Chinese medicinal herb: Shannai
Release time:2024-08-30 17:40:42
Word Count:5214
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Nicknames: Sannako, Sanlai, Sanbai, Shanla, Sanqian, Shajiang
Harvesting and processing: Shanbai is harvested from December to March of the following year. Two year old roots and stems are dug up, washed away with mud and sand, the fibrous roots are cut off, and sliced into 1cm thick thin slices. After being fumigated with sulfur yellow for 1 day, they are spread on bamboo and dried in the sun. Never use heated kang, otherwise it may turn black and weaken the aroma.
Medicinal parts: rhizome
Origin: Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Yunnan, etc
Science: Ginger Science
Original plant: Shanbai
Plant condition: Perennial perennial herbaceous plant with perennial roots
Lumpy rhizomes, solitary or several connected, light green or greenish white, fragrant; The roots are thick and robust. No above ground stems.
2-4 pieces grow close to the ground, with few stalks, lying flat on the ground; Round or broadly ovate, 8-15cm long, 5-12cm wide, apex acute or nearly blunt, base broadly wedge-shaped or rounded, thin in texture, green, sometimes with purple rendering on leaf edges and tips; 10-12 leaf veins; The petiole extends into a sheath, measuring 1-5cm in length.
Spike inflorescence grows from the leaf sheath, with 4-12 flowers, fragrant; Bracts lanceolate, green, about 2.5cm long, sepals and bracts equal in length; The corolla tube is slender, measuring 2.5-3cm in length; Corolla lobes narrowly lanceolate, white, 1.2-1.5cm long; The lip is wide and about 2.5cm in diameter, with a deep slit in the middle. The top of the second slit is slightly concave white, and the throat is purple red; The lateral degenerated stamen is petal shaped, inverted, white, about 1.2cm long; The drug barrier is wide, and the top is connected to the square crown tube; Ovary lower, 3-chamber, long and slender style, base with two slender rod-shaped appendages, stigma disc-shaped, with green hairs.
The fruit is a capsule. The flowering period is from August to September.
Characteristics of Shanbai medicinal herb: "The rhizome is horizontally sliced into circular or nearly circular sections, with a diameter of 1-2cm and a thickness of 2-5mm, sometimes 2-3 connected. The outer skin is wrinkled, light brown or yellow brown, and some have root scars and residual fibrous roots; the cut surface is white, rich in powder, often slightly protruding, commonly known as" shrunken skin and protruding flesh ". The texture is firm and brittle, easy to break, fragrant, and spicy.
Excellent products are preferred for their white color, sufficient powder, rich aroma, and spicy taste.
Shanbai medicinal properties:
[Taste] Spicy, warm.
Return to the Stomach Meridian.
【 Indications and Functions 】 Promoting Qi circulation, promoting digestion, and relieving pain. Used for chest and abdominal distension, cold and painful pain, and difficulty in eating.
【 Usage and Dosage 】 6-9g.
【 Storage 】 Store in a cool and dry place.
① Treatment for cold and painful heart and abdomen: Shan Bai, Xiang Xiang, Danggui, Licorice, etc. At the end, vinegar paste pills, Wu Zi Da. Take thirty pills each time, under the influence of alcohol. (A Brief Introduction to Lake Collection)
② Treat all toothache: Two taels of hawthorn (wrapped in flour and heated), half taels of musk. To make a fine powder, use three words each, hold warm water in your mouth, twist your nose along with the painful area of your teeth, rinse and spit out the water. (Musk scattered in one word in 'Sea Side')
③ To treat toothache caused by wind worms: one soap, remove excess heat, add three parts each of San Lai and Gan Song, Sichuan peppercorns and salt, no matter how much, fill the soap to the brim, use bread, refine until red, grind to the powder, and rub teeth daily. ("The Many Wonderful Methods of Photographers")“
【 Attention 】 Those with yin deficiency, blood deficiency, and stomach fire stagnation are prohibited from taking it.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "Bencao Zhengyi": Shanbai, referred to as "Xinwen" in Li's "Gangmu", is called "Warm Middle". It can dispel miasma and evil qi, treat cold and painful heart and abdomen, cold and damp cholera, cover the taste with Xinwen and fragrant qi, dispel cold and promote qi circulation. As it is similar to other substances such as sand kernels and cardamom kernels, its treatment is also similar. Also known as treating wind worms and toothache, it also specializes in Yangming and can be used as a meridian inducing medicine. It should be used together with Gansong and must not be a warm or pungent substance. It can be used alone to treat Yangming wind and fire.
2. "Essentials of Pin Hui": Clearing up impure qi; To clean teeth, dispel wind, relieve pain, and promote bad breath.
3. "Gangmu": Warm the center, dispel miasma and evil qi. Treat cold air pain in the heart and abdomen, cholera caused by cold dampness, and toothache caused by wind worms. 4. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Treat all symptoms of coldness caused by stopping eating and not transforming.
5. "Lingnan Medicinal Collection Record": Ye fell and injured, but it can also reduce swelling. To treat bone lump, divide it into equal parts with Paeonia lactiflora and Clematis chinensis, and decoct it in water. "