Chinese medicinal herb: Chuye
Release time:2024-08-31 17:17:40
Word Count:4684
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Harvesting and processing: Harvested all year round, fresh or sun dried
Medicinal parts: leaves
Origin: East China, South China, Southwest China, Hebei or sun dried. North, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Hubei, Hunan, etc
Subject: Sangke
Original plant: Goushu
Characteristics of Chuye medicinal herb:
Medicinal properties of Chuye:
Sweet in nature and taste; Sexual coolness
Functional indications include cooling blood and stopping bleeding; Diuretic detoxification. Main vomiting of blood; Bleeding; Blood collapse; Golden ulcer bleeding; Edema; Hernia; Dysentery; Poisonous sores
Usage and dosage for oral administration: decoction, 3-6g; Mash the juice or add it into pills or powder. For external use: appropriate amount, massage and apply. "
① The book "Bielu" states: "The main focus is on children who are hot and unable to develop muscle when eating. They practice making bath soup and also focus on developing sores and meat. ""
② In the book "Treatise on Medicinal Properties," it is said that stir frying flour and searching for noodles for consumption can cause diarrhea. ""
③ The Treatise on Japanese Materia Medica: "Treat itching caused by wind stimulation. ""
④ The Classic of Materia Medica states: "Ye Zhu's nose is swollen. The tender buds are used as vegetables to treat rheumatism and diarrhea in the limbs. ""
⑤ According to the Compendium of Materia Medica, it can relieve urination, relieve rheumatism, swelling, white turbidity, hernia, and ringworm sores. ""
⑥ The Compendium of Materia Medica: "Cooling blood, dispelling wind, and promoting diuresis. ""
⑦ The Book of Materia Medica: "Leaves and root bark, along with the camp guards, control water and dampness, and prevent collapse. ""
⑧ The "Lingnan Medicinal Collection Record" states: "It's called 'Guasha'. ""
⑨ Modern Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine ":" Dripping juice, applying insect venom, and treating skin diseases. ""
Usage and dosage for oral administration: decoction, 1-2 yuan; Mash the juice or add it into pills or powder. External use: Rub and apply.
① To treat vomiting blood, bleeding, and prolonged accumulation: Mash and grind the leaves of the willow tree to extract juice, regardless of the time, take a small cup. (Holy Blessing Formula)
② For those with continuous nosebleeds, grind the juice from the leaves of the willow tree and drink three liters more than once. Long term bleeding is also accompanied by chills. (The Sketch Party)
③ To treat edema throughout the body: Take a decoction of willow branches and leaves on an empty stomach, three times a day. (Holy Blessing Formula)
④ Treatment of hernia cyst: Harvest grain leaves in May and dry them in the shade until the end. Take one or two spoonfuls each and sprinkle the hollow warm water. (Simple and Convenient)
⑤ To treat children's red and white dysentery, thirst, and nausea after drinking water: roast the leaves to make them fragrant and yellow, spread half a liter of water paste over the leaves to make the water green, then remove the leaves, cut a papaya, add the leaf juice, boil for three or two times, remove the papaya, warm it up, take it carefully, and stop thirst. (The Secret Records of Sons and Mothers)
⑥ Treating excessive dampness and itching caused by tinea: Cut and mash half a pound of willow leaves until they are extremely tender, and apply them to the tinea. (Holy Blessing Formula)
⑦ Treating cloudy and white urine: Dissolve the leaves into powder, take steamed cake pills with a size of Wuzhi, take thirty pills each time, and add white soup. (The Good Formula of Experience)
⑧ To cure all eye strain: In March, harvest the soft leaves of the grain wood, dry them to a powder, add a little musk, and pour large amounts of millet into the corners of the eyes. (Holy Blessing Formula)
⑨ Treating choked fish bones: pounding the juice with shredded leaves and shouting. (Ten Convenient Prescriptions)
⑩ To treat swelling and pain in hemorrhoids and fistulas: Crush half a pound of willow leaves and seal them. (A Brief Introduction to Lake Collection)
11. Treatment of pit viper venom: Mash raw hemp and willow leaves together, then grind them with water to remove any residue. (From "Qian Jin Fang")
12. Treatment for sciatica: Four liang of Guye leaves and two liang of mugwort leaves. Fry soup, smoke and wash. (Commonly Used Chinese Herbal Medicines in Shanghai)
At the beginning of treating carbuncles and boils, crush fresh grain leaves and red lees and apply them externally; For those with pus formation, crush cold rice and apply it externally. (Fujian Chinese Herbal Medicine)
(14) Treatment of traumatic bleeding: Crush fresh leaves and apply them to the affected area. (Guangxi Chinese Herbal Medicine)