Deer Antler Soup in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Release time:2024-08-30 14:17:13
Word Count:3285
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Winter has begun, autumn has completely passed, and the weak spleen and stomach need to be awakened again and nourished. Because in summer, many people like to drink cold drinks and dishes, which can weaken their spleen and stomach. And during autumn harvest and winter storage, it is necessary to restrain and nourish oneself as winter approaches. Therefore, at this time, make a nourishing and delicious soup for your family to make your winter warm as spring.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
15g deer antler, 20g wolfberry, 1 ginseng, and 1 black chicken.
Boil soup according to the above ratio and drink it
Analysis of Soup Formula
Deer antler is sweet, salty, warm, and belongs to the kidney and liver meridians. It has the effects of strengthening kidney yang, nourishing essence, strengthening muscles and bones, regulating Chong and Ren, and supporting sores and toxins. It is mainly used for treating kidney deficiency, dizziness, deafness, dark eyes, erectile dysfunction, slippery semen, uterine cold infertility, emaciation, mental fatigue, chills, spinal cold pain, muscle and bone weakness, collapse and leakage under the belt, Yin Yang not converging, and long-term disease deficiency and damage.
Ginseng has a sweet and slightly bitter taste, with a slightly warm nature. It belongs to the spleen, lung, heart, and kidney meridians. Ginseng contains rich nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, which can have nourishing, deficiency, lung, heart, and kidney functions.
Goji berries have a sweet taste, a mild nature, and belong to the lung, liver, and kidney meridians. They have the effects of nourishing essence, improving vision, warming yang and tonifying the kidneys, promoting blood circulation, nourishing the kidneys and marrow, and delaying aging.
Black chicken is rich in protein, amino acids, niacin, vitamins, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and other nutrients. It has low cholesterol and fat content and has the function of nourishing yin and blood. It is suitable for people with body deficiency and qi deficiency to consume. Secondly, black chicken can also benefit the kidneys and liver, and has a certain regulatory effect on symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, nocturnal emissions, and fatigue caused by liver and kidney deficiency. Black chicken can also strengthen the body and have a certain preventive and therapeutic effect on osteoporosis, rickets, and other diseases.
【 Health benefits 】
The health benefits of deer antler soup are very high, and it is very suitable for people with yang deficiency, fear of cold, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees to take. The soup is rich in amino acids, phospholipids, vitamins, and trace elements. It has the function of uplifting and improving the body, and has a good health care effect on patients with overall weakness and long-term illness. Deer antler soup can enhance the cellular and humoral immune functions of the body, promote the transformation of lymphocytes, and have the effect of immune promoter. It can increase the body's defense ability against the outside world, regulate the immune balance in the body to avoid disease occurrence, promote wound healing and disease recovery, thereby playing a role in strengthening the body and resisting aging.