Chinese medicinal herb: rose flower
Release time:2024-08-29 15:24:49
Word Count:4987
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Nicknames: Four Seasons Flower, Moon Moon Red, Sheng Chun, Dou Xue Hong, Moon Precious Flower, Moon Record, Moon Moon Blossom, Changchun Flower, Moon Moon Flower, Yan Xue Hong, Silk Spring Flower, Moon Season Red, Le Pao, Moonlight Flower, Four Fragrance Spring, Moon Seventh Flower
Harvesting and processing: In summer and autumn, pick semi open flowers on sunny days, spread them out and dry them in a timely manner, or dry them over low heat.
Medicinal parts: Semi open flowers
Origin: National
Family: Rosaceae
Original plant: Rose
Plant situation: upright shrubs
Small branches with thick and slightly hooked spines or no spines.
Feathered compound leaves, small leaves 3-5, broadly ovate or ovate oblong, 2-6 cm long and 1-3 cm wide, apex gradually pointed, base broadly wedge-shaped or nearly circular, margin sharply serrated; Both sides are hairless; The petiole and leaf axis are sparsely covered with thorns and glandular hairs, and the majority of the supporting leaves are attached to the petiole, with glandular hairs or feather fissures at the edges.
Flowers grow singly or in clusters to form an umbrella shaped structure; The flower stem is long, with scattered short glandular hairs; Sepals ovate, apex pointed, feather lobed, margin with glandular hairs; Petals are red or rose colored, double petaled, with a diameter of about 5cm, slightly fragrant; Style separation, ovary covered in soft hairs.
The fruit is oval or pear shaped, 1.5-2cm long, and red in color. Sepals persist. The flowering period is from April to September. The fruiting period is from June to November. Propagation through cuttings, seedling cultivation and transplantation.
Characteristics of rose medicinal herbs: The flowers are mostly round or spherical in shape, with a diameter of 1-1.5cm. The receptacle is conical or inverted in shape, measuring 5-7mm in length and 3-5mm in diameter. It is brownish purple in color, with a pointed base and often accompanied by flower stalks. Sepals 5, apex pointed, mostly folded downwards, shorter than or equal to the corolla, dorsal surface yellow green or orange yellow, sparsely hairy, inner surface covered with white cotton hairs. Five petals or double petals, arranged in a tile like pattern, with a few scattered petals, 2-2.5cm long and 1-2.5cm wide, purple or light red, with obvious veins. The stamens are numerous, yellow brown, curly, and attached to the calyx tube. The pistil is mostly hairy, and the style protrudes from the receptacle. Lightweight, brittle, and easily breakable. It has a fragrant aroma and a slightly bitter and astringent taste.
It is best to choose complete, purple red, semi open, and fragrant ones.
The medicinal properties of roses:
[Preparation] Purification: Take raw materials and remove impurities. Burnt: Take clean ingredients and air dry, or dry over low heat.
【 Taste 】 Sweet; Temperature; non-toxic
[Guijing] Liver; Kidney meridian
【 Indications 】 Promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation; Detoxification and swelling reduction. Irregular menstrual cycle; Dysmenorrhea; amenorrhoea; Falling injury; Blood stasis, swelling and pain; scrofula; Abscess and swelling; Scald
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: Boil in decoction or hot water, 3-6g, fresh 9-15g. External use: Apply an appropriate amount of fresh product to the affected area, or grind and apply dry product to the affected area.
【 Attention 】 It is not advisable to take it for a long time; People with spleen and stomach deficiency cold and pregnant women should use it with caution.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "Gangmu": Promote blood circulation and reduce swelling, apply poison.
2. "Classification of Herbal Properties": Hemostasis. Treat red collapse and vaginal discharge.
3. Modern Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine: Promoting blood circulation and regulating meridians. Treat menstrual difficulties and cramping abdominal pain during menstruation. External application of pounding and applying swelling toxin can reduce swelling and relieve pain.
4. "Quanzhou Materia Medica": It promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, clears dampness and heat in the gastrointestinal tract, eliminates lung fire, relieves cough, stops bleeding and pain, and eliminates carbuncles and toxins. Treat lung deficiency, cough, hemoptysis, dysentery, scrofula and ulceration, abscess and toxin, and menstrual disorders in women. "
【 Compound 】
① Treating menstrual disorders: Fresh roses cost five to seven yuan each time, soak in hot water and take several times in a row. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)
② Treating cough and hemoptysis caused by lung deficiency: stewed with rose flowers and rock sugar. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)
③ To treat muscle and bone pain, swelling and pain in the feet and knees, and injuries from falls and blows: Grind dried rose petals into powder, take one yuan per dose, and mix with alcohol. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal,)
④ Postpartum Yin Ting: One or two stewed roses in red wine. (Min Dong Materia Medica)