of advanced electronics, where many sources of information and work need to be completed on mobile phones and computers. Long term exposure to mobile phones and computers, as well as the habit of staying up late, leads to excessive consumption of the liver and kidneys, resulting in liver and kidney deficiency. This unhealthy lifestyle seriously affects physical health, causing abnormal fatigue and discomfort in the eyes, dry eyes, blurred vision, or reduced vision. But modern society cannot do without mobile phones and computers due to the needs of work and life. How can we reduce the harm of mobile phones and computers to us in daily life? Below, Dr. Li shares a Erzi Chrysanthemum Drink that can clear the liver and nourish the kidneys, reducing the harm of mobile phone and computer radiation to our eyes.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
15g of Ligustrum lucidum, 15g of wolfberry, and 10g of chrysanthemum.
Boil water according to the above ratio as a tea drink.
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Goji berries have the effects of nourishing the kidneys and essence, nourishing the liver and improving vision, replenishing blood and calming the mind, generating fluids and quenching thirst. Goji berries are rich in carotenoids, vitamin A, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2, which can protect the eyes and have a good effect on visual impairment and night blindness. In addition, goji berries have the effect of inhibiting fatty liver and promoting liver cell regeneration, so goji berries have the function of nourishing the liver and improving eyesight. It can be used to treat liver and kidney yin deficiency, waist and knee soreness, dizziness, forgetfulness, vertigo, easy fatigue, thirst quenching, nocturnal emission and other diseases.
Ligustrum lucidum has a bitter and sweet taste, with a cool nature. It belongs to the liver and kidney meridians and has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, lowering blood lipids and sugar, anti-inflammatory and blood nourishing, anti-cancer, etc. It has a good therapeutic effect on liver and kidney yin deficiency, blood stasis, and thirst quenching.
Chrysanthemum has a bitter and sweet taste, with a slightly cold nature. It belongs to the lung and liver meridians and has the effects of dispersing wind, clearing heat, calming the liver, improving vision, and clearing heat and detoxifying. Chrysanthemum also has the effects of lowering blood pressure, dilating coronary arteries, and inhibiting bacteria. Long term consumption can increase calcium in the body, regulate myocardial function, and lower cholesterol. It is suitable for people who stay up late and spend a long time watching mobile phones and computers to take. It can clear the liver, improve vision, and prevent epidemic conjunctivitis.
【 Health benefits 】
Erzi Chrysanthemum Tea has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying. Er Zi Chrysanthemum contains abundant flavonoids and caffeine compounds, which can clear heat and detoxify, resist bacteria and inflammation, nourish liver and kidney, and improve vision. Drinking Erzi Chrysanthemum Tea can help eliminate toxins from the body, purify the blood, improve fatigue and discomfort, dry eyes, blurred vision, or reduced vision and skin problems. Especially suitable for people who face long-term electromagnetic environmental pollution and high work pressure. Secondly, Erzi Chrysanthemum Tea also has the effect of lowering blood lipids. The flavonoids in Erzi Chrysanthemum have a certain lipid-lowering effect, which can inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol in the blood, reduce fat deposition, and effectively prevent arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.