Traditional Chinese Medicine Heart Flower Tea
Release time:2024-09-01 14:23:44
Word Count:4331
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The ninth day of the ninth lunar month every year is known as the Double Ninth Festival. According to the Book of Changes, nine represents the largest number in the number and is designated as the yang number. On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the two nines are mutually important, hence it is called the Double Ninth Festival. The meeting of the nine nine represents a long and auspicious day. In ancient times, the Double Ninth Festival had the custom of feasting and seeking longevity. Today, the main theme of the Double Ninth Festival is to bless the elderly with good health and longevity, accompany parents up the mountain to bid farewell to green flowers, and appreciate chrysanthemums. It is also considered as the Respect for the Elderly Festival. The Double Ninth Festival is also a season of increasing autumn atmosphere, with lower temperatures and a high incidence of respiratory diseases. Health preservation should focus on moistening the lungs and nourishing yin. In addition, as parents grow older, various organs in the body begin to age, and the body's immune system is not as strong as before. As the temperature decreases, the body's metabolic rate slows down, and blood circulation also deteriorates. To prevent the occurrence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, in order to prevent these discomforts in the body, parents can drink some tea. Drinking tea can greatly help purify blood vessels, reduce inflammation, resist viruses, and enhance immunity. It is a globally recognized healthy drink. Today is Double Ninth Festival. Combining the characteristics of the season, brewing a cup of Heartflower Tea for your family not only celebrates the festival but also has health benefits, creating a sense of ceremony.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
10 grams of lotus seed heart, 1 piece of imperial chrysanthemum, 10 grams of goji berry
Brew in 100 degree water for ten minutes according to the above ratio
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Chrysanthemum has a sweet and bitter taste, with a slightly cold nature. It belongs to the lung and liver meridians and has the effects of lowering blood pressure, improving vision, and refreshing the mind. The Classic of Chinese Medicine states: All kinds of wind have dizziness, swelling and pain, eyes are about to fall off, tears are coming out, skin and muscles are dead, and rheumatism and rheumatism are severe. Long term consumption is beneficial to blood and qi, light body, and can endure aging and prolong life.
Lotus seed heart has the effects of clearing the heart and calming the mind, relieving cough and phlegm, lowering blood lipids, stopping bleeding and anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antithrombotic, protecting the liver, lungs and kidneys, and protecting the central nervous system. The Lotus Heart, which runs from the heart to the kidneys, can make the fire of the heart flow downwards to the kidneys, and then rise in a loop, which can make the water of the kidneys flow upwards to the heart.
Goji berries have various pharmacological effects, such as enhancing immunity, delaying aging, resisting liver damage, lowering blood sugar and lipid levels, acting like sex hormones, and resisting fatigue. According to the "Classic of Materia Medica", "Goji berries are known for their ability to control the five internal evil qi, quench thirst in heat, and alleviate rheumatism. Long term consumption can strengthen muscles and bones, make the body light and not old, and withstand cold and heat.
【 Health benefits 】
Lotus seed heart chrysanthemum tea is a mixed drink. Lotus seeds have the effects of nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach, while chrysanthemums have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, regulating menstruation and relieving pain. Goji berries have the effects of nourishing the liver, kidneys, and beauty. Lotus Seed Heart Chrysanthemum Tea has various effects, among which the most important are nourishing qi and blood, strengthening the spleen and stomach, clearing heat and detoxifying, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, anti-aging, beauty and beauty, liver and kidney health, beauty and beauty, etc. It is a suitable and convenient home health product for all ages, especially for people who spend all day looking at their phones and computers. It is worth recommending to everyone.