Chinese medicinal herb: Water celery
Release time:2024-09-03 17:29:20
Word Count:6584
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Nicknames: Chu Kui, Shui Shu, Shui Ying, Celery, Shui Celery, Wild Celery, Horse Celery, River Celery, Small Leaf Celery
Harvesting and processing: Cut the aboveground parts from September to October, wash them, use them fresh or dry them in the sun.
Medicinal parts: whole plant
Origin: National
Family: Umbelliferae
Original plant: Water celery
Plant condition: Perennial herb
Height 15-80cm. The whole plant is hairless. The stem is upright or prostrate at the base, and roots take root at the nodes.
The petiole of the basal leaf is up to 10cm long and has a leaf sheath at the base; The leaf profile is triangular or triangular ovate, with one to two feather like divisions. The final lobes are ovate or rhombohedral lanceolate, measuring 2-5cm in length and 1-2cm in width, with irregular pointed or rounded teeth on the edges; The upper part of the stem has no stem and the leaves are smaller.
Umbelliferae inflorescence grows at the top; The inflorescence stem is up to 16cm long; No bracts; Umbrella spokes 6-16, length 1-3cm; Small bracts 2-8, linear; Umbelliferae inflorescence with flowers 10-25; Calyx teeth linear lanceolate; Petals white, inverted; The base of the style is conical, the style is upright or forked, and there are 1 oil tube in each groove and 2 oil tubes on the fused surface.
The double hanging fruit is nearly quadrilateral elliptical or cylindrical oblong, measuring 2.5-3 millimeters in length and 2 millimeters in width. The lateral edges are raised compared to the dorsal and central edges, and it is cork like. The cross-section of the fruit is nearly pentagonal and semi-circular; 1 oil pipe in each groove and 2 oil pipes on the joint surface. The flowering period is from June to July, and the fruiting period is from August to September.
Characteristics of water celery medicinal herb: This product often shrinks into clusters, with thin and curved stems. There are whisker like roots at the nodes of creeping stems. After folding and flattening, the basal leaves are triangular or triangular ovate in shape, with one to two feather like divisions. The final lobes are ovate to rhombohedral lanceolate, measuring 2-5cm in length and 1-2cm in width, with irregular sharp or circular serrations on the edges. The petiole is 7-15cm long and brittle. The aroma is slightly fragrant, the taste is slightly spicy and bitter.
Medicinal properties of water celery:
A water English. Sweet, flat, non-toxic. Treat women's redness, stop bleeding, nourish essence, protect blood vessels, nourish qi, make people fat and healthy, and have a strong appetite. Sheng Nanhai, Chi Ze. Also known as celery.
【 Origin 】 It can be found everywhere.
[Taste] Sweet and flat in nature, with a special aroma.
【 Indications 】 Antipyretic and hemostatic, stomach strengthening medicine, used to treat female bleeding and red discharge, pediatric fever, and adult fever after drinking.
Drinking juice can relieve children's fever, adults' fever after drinking alcohol, nasal congestion and body heat, relieve wind heat in the head, promote oral and oral health, and benefit the large and small intestines.
The Great Ming Dynasty treats five types of yellow diseases, including restlessness, thirst, collapse, and diarrhea.
[Shenghui] Mash the juice six or seven times a day to treat urinary bleeding.
【 Attention 】 "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Those with weak spleen and stomach, cold and weak qi should avoid eating. ""
【 Compound 】
① To treat fever in children, do not cool down for more than a month: water celery, barley malt, Plantago asiatica. Boil it in water. (Diannan Materia Medica)
② To treat urinary pain: For those with celery and white roots, remove the leaves and mash the juice, use well water and kimono. (Holy Blessing Formula)
③ Poor treatment for urination: water celery costs three yuan. Boil it in water. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal)
④ Treating vaginal discharge: Four coins of water celery and two coins of Sedum. Boil it in water. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal)
⑤ Treat urinary bleeding: Crush water celery juice and take six or seven times a day. (Holy Blessing Formula)
⑥ Treating cholera and dysentery in children: finely cut celery leaves, boil and drink the juice. (The Secret Records of Sons and Mothers)
⑦ Treating cheek heat: Crush water celery and apply tea oil to the affected area. (Hunan Pharmaceutical Journal)
[Taste] Spicy taste; Gan; Sexual coolness
Returning to the lungs; Liver; Bladder meridian
【 Indications 】 Clearing heat and detoxifying; diuresis; Stop bleeding. Main cold; Fever and thirst; Vomiting and diarrhea; Swelling; Difficulty urinating; Gonorrhea; Urine blood; Rectal bleeding; Vomiting blood; Bleeding; Collapse and leakage; Jing Duo; Mu Chi; sore throat Throat swelling; Oral ulcer; Dental chancre; Breast abscess; Abscess and jaundice; scrofula; Cheek heat; zoster; Hemorrhoids; Swelling from falls and injuries
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 30-60g; Or mash the juice. External use: moderate amount, mischievous green; Or apply mashed juice.
Attention: For those with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold, be cautious when consuming juice.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. The Classic: The protagonist is Chiwo. Hemostasis and nourishing essence, preserving blood vessels, nourishing qi, making people fat, healthy, and fond of food.
2. "Qian Jin · Shi Zhi": Nourish muscles and reduce fever. Treat five types of yellow diseases, take one liter of raw mashed juice cold orally, twice a day.
3. Cui Yuxi's "Food Classic": It promotes urination and relieves swelling caused by water.
4. Meng Qiao: Eating nourishes the mind and enhances strength, while killing stones and poison.
5. "Compendium of Materia Medica": Mash and grind stems and leaves to extract juice, which can relieve children's fever, adults' alcohol induced heat poisoning, nasal congestion, and body heat, and benefit the large and small intestines.
6. "Rihuazi Bencao": Treat restlessness and thirst, treat collapse while taking care of the lower body.
7. "Essentials of Medical Forest Compilation": Nourish the heart, remove blood stasis, and continue injuries.
8. "Bencao Zaixin": Relieve irritability and fever, reduce phlegm and lower qi, treat blood stasis, and eliminate scrofula and tuberculosis.
9. "Suixi Ju Diet Guide": Clearing the stomach, dispelling heat, dispelling wind, and benefiting the mouth, teeth, throat, and head.
10. "Chinese Medicinal Plant Chronicles": Taking tender stems and pounding juice can treat hypertension.
11. "Guizhou Folk Formula Collection": Relieve fever, diuresis, dispel wind, and treat rheumatic neuralgia. "