Anshen Decoction in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Release time:2024-08-30 14:07:18
Word Count:3284
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How important is sleep for human health? Many people may not be aware, but the only thing they know is that each person may spend one-third of their time sleeping every day. In fact, sleep is very important for a person. It can provide sufficient rest for the body, restore physical fitness and immunity, and also facilitate the renewal of the body's metabolism, keeping the body energetic. Here is a calming soup that can nourish the mind, invigorate the spleen, and nourish the blood. It is undoubtedly a blessing for those who have poor sleep.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
15g lotus seeds, 10g Poria cocos, 10g lilies, 30g sour jujube kernels, 10g longan, 10g ginseng, and one pig heart
Cut open the pig heart and wash it thoroughly. Add medicinal herbs, 5 slices of ginger, and 500ml of water in the above ratio to stew and drink
Analysis of Soup Formula
Longan has a warm and sweet taste, which benefits the heart and spleen, replenishes qi and blood, contains protein, trace elements, and rich glucose. It can treat mental decline, anti-aging, and improve cardiovascular circulation.
Lotus seeds have a sweet and astringent taste, and a mild nature. Return to the spleen, kidney, and heart meridians. It has the effects of tonifying the spleen, stopping diarrhea, stopping diarrhea, nourishing the kidneys and astringent essence, and calming the heart and mind.
Fu Shen has a sweet and mild taste. It has functions such as dampness infiltration, spleen strengthening, and calming the heart and mind.
Sand ginseng has the effects of nourishing yin, clearing heat, moistening lungs, resolving phlegm, and promoting stomach and body fluids. Modern pharmacological research shows that ginseng has the function of regulating immune balance.
Sour jujube kernels have a sour and sweet taste, and are flat. Entering the heart, spleen, liver, and gallbladder meridians, it can nourish the heart yin, benefit the liver blood, and calm the heart and mind. Bencao Zaixin ": Calm the liver and regulate qi, moisten the lungs and nourish yin, warm the middle and remove dampness, gather qi and stop sweating, benefit the mind and stabilize it, and improve hearing and vision.
Lily has a sweet and nutritious taste, and has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, clearing heat, calming the mind, and diuresis.
Pig heart: Pig heart is rich in various nutrients and has a great effect on strengthening myocardial nutrition and enhancing myocardial contractility. It is suitable for people with heart deficiency, excessive sweating, self sweating, palpitations, confusion, insomnia and dreams, schizophrenia, epilepsy, and hysteria.
【 Health benefits 】
Anshen Tang has the effects of nourishing the heart and mind, nourishing qi and blood, tonifying spleen and stomach, moistening intestines and promoting bowel movements, and supplementing nutrition. It can improve symptoms such as restlessness, dizziness, loss of appetite, and constipation. Soup is rich in nutrients, including protein, vitamins, organic acids, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and other nutrients. Moderate consumption can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body, which is beneficial for overall health. But the cholesterol content in pig heart is high, and people with hypercholesterolemia should avoid eating it.