Traditional Chinese Medicine: Olive Kernel
Release time:2024-08-31 17:15:12
Word Count:2783
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Nickname: Green Fruit Core
Harvesting and processing: Mature fruits are harvested in autumn, with the flesh removed, and used fresh or dried.
Medicinal parts: Fruit core
Origin: Fujian, Taiwan, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, etc
Subject: Olive family
Original plant: Olive
Characteristics of olive kernel medicinal herb: The kernel is spindle shaped, dark reddish brown, with 3 longitudinal edges on the surface and 2 curved grooves between the edges. Hard in texture, it is divided into 3 compartments after development, each containing 1 seed. The inner skin is divided into 2 layers, with the outer layer being thicker and reddish brown, and the inner layer being thinner and yellow. One seed, with two layers of inner skin. The outer layer is thicker and reddish brown, while the inner layer is thinner and yellow. The seeds are reddish brown in color and have a membranous texture. Two folded cotyledons, white or yellow white, oily. It has a fragrant aroma.
Excellent products are best if the particles are uniform, full, and free of mold.
Olive kernel medicinal properties:
【 Taste 】 Sweet; Astringent; temperature
[Guijing] Liver; Stomach; Large intestine meridian
【 Functions and Indications 】 Detoxification; Convergence of sores; Hemostasis; Li Qi. Main sore throat; Mouth and tongue sores; chilblains; Chancre; Pemphigus vulgaris; Blood under intestinal wind; Testicular swelling and pain
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: Burn in grinding powder, 3-6g; Or grind the juice. External use: appropriate amount, burning properties, grinding powder or adjusting application; Or grind the juice and apply it.
① Treatment of Yin kidney edema: olive pits, lychee pits, and mountain chestnut pits are equally divided. Burning property, grind at the end, two cents per share, mixed with hollow fennel soup. (Gangmu)
② For those who have been suffering from persistent bleeding due to intestinal wind: olive pits, not much, burned on a lamp as fine powder, two yuan per dose, mixed with aged rice before hollow eating. ("Yang Family Collection Formula" Olive Powder)
③ Treating ear and foot chilblains: Grind olive pits and apply oil. (Qian Kun Business)
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Grinding juice and taking it to treat various fish carp, causing accumulation, and also treating acne in children. Burn and grind to cure blood.
2. "Essentials of Materia Medica Preparation": Burn ashes and apply chancre.
3. "Ben Jing Feng Yuan": Gray powder, no scars on gold sores when applied. Grinding water from the nucleus, applying scars gradually turns gray.
4. "Bencao Zaixin": Treat liver and stomach qi, hernia, and eliminate gangrene.
5. "Lingnan Medicinal Collection Record": Grind and apply to the eyes, remove eye mask.