Chinese medicinal herb: silkworm cocoon
Release time:2024-09-03 17:32:09
Word Count:4362
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Nicknames: Silkworm Clothing, Cocoon Yellow, Cotton Silkworm, Cocoon Shell
Harvesting and processing: Collect and hatch silkworm moth cocoons in summer and sun dry them.
Medicinal parts: Cocoon shell
Origin: National
Family: Silkworm Moth Family
Original plant: Silkworm moth
After the mature silkworm has spun silk, its body shrinks slightly into a spindle shape and remains still. At this point, it is called a dormant pupae (pre pupae). The latent pupa is the period when the dermis layer separates from the larval epidermis and forms the pupal epidermis, which takes about 2 days. The process of metamorphosis and molting is the result of the action of molting hormones. The newly molted pupae are spindle shaped, milky white, and later turn dark brown. The pupae are divided into three parts: head, chest, and abdomen. The female pupae have a large abdomen with a blunt and rounded end, and there is a longitudinal line on the midline of the eighth abdominal segment; The male pupae have a small and pointed abdomen, with a brown dot in the center of the 9th abdominal segment. The general weight of pupae is 1.5-2.5 grams. During the pupal stage, there is intense destruction of larval tissues and organs, as well as physiological processes such as the occurrence and formation of adult tissues and organs, and the development and maturation of reproductive cells. After pupation, adult development is completed about 14 days later. At this time, the eclosion hormone synthesized and stored in the pharyngeal side of the body by the brain nerve secretion cells is secreted into the bloodstream due to light stimulation. After about 40 minutes, the pupae will emerge.
Characteristics of Silkworm Cocoon Medicinal Materials: Silkworm cocoons are elongated or slightly constricted in the middle, measuring 3-4cm in length and 1.7-2.1cm in diameter. The surface is white or light yellow, with irregular wrinkles and attached silk, forming a fuzzy shape. The threads on its inner wall are very regular. Lightweight and tough, not easily torn. There is a slight fishy smell and a light taste.
Cocoon medicinal properties:
[Preparation] Cut open the silkworm cocoon and remove any internal impurities. Or it can be placed in a can for calcination and storage purposes.
[Taste] Sweet taste; Sexual temperature
【 Guijing 】 Spleen meridian
【 Indications and Functions 】 Hemostasis; relieve thirst; Detoxification and healing of sores. Main intestinal wind and rectal bleeding; Painful urination and blood loss; Women's blood death; Drink to quench thirst; Gastroesophageal leaf food; Purulent abscess cannot be ulcerated; chancre
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: decoction, 3-10g; Or at the end of the research. Externally available: moderate amount, burning properties, grinding powder or adjusting application.
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】 "Gangmu": Burning ashes and drinking alcohol to treat swelling without a head, and breaking it the next day; It also treats various types of chancre sores, as well as bleeding, bloody gonorrhea, and bloody collapse. Boil juice to quench thirst, relieve nausea, and eliminate roundworms. "
① Treatment for intestinal wind, bloody stools, and painful discharge: Cocoon yellowing, silkworm molting paper (with burning properties), evening silkworm sand, white muscardine silkworm (with stir frying), etc. Finally, add a small amount of musk. Two yuan per dose, served with rice drink as a gift, three doses per day. (Holy Blessing Formula: Cocoon Yellow Powder)
② Treat thirst: Boil silkworm cocoon soup, take one cup each time. (Zhu's Collection of Verified Medical Formulas)
③ Treat children with residual toxins from acne, ulcers and erosions on the limbs, and persistent pus and pus. If there are moth like cocoons, crush them with raw alum, solidify the cocoons, burn them with charcoal, dry the alum juice, and remove them as powder. Apply dry patches to the mouth of the ulcer. If it is swollen and painful, take a life drink instead. ("On Prescriptions for Children's Acne and Eruption" Mian Gu San)
④ Treating nausea and vomiting: Ten silkworm cocoons. Boil the sauce, cook three pieces of chicken and eat them, then add them to a non-alcoholic liquor and take them twice a day. (Pope Francis)
⑤ Mouth treatment paste: burn silkworm cocoon ash, mix honey, and apply it to the mouth. (Quanzhou Materia Medica)“