Chinese medicinal herb: gardenia
Release time:2024-08-29 15:26:27
Word Count:1574
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Nicknames: Xuebu Flower, Shanzhi Flower, Wild Osmanthus, White Toad Flower
Harvesting and processing: Harvested from June to July, fresh or air dried.
Medicinal parts: flowers
Origin: Central South, Southwest, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Taiwan, etc
Family: Rubiaceae
Original plant: Shanzhi
Characteristics of gardenia herb: This product is an irregular mass or a triangular cone like shape. Surface light brown or brown. Calyx is simple ovate or ovate in shape, with 5-7 carbonyl lobes and linear lanceolate lobes. The corolla is coiled, and the lower part of the corolla is connected into a simple shape, with many lobes, ranging from ovate to lanceolate. Stamen 6, with extremely short filaments. Lightweight and brittle. Yun Chu. It has a fragrant aroma and a light taste.
The medicinal properties of gardenia:
[Taste] Cold; bitter
[Guijing] Lung; Liver meridian
【 Indications 】 Clearing the lungs and relieving cough; Cooling blood to stop bleeding. Main lung heat cough; Nasal bleeding
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 6-10g; Or roast and blow nose.
① Treating a cold, with solid phlegm and fire in the lungs, and coughing due to lung heat: Three gardenia flowers. Take a small amount of honey with decoction. (Diannan Materia Medica)
② Treating nosebleeds is not limited to just taking a few slices of gardenia flowers, baking them until dry, and blowing them on the nose. (Diannan Materia Medica)
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】 "Dian Nan Ben Cao": Relieve lung fire, stop lung heat cough, stop bleeding, and eliminate phlegm. "