What should I do if I have erectile dysfunction, constipation, nocturnal emissions, sweating, and weakness in my waist and knees? Just one clever recipe, Ban Long Er to Bai Bu Wan
Release time:2024-08-30 13:25:00
Word Count:14458
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The Qing Dynasty medical book "Ji He Ting Ji Fang" contains a prescription: Ban Long Er Zhi Bai Bu Wan, which supplements the two components of true yang and elemental essence, achieving multiple tonifying effects such as treating deficiency of true yang, internal exhaustion of elemental essence, impotence and constipation, nocturnal emission and sweating, and weakness of the waist and knees. So, what does the leader "Banlong" mean?
Those who enjoy playing games may have heard of the name "Spotted Dragon". This type of dragon sleeps during the day to nourish its spirit and has explosive combat power at night. Of course, ancient people didn't understand modern games, but in terms of day and night, as well as overwhelming combat power, it's comparable to two to one hundred subsidies.
Breaking free from the illusion of gaming, the species of the spotted dragon is recorded in the ancient book "Gan Ning Ji". The book states that when a deer plays with a swimming dragon, it will produce different horns, hence it is called a dragon; Deer have patterns, hence they are called spots. Using its horns as a square, it is named Banlong.
Baby, do you understand now? The spotted dragon on the land of China refers to deer, the antlers in traditional Chinese medicine, also known as spotted dragon antlers, which are the ossified old antlers of spotted deer or red deer.
The next sentence in "Gan Ning Ji" is, "When a deer lies down, its mouth faces towards its tail, so it is the prescription for regulating the Qi Jing meridian
This sentence mainly has two meanings, one is to use the spotted dragon horn to treat diseases, which is related to the Du meridian.
The Du meridian is an important meridian on the human spine, which regulates the Yang meridian throughout the body and has the function of regulating the Qi and blood of the Yang meridian, hence it is called the "Sea of Yang Meridians". Main reproductive function, especially male reproductive function. And when used as medicine, there are deer antler glue, deer antler cream, and deer antler. Regardless of the type, they are all sentient products that can warm and nourish the meridians, and add lean blood. It can treat conditions such as deficiency of true yang, kidney deficiency with unstable essence, and erectile dysfunction with slippery essence.
Secondly, the importance of the tailgate.
In layman's terms, the tail end is a place with a very low altitude that receives all the river and river water and gathers them, and its importance is self-evident.
In terms of human body parts, the caudal point is located at the apex of the coccyx and the midpoint of the anus. Do not harm this area to prevent it from obstructing the weekly weather system. If the Dantian air system does not rise, it can be very serious!
And the Weilu Pass does not only refer to the Weilu acupoint, but also to the area from the Mingmen between the left and right kidneys to the lumbosacral region. Therefore, if there is weakness in the waist and knees, it will be related to it.
The Tailu Pass includes the entire pelvis and is a place where essence and qi are nurtured and stored. Therefore, internal exhaustion of the primordial essence, erectile dysfunction, nocturnal emissions, and poor fertility can also be related to it.
It is still the chassis of a person, supporting all organ systems, especially the spine (Du meridian) and all tissue and organ systems connected to the spine, which is known as the Five Nei organs in traditional Chinese medicine. The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys are all attached to this back pillar. So whether the spirit is good, whether the muscles and bones are strong, whether the qi and blood are insufficient, whether the complexion is good, and so on, will also be related to it.
At the same time, the Weilu Pass is located in the Du meridian but originates from the Ren meridian and connects to it. The Ren meridian belongs to Yin, while the Du meridian belongs to Yang. Taking care of the Weilu Pass is like resting well at night, allowing energy to be invested in work and life during the day, and thus "Yin generates Yang". True yang resides in the gate of life, as the innate true fire, like a small sun, driving the physiological functions of the kidneys and the source of human thermal energy.
So Ban Long Er to Bai Bu Wan is clearly a prescription for regulating the meridians and meridians. It uses the leftover bone residue from boiling deer antlers into deer antler glue - deer antler cream - as its main medicine, leading a large team of people to achieve the two main goals of nourishing true yang and elemental essence, and thus expanding the hundred tonics, achieving the effects of consolidating the foundation and preserving the element, strengthening tendons and tendons, nourishing the kidneys and prolonging life, as well as strengthening the element yang and having more offspring, benefiting the five inner parts and helping the spirit, and beautifying the color and connecting the gods to supplement deficiency.
What medicinal herbs are helping deer antler cream?
Composition of Ban Long Er to Bai Bu Wan:
Ginseng, deer antlers, frost, Schisandra chinensis, Astragalus membranaceus, Polygonatum sibiricum, Phellodendron amurense, Chinese yam, Eucommia ulmoides, Poria cocos, Euryale ferox, four taels each. Baby, let's take a look at the effects of various medicinal herbs in the formula.
The medicinal deer antler cream is salty, astringent, and warm in nature. It can regulate the meridians, nourish the gate of life, greatly nourish the essence, and most effectively nourish the essence and generate blood, benefiting the Yang element. Can treat kidney deficiency, unstable essence, impotence, and slippery essence. A great tonic herb for true yang.
Ginseng and Schisandra chinensis, with the same dosage as deer antler cream, can be regarded as the left and right arms of deer antler cream, both of which can nourish the five organs, strengthen the Yuan Yang, and enhance its therapeutic effect. Moreover, ginseng is mainly used to supplement yang, while ginseng tends to supplement yin. It is the perfect combination of yin and yang, with a dual nature of vitality.
Ginseng nourishes the spleen and lungs, generates fluids to quench thirst, calms the mind, regulates body deficiency, and its medicinal power mainly goes inward, which can solidify the qi of the five organs. Da Bu Wu Nei, Zhuang Yuan Yang.
Schisandra chinensis is mainly used to nourish the five organs, with the effects of greatly tonifying qi, restoring pulse stability, nourishing spleen and lungs, nourishing kidney and heart, and astringent and astringent. Zhang Zhongjing often uses the acidic properties of Schisandra chinensis to nourish the lungs, as good lungs lead to good skin. Sun Simiao used it to nourish qi and produce fluids, and also used it to treat erectile dysfunction and other conditions. Later medical practitioners also used it to reduce sweating, strengthen the kidneys, astringent essence, and so on. The five flavors are truly effective in treating multiple illnesses.
Next, let's take a look at other medicinal herbs with a dosage of four liang each. What are their strengths?
Huangqi, is a well-known Qi tonifying medicine! Unlike ginseng, whose medicinal power mainly goes inward, its medicinal power mainly goes outward, which can treat self sweating caused by superficial deficiency and instability, as well as Yin deficiency and night sweats.
Shengdi has the effects of clearing heat, cooling blood, nourishing yin, and generating fluids. Due to the fact that people with blood deficiency often have symptoms of heat, it is recommended to use raw herbs to cool blood and clear heat.
Zhimu has outstanding effects in clearing heat, purging fire, generating fluids, moistening dryness, and clearing lung heat. Due to the fact that lung gold is the mother of kidney water, and a clear mother brings peace to the child, the treatment of kidney meridian deficiency heat is also effective. I need medicine to nourish yin and reduce fire.
Huangbai is mainly used to clear dampness and heat in the lower burner, nourish the kidneys and reduce water deficiency, and treat the fire in the bladder and vital signs.
Regarding the relationship between Zhimu and Huangbai, Li Shizhen believes that Zhimu is a medicine that separates qi, while Huangbai is a medicine that separates blood. The two medicines need to go hand in hand, like shrimp and jellyfish, neither can be separated from the other. The combination of the two can be described as a classic medicinal pairing, clearing the heat of the lower burner without harming the upright, and having the effect of nourishing yin and clearing heat.
Yam has the effects of nourishing and strengthening the body, aiding digestion, reducing sweating, and stopping diarrhea. The Compendium of Materia Medica points out that yam has many benefits, such as treating various deficiencies and damages, treating five strains and seven injuries, relieving lower back pain, relieving irritability and heat, supplementing heart qi deficiency, nourishing kidney qi, strengthening spleen and stomach, stopping diarrhea and dysentery, and moisturizing fur.
Yu Rou is a astringent and strong medicinal herb, with nourishing effects such as strengthening the stomach, diuresis, nourishing the liver and kidneys, and nourishing qi and blood. The Compendium of Materia Medica collects the experience of medical practitioners throughout history in using Cornus officinalis, and lists it as a medicine for nourishing blood and essence, nourishing liver and kidney, regulating qi, tonifying deficiency, improving vision, and strengthening the body.
Poria cocos can produce saliva on the upper part, facilitate urination on the lower part, and expel the turbid qi in the kidneys from the urine. Moreover, Poria cocos has a peaceful medicinal property, which can not only invigorate the spleen and eliminate dampness, but also strengthen the body and dispel evil. It has the characteristics of tonifying without being too harsh, and benefiting without being too fierce.
The above three medicines, two tonics and one laxative, are all essential ingredients in the famous kidney tonifying Yin medicine Liuwei Dihuang Wan and the famous kidney tonifying Yang medicine Jinkui Shenqi Wan. They not only nourish the liver, spleen, and kidneys, but also release turbid qi from the kidneys. It's a great complementary partner.
Goushi is known as the "ginseng in water" and "longan in water". It can invigorate the spleen, dispel dampness, strengthen the kidneys and stop diarrhea, and has the advantages of "tonifying without being too harsh" and "preventing dryness without being greasy". Treating symptoms such as nocturnal emission, seminal vesicle, enuresis, and chronic diarrhea caused by spleen deficiency. Its kidney tonifying effect is stronger than yam, its dampness removing effect is better than red beans, and its sedative effect is stronger than lotus seeds, making it a very good nourishing product. In some famous formulas for kidney tonifying and astringent essence, medication is also required.
After introducing the efficacy of medicinal herbs, let's take a look at the properties and flavors of each herb.
Deer antler cream has a salty, astringent, and warm taste. Return to the liver and kidney meridians. Ginseng has a sweet and slightly bitter taste, and a warm and mild nature. Schisandra has a sour and sweet taste, and a warm nature. Huangqi has a sweet and slightly warm taste. Yam has a sweet taste and a mild nature. Mother is bitter cold, yellow cypress is bitter cold. Yu meat has a sour and astringent taste, with a slightly warm nature. Poria cocos has a sweet and mild taste, and a neutral nature. The water chestnut has a sweet, astringent, and smooth taste.
In terms of medicinal taste, 1 medicinal taste is salty and astringent, 6 medicinal taste is sweet, 2 medicinal taste is sour, and 2 medicinal taste is bitter. Mainly using sweet herbs, sweet herbs have nourishing and nourishing effects on the body, as well as the ability to alleviate pain and relieve symptoms. Among them, sweet medicinal herbs such as Chinese wolfberry, yam, Poria cocos, and Schisandra chinensis are all of the same origin as medicine and food, which can nourish deficiency and strengthen the body.
2. Warm medicinal properties, 2. Slightly warm medicinal properties, 2. Cold medicinal properties, 2. Flat medicinal properties. The overall medicinal properties are calm, with a tendency to replenish the body and cause diarrhea. There is no need to worry about getting overheated or cold after taking it. However, despite this, the only way is to replenish true yang, so those with yin deficiency should take it with caution.
Our formula takes care of both the inside and the face, which is the formula for hundred tonics. What are the specific hundred supplements? It has been introduced earlier, and I would like to emphasize it again here:
Effect: Consolidate the foundation and protect the essence, strengthen tendons and tendons, nourish the kidneys and prolong life, strengthen the yang and have more offspring, benefit the five internal organs and help the spirit, enhance color and communicate with the gods.
Indications: True Yang deficiency, Yuan Jing internal exhaustion, erectile dysfunction and constipation, nocturnal emission and sweating, and weakness in the waist and knees.
There are also some prescriptions for Banlong in medical books, such as Banlong Pills, Qingnang Banlong Pills, etc., each in the form of deer antler glue, deer antler cream, or deer antler. Its treatment is usually related to the Qi Jing Du Mai. There is a song in ancient times that goes: "The tail end cannot help but be exhausted by the sea, and the Nine Turning Golden Pills all curse, saying that only when the spotted dragon tops the pearl, can it fill the lower acupoint of Yutang Pass
Is this an advertisement for Banlong? There are two key points in the sentence: firstly, the tail end is very important, and secondly, the effect of the spotted dragon is good. Once there is a problem with the tail end, any Nine Turning Spirit Pills are all scams, not as good as the products on the top of the Banlong!
One question: How to make and take Ban Long Er Zhi Bai Bu Wan?
Usage: Grind the above medicinal herbs into powder, add batter to make soybean sized pills. Take one hundred pills each time, use light salt soup, and send them on an empty stomach.