Traditional Chinese Medicine: Firefly
Release time:2024-08-30 17:45:31
Word Count:3508
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Nicknames: Firefly, Firefly Shell, Xiaoxing (Book of Songs), Phosphorus (Biography of Mao Shi), Danniao, Danliang (Xia Xiaozheng), Zhizhao (Er Ya), Luminous (Ben Jing), Night Illumination, Jingtian, Firefighting, Fire Control, Carrying Fire (Wu Pu Ben Cao), Shining Night, Night Candle (Cui Bao's "Ancient and Modern Annotations"), Radiating Light (Bielu), Phosphorus Ran, Illuminating Phosphorus
Harvesting and processing: Capture during summer and autumn, blanch in boiling water after capture, and dry in the sun.
Medicinal parts: All
Origin: National
Subject: Firefly family
Original plant: Firefly
Plant situation: Adults mostly inhabit the grass near the water, lying down during the day and emerging at night. The female lays eggs in the grass roots near the water, and as the eggs gradually develop, they emit light from within. The larvae live near the water and can prey on small insects and snails.
In early spring, firefly larvae living in water will climb ashore and burrow into the soil. At this point, gill respiration changes to stomatal respiration, and both sides of the abdomen emit light. It takes about 50 days to become a pupal adult, with an average lifespan of only 5 days. Eating and growth become secondary. Fireflies are very active one hour after sunset, striving for time to pursue each other. The male will flash a bright light for twenty seconds, then wait for another signal after twenty seconds, patiently waiting for a strong response from the female. When there is no response, the male will fly elsewhere, and the firefly will only start emitting light when it gets dark.
Firefly, with a slender body and a length of 1.5-20mm. The body is black brown, with two dark yellow or peach colored segments on the chest, back, and tail. The head is hidden under the chest and the mouth is pointed. The antennae are whip shaped, with dark brown straight stripes on the chest, back, and middle surface, and prominent posterior horns with multiple incisions. An angular long triangle. Two pairs of wings, the forewings are leathery elytra with four raised diameters and multiple grooves in the interstices; The posterior wing membrane is slightly larger and folds under the wing sheath. Three pairs of feet, 6-7 segments in the abdomen, and the yellow white part of the tail segment can emit light.
Firefly medicinal properties:
A night light. It tastes spicy. Mild temperature, non-toxic. Master Mingmu, children's fire sores, damage hot air, Gu poison, ghost heat, and promote the spirit essence. Terrace and pond.
[Sexual Taste]
① The Classic of Chinese Medicine states: "It tastes spicy and slightly warm.
② Not toxic.
[Guijing] "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Start with the Taiyin Classic. ""
[Taste] Spicy taste; Sexual hypothermia
[Guijing] Lung; Liver meridian
【 Indications 】 Improving eyesight; black hair; Detoxification. Blind darkness; Early graying of hair; Water fire burns
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoct soup, 7-14 pieces. External use: moderate amount, apply to the eyes after grinding.
【 Functions and Indications 】
① The Classic of Chinese Medicine states: "It is mainly for improving eyesight, causing children to suffer from fire sores and hot air. "
② The Treatise on Medicinal Properties: "To treat green blindness.
【 Appendix 】 Treatment for liver qi damage caused by overwork, dark eyes: 27 fireflies, use 2 carp bile to absorb fireflies in the bile, dry in the shade for a hundred days, and grind to the end. Use a little bit each time. (Holy Blessing Formula)