Traditional Chinese Medicines Anshen Tea
Release time:2024-08-31 14:47:20
Word Count:4722
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I feel that there are more and more people suffering from insomnia nowadays, and they are getting older and younger. Nowadays, people's pace of life is accelerating and their social competitiveness is high, especially for young people who are under great mental pressure, which can easily lead to insomnia. Emotional disorders caused by multiple factors, leading to anxiety and depression, coupled with irregular sleep patterns and frequent staying up late, can disrupt the body's biological clock and cause insomnia. Long term smoking, alcohol abuse, and excessive intake of caffeine can cause the brain to become overly excited and unable to fall asleep. Long term mental work, full load operation, lack of exercise, poor sleep environment, or chronic diseases and pain can all lead to insomnia and sleep disorders. In addition to developing regular and good lifestyle habits, we can also use tea to calm our nerves in our daily lives. The calming tea shared by Dr. Li below has the effect of calming the heart and mind, which can help improve insomnia.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
Fushen 10, Longan 10, Mulberry 10, Lily 10, Yuzhu 10, Badamu 10, Suanzaoren 30, Yam 10
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Fu Shen has a sweet, light, and calm nature, and is associated with the heart, lungs, spleen, and kidney meridians. The main function of Fu Shen is to calm the heart and soothe the mind, which is used to treat symptoms such as palpitations, vertigo, forgetfulness, insomnia, etc. Pharmacological studies have shown that Fu Shen has a certain degree of sedative and sedative effects.
Jade bamboo has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening dryness, generating fluids and quenching thirst, calming the mind and strengthening the heart, nourishing and calming the nerves. It has a good relieving effect on palpitations and angina pectoris. Jade bamboo can also lower blood sugar and improve the body's glucose tolerance.
Lily has a sweet taste and a slightly cold nature. It enters the lungs, heart, and stomach meridians and has the effects of moistening the lungs, relieving cough, calming the heart and mind, nourishing yin and stomach, clearing heat and detoxifying, and calming the mind.
Sour jujube kernels have a mild and sour taste, and are suitable for the liver, gallbladder, and heart meridians. They have the effects of nourishing the heart, benefiting the liver, calming the mind, and calming the nerves. They can also nourish the Yin blood in the liver and liver, and are used for insomnia caused by restlessness, as well as for dreams caused by palpitations. Jujube seeds also contain rich vitamin C, which can enhance the body's antioxidant function, strengthen macrophage phagocytic function, and strengthen the body's immune system. Effectively relieve tension, anxiety, depression, and alleviate symptoms such as memory loss and neurasthenia.
Mulberry has a sweet and cold taste, and enters the liver and kidney meridians. It has the effects of nourishing the liver and kidneys, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure, strengthening the spleen and stomach, enhancing immunity, nourishing the brain and intelligence, and beautifying black hair. It also contains rich active proteins, vitamins, amino acids, carotenoids, minerals, anthocyanins and other ingredients, which have anti-aging and calming effects.
Longan meat has a sweet and warm taste, and belongs to the heart and spleen meridians. It can nourish qi and calm the mind, and has a good effect on palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness caused by heart and spleen deficiency, as well as those with deficiency of qi and blood in the elderly and weak
Yam has the effects of nourishing qi and yin, tonifying spleen, lungs, and kidneys, astringing essence and stopping diarrhea. It can inhibit gastric emptying and intestinal propulsion, counteract the rigid contraction of the isolated ileum, enhance small intestine absorption function, help digestion, and protect gastric mucosal damage. Yam polysaccharides can also lower blood sugar. Improve non-specific immune function, specific cellular immune function, and humoral immune function.
Almond wood has high nutritional value, rich in fat, protein, starch, sugar, and contains small amounts of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, digestive enzymes, almond enzymes, amygdalin, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, as well as 18 trace elements such as iron and cobalt, which can improve insomnia caused by nerve weakness
【 Health benefits 】
Anshen tea can effectively improve sleep and alleviate insomnia caused by neurasthenia, anxiety, and restlessness. It also has the effects of improving the immune system and anti-aging and beauty preservation.