The blood is alive, the water is drained, and the knot is connected! Remember this recipe.
Release time:2024-09-01 13:32:56
Word Count:6448
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Both pipelines and highways need to be unobstructed in order to be smooth. If there is intestinal obstruction and the contents are difficult to pass through, it can lead to abdominal pain, bloating, nausea and vomiting, and constipation.
Intestinal obstruction belongs to the categories of "abdominal pain" and "intestinal structure" in traditional Chinese medicine. The treatment of intestinal obstruction requires syndrome differentiation and treatment. The common syndrome types include Qi stagnation and blood stasis syndrome, water stagnation and dampness obstruction syndrome, intestinal cold coagulation syndrome, and intestinal stagnation and heat syndrome.
Each type of symptom presents differently and requires different prescriptions. Traditional Chinese medicine has accumulated rich experience in this regard, such as using Taoren Chengqi Tang for qi stagnation and blood stasis, and using compound Dachengqi Tang for intestinal stagnation and heat syndrome. This article mainly discusses the symptomatic treatment for water stagnation and dampness obstruction syndrome: Gan Sui Tong Jie Tang.
Water accumulation and dampness obstruction syndrome, characterized by severe intestinal obstruction, excessive fluid accumulation in the intestinal cavity, abdominal distension and pain, nausea and vomiting, and constipation.
Gan Sui Tong Jie Tang, from "Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for the Treatment of Acute Abdomen".
Two to three parts of Gan Sui powder (0.6-1 grams, taken orally), three grams each of peach kernel, wood fragrance, and raw Achyranthes bidentata (9 grams), five grams each of Chuanpu and Chishao (15 grams), and three to eight grams of rhubarb (10-24 grams).
Due to the obstruction of intestinal water accumulation and dampness, the first priority is to promote the flow of water.
The main medicine is Gan Sui Ku, which can break through hardness and dryness, and cold can clear heat. It can not only remove edema, but also break through the accumulation of lumps, which indirectly leads to its strong ability to remove edema. It is active in the spleen, lungs, kidneys, bladder meridian, large intestine and small intestine meridian. It can alleviate facial swelling, remove water clots in the stomach, as well as ascites, retention of fluids in the chest, and urinary and fecal obstruction.
He is a cool and dignified CEO who has set a clear direction for this treatment.
Next are its employees going to work.
Intestinal obstruction is closely related to the obstruction of this pathway and the failure to meet the standard of air circulation function. The responsibility for the good medicine of qi and wood fragrance lies on our shoulders, hurry up and arrive.
Muxiang has a powerful aroma, warm and smooth characteristics, combined with bitterness that can dry dampness and break hardness, and travels through the spleen, stomach, large intestine, and gallbladder meridians. It can not only relieve pain with qi, invigorate the spleen and digest food, but also warm the middle and stomach, and treat all qi in the heart and abdomen.
So Muxiang not only shoulders the responsibility of dredging, but also serves as a loyal guardian of the spleen, stomach, and large intestine. Let the qi flow in the stomach and intestines, like being blown by the gentle breeze of spring.
When the digestive system is blocked, this turbid substance always feels like it doesn't belong here and wants to leave. But where should it go?
Muxiang carries the qi of the heart and abdomen, and cannot indicate the direction of obstruction. As the CEO, Gan Sui had already explained its destination, but execution was the responsibility of the staff. So, Chuan Pu, who was able to relieve intestinal obstruction and lower his breath, quickly arrived at his destination with a briefcase.
Chuan Pu is like Magnolia officinalis, which is pungent, dispersing, warm, and smooth like wood fragrance. It can also be bitter, dry, damp, and firm. But the active site is the spleen stomach lung colon meridian. It is a good medicine for drying dampness, eliminating phlegm, relieving bloating and constipation in the epigastric area, reducing food accumulation and qi stagnation, and has the effect of lowering qi. It can quickly move downwards with obstructive substances.
The result of a smooth Qi machine is the ability to promote blood circulation. But if you want the blood to flow like a small stream, you need professional people to do professional things, such as using peach kernels and raw Achyranthes bidentata as blood activating medicines, and using Paeonia lactiflora to work quickly.
Peach kernels have a bitter, sweet, and smooth taste. They enter the liver, liver, and large intestine meridians, break blood and promote blood stasis, and moisten and smooth the intestines. Can treat stagnant blood in the abdomen.
Sheng Achyranthes mainly plays a role in dispersing blood stasis and reducing swelling.
Paeonia lactiflora is specifically targeted at the liver's blood components. The liver stores blood, including good blood, evil blood, thief blood, and stagnant blood. The reason for causing evil blood and thief blood is related to the presence of solid heat in the blood. Red peony has a bitter and cold taste, which can clear the blood and separate solid heat, dispersing stagnant blood stasis.
Water becomes wet and blocked for a long time, and a common knowledge is that it will be converted into heat. Therefore, clearing the intestines and suppressing heat is also one of our tasks. Chishao disperses the heat in the blood, while Dahuang disperses the heat in the gastrointestinal tract.
Rhubarb is a famous laxative and intestinal medicine, which is widely used in the spleen and stomach, large intestine, liver, and pericardium meridians. Due to its bitter and cold nature, it can calm the stomach, lower qi, eliminate phlegm, cause intestinal heat, bloat the heart and abdomen, cool blood and detoxify, etc.
Under the leadership of President Gan Sui, the employees of Mu Xiangchuan Park performed their duties with good execution ability, jointly promoting qi and blood circulation, draining water and eliminating intestinal fluid accumulation, bloating and pain, nausea and vomiting, and constipation caused by severe intestinal obstruction.
One question: How to make and take Gan Sui Tong Jie Tang?
Except for making Gan Sui into fine powder, boil the rest of the medicine and then take Gan Sui powder by flushing.