Traditional Chinese Medicine: Rosin
Release time:2024-08-30 17:48:21
Word Count:4990
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Nicknames: pine resin, pine paste, pine fat, pine gum fragrance
Harvesting and processing: It is mostly harvested in summer. A V-shaped or spiral groove is dug on the pine trunk with a knife to allow the oil resin in the sapwood to flow out from the wound. After collection, water is distilled to distill the turpentine, and the remaining residue is cooled and solidified to form rosin. Store in a cool and shady place
Dry place, fire-resistant and heat-resistant.
Medicinal parts: resin
Origin: Northeast China
Subject: Pinaceae
Original plants: Pinus tabulaeformis or Pinus massoniana, etc
Characteristics of Rosin Medicinal Materials: Irregular translucent blocks of varying sizes. The surface is yellow, often with a layer of yellow white frost powder. normal atmospheric temperature
The texture is firm and brittle, easily broken, with a shiny cross-section resembling glass. There is a strong odor of turpentine and a bitter taste. Heating softens and then dissolves,
Brown thick smoke is produced during combustion.
Neat, semi transparent, oily, and strongly scented blocks are preferred.
Rosin properties:
【 Original text of this sutra 】 It tastes bitter and warm, with the main symptoms of gangrene and malignant wounds, white and bald head injuries, scabies and itching. It soothes the five organs, removes heat, and can be taken for a long time to lighten the body and prevent aging.
【 Origin 】 Produced from the resin of pine trees, it can be found everywhere.
【 Taste 】 Pine resin has a bitter and sweet taste, and a warm nature. Pine nuts have a sweet taste and a slightly warm nature. Songhua has a sweet taste and a warm nature. Pineapple has a bitter taste and a warm nature.
【 Indications 】 Pine resin is used for dispelling wind, cold and dampness, relieving pain, promoting muscle growth, and as an insecticide; Treat carbuncles, sores, rheumatism, muscle necrosis, scabies, and tooth decay. Pine nuts are a medicinal herb that can dispel wind, nourish and strengthen the body; Treat joint rheumatism, qi deficiency, dizziness, lung dryness, cough, and elderly deficiency. Songhua is used as a wind dispelling and sedative; Treat dizziness and brain swelling. Songjie is used to drive away wind and relieve pain; Treat wind pain, rheumatism, and weak feet during festivals.
【 Additional Record 】 Pine resin can relieve stomach heat, dry throat and quench thirst, cause rheumatism and muscle death, refine it to make it white, and its redness is the main cause of evil rheumatism.
【 Zhen Quan 】 Pine resin is used to treat joint wind, dizziness, dead skin, whitening, dispersing moisture, and moistening the five organs.
【 Daming 】 Pine resin can eliminate evil and lower qi, moisturize the heart and lungs, and treat deafness.
【 Hongjing 】 Brewing wine in the pine section, with a weak bone joint style.
Dehumidification and application of heat to the wound.
[Dosage] Normally one to three yuan.
【 Taboo 】 Avoid those with dry heat syndrome.
Swelling, Poisoning, and Boiling - Cuiyu Cream: Eight taels of pine resin, two taels of copper green, two taels of sesame oil, and three taels of male pig bile. Dissolve the pine resin first, then remove the oil bile, pour it into water and pull it out. Each time you apply it, there is no need to change it again.
Li Jie Feng Pain - Songjie Wine: Twenty pounds of Songjie wine, five dou of wine, soaked for twenty-one days, one cup per drink, five or six drinks per day. (External channel)
Head spinning brain swelling - In March, take pine flowers with moss like rat tails, cut one liter, soak three liters of wine in a silk bag, and after five days, drink five cups of warm water in a hollow. (Puji)
Cough caused by lung dryness - Fengsui ointment: one liang of pine nuts, two liang of walnut nuts, half liang of honey, and Yan ointment, each costing two yuan. (External channel)“
【 Processing 】 Rosin: Place it in a copper pot, heat it over low heat to melt, remove impurities, pour it into water, wait for it to cool, then remove and dry. Rosin making: Take scallions and fry soup, add rosin powder, boil until the rosin is completely melted, heat it up and pour it into cold water, take it out, and dry in the shade. (For every 100 pounds of rosin, use 10 pounds of scallions).
【 Taste 】 Bitter; Gan; Sexual temperature
[Guijing] Liver; Spleen meridian
【 Indications 】 Dispelling wind and dampness; Purulent discharge and detoxification; Muscle growth and pain relief. Main abscess and malignant ulcer; scrofula; Fistula syndrome; Scabies; White baldness; Pathogenic wind; Bi syndrome; Golden sores; Sprain; Women's vaginal discharge; Thromboangiitis obliterans.
【 Usage and Dosage 】 For external use: appropriate amount, grind and dry mix; Or adjust the application. Oral administration: decoction, 3-5g; It can be taken in pills, dispersed, or soaked in alcohol.
【 Attention 】 Those with blood deficiency and internal heat and fire are prohibited from taking it. Do not take it for a long time. Not strictly processed before consumption. "