Traditional Chinese Medicine: Plum Blossom Borneol
Release time:2024-09-04 15:49:03
Word Count:17380
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Nicknames: Dragon Brain, Dragon Brain Fragrance, Brain, Borneol, Pian Brain, Borneol Brain, Plum Blossom Brain, Natural Borneol, Old Plum Blossom Tablets, Plum Blossom Tablets
Harvesting and processing: Dry resin is taken from the cracks in the trunk of the dragon brain fragrant tree for processing. Or cut off the trunk and branches, cut them into pieces, sublimate them by steam distillation, and cool them to form crystals.
Medicinal parts: Natural crystalline compounds precipitated from resin, right-handed borneol
Origin: Nanyang Archipelago
Science: Dragon Brain Fragrance Science
Original plant: Longnao fragrant tree
Plant condition: Evergreen trees
Up to 5m. The whole plant is hairless. There are dragon brain crystals overflowing from the cracks in the bark.
Leaves grow alternately, with a leathery texture; The leaves are ovate elliptical in shape, with a sharp or gradually pointed tip, the entire margin, and a blunt rounded or broadly wedge-shaped base. The upper part is bright green, and the back is gray green. The main veins are obvious, and the lateral veins are reticular.
Cone inflorescence grows in the axils of upper branches; Flower bisexual; The flesh of the receptacle is slightly concave; Calyx 5, arranged in a tile like pattern, continues to grow after flowering; Petals 5, white; Stamens numerous, free, anthers linear; Pistil 1, ovary superior, 3-chamber, style filamentous.
Dried fruit is oval in shape, with a leathery skin and a calyx shaped receptacle. There are 5 wing shaped persistent sepals at the edges; 1-2 seeds with endosperm.
Characteristics of Plum Blossom Borneol Medicinal Material: It is a semi transparent block, flake or granular crystal with a diameter of 1-7 millimeters and a thickness of about 1 millimeter. It is off white to light gray brown in color. In the form of polygonal flakes or granules. Crispy texture, fragrant aroma, spicy and cool taste, slowly dissolves when chewed. Volatile, with no or slight black smoke during combustion.
Plum blossom ice flakes
Type 1: White to slightly yellow or light gray brown
2. In the form of flakes or granules
3. No black smoke or slight black smoke during combustion
High quality products are best if they are large and thin, have a loose texture, and have a pure and fragrant aroma.
Medicinal properties of Plum Blossom Borneol:
[Preparation] "Shenghui Fang": "Study carefully. Gently pounding and grinding. Currently, take the original medicinal herbs and remove impurities. Grind into powder during use. Characteristics of decoction pieces: refer to the "Identification of Medicinal Materials" section.
[Taste] Spicy; Suffering; cool
[Returning to the Classic] Heart; Lung meridian
【 Functions and Indications 】 Open the mind and awaken the spirit; Heat dissipation and pain relief; Clear your eyes and remove the fog. The main wind outlet is silent; Fever induced dizziness; Astonishing epilepsy and phlegm confusion; Qi closed deafness; Meguro film; Throat obstruction; Oral ulcer; Abscess and swelling; Hemorrhoids; Pinworm disease.
[Usage and Dosage] Oral administration: Take pills or powders, 0.15-0.3g, no decoction. External use: In moderation, grind and sprinkle, or blow, apply, or apply, or apply topically or adjust.
【 Attention 】 Pregnant women and those with qi and blood deficiency should take it with caution.
1. "Supplement to the Treatise on Medicinal Properties": "If you take too much bait, your body will feel cold as if you are drunk, your breath will be gone instead of poisoning, and your body will be covered with cold.
2. "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Those who suffer from stroke not due to external wind pathogens, but due to deficiency of qi and blood, should avoid it. Children who experience shock after vomiting and diarrhea are referred to as slow spleen wind and should not be taken. Urgent shock is truly hot and available; Slow startle belongs to deficiency cold and cannot be used. Those with dim eyes and liver and kidney deficiency should not take medication.
3. "Seeking the Origin of Materia Medica": "Those with eye diseases, wind diseases, yin deficiency should avoid it. 4. "Compendium of Materia Medica": "Pregnant women are prohibited from using it.
According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Dragon brain is highly valued due to its appearance. Those who are as white as ice and make plum blossom slices are considered good, so they are commonly referred to as ice brain or cloud plum blossom brain.
【 Attention 】 People with qi and blood deficiency should avoid taking it, and pregnant women should take it with caution.
The Compendium of Materia Medica states: "Those who suffer from stroke are not affected by external wind pathogens, but rather due to deficiency of qi and blood, and should avoid it; Children who experience convulsions after vomiting and diarrhea are referred to as slow splenic wind, which should not be taken. Acute convulsions can be caused by fever, while slow convulsions are caused by deficiency cold and should not be used; Those with dim eyes and liver and kidney deficiency should not take medication. ""
① To treat acute stroke with closed eyes and teeth, medication should not be given: Tiannanxing (finely ground), Longnao (not researched). Take the first two flavors, divide them into equal parts, grind them finely, and use the middle finger to disperse them. Wipe your teeth three to twenty times on the left and right sides of your big teeth, and then open your mouth to start taking the medicine. The patient only uses a dagger that costs one to half a dollar. (Synopsis of St. Francis of Assisi)
② During treatment, the symptoms include incomplete penetration of pea and red sores, restlessness, wheezing, and delusions such as' Dragon Brain One Money '. Grind it carefully and drip pig heart blood and pills, as big as chicken head meat. After taking one pill and adding it to the purple grass soup, the mind and body will calm down in a short period of time, and you can sleep. If the ulcer recurs and clears, take the rest as usual. (Behind the Experience)
③ Treating fever in the heart, fainting without restraint, or taking hot medicine, twitching heat without knowing the person, and having sores, rashes, black spots: half or one character of plum blossom brain (research). Take a new pig heart, take the blood from the heart and grind it into large pills. Dissolve a small amount with freshly drawn water and take it again if necessary; For those with sunken sores and rashes, warm the wine and let it melt. (Direct Formula for Pediatric Drug Diagnosis)
④ For the treatment of typhoid fever, if the tongue has gone out of the inch, the plum blossom slice should be taken as the final part and mixed with it. (Yi Jian Zhi)
⑤ The leader is attacking with wind and heat: half a liang of dragon brain and one or two liang of Nanpeng sand. Frequent twitching of both noses. (Imperial Pharmacy Prescription)
⑥ Treating mental pain: Take a piece of brain for one yuan, use a paper roll to pick it up, burn it to smoke the nose, and spit it out to heal immediately. (Shouyu Divine Formula)
⑦ To treat wind heat and throat obstruction: one coin of lampshade, five parts of yellow cypress (with burning properties), seven parts of alum (calcined), and three parts of borneol. At the end. Blow one or two parts of the affected area. (A Brief Introduction to Lake Collection)
⑧ For the treatment of sore throat, mouth and teeth, as well as persistent cough, phlegm, fire, hoarseness and pain in the throat: 5 parts ice flakes, 6 parts cinnabar, 5 yuan each for Xuanming powder and borax. Research extremely fine powder and apply it by blowing, sometimes five or six times a day. ("Surgical Authenticity" Ice Boron Powder)
⑨ Treating mouth sores and throat dryness: Three taels of Longnao and three liang of Huangbai. At the end of the day, the size of the honey pill is large, and ten pills are added to each wheat seed soup. ("Extracting Yuan Formula")
⑩ Treatment of internal and external hemorrhoids: Take one or two slices of the brain and apply them with scallion juice. (Simple and Convenient)
⑾ Treatment for red eye pain and white opacities: 1 point for dragon brain and 1 point for male sparrow feces. Take the medicine, grind it into powder, mix it with human breast milk, mix well to make a paste, and take a small amount of it from a copper spoon. (Holy Blessing Formula Dragon Brain Cream)
12. For patients with alcohol induced nose irritation and red blisters on the face, apply it to the brain with a true and smooth texture. (Sea side)
13. Treatment for tooth pain: plum blossom brain, cinnabar. Finally, wipe it a little bit each. (A Brief Introduction to Lake Collection)
For patients with drooping nasal polyps: apply a brain biopsy. (A Brief Introduction to Lake Collection)
(15) Treatment for burns and scalds: 10g ice flakes, 5g silver vermilion, 100ml sesame oil. First, pour the sesame oil into an aluminum pot and bring it to a boil. Then, add the cinnabar and ice flakes and heat them until they turn reddish brown, which is the paste. Disinfect the wound and apply once a day. (Selected Materials on New Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy in Liaoning Province)“
【 Discussions from Various Schools 】
1. "Xiyang Zazu": "The Longnao fragrant tree, which originated from the country of Poli, is called a non Po Lu. It also originated from the country of Persia. The tree is eight zhang tall and can grow up to six or seven circles in size. Its leaves are round and white on the back, without any flowers. Its trees are both fat and thin, with thin ones producing Longnao fragrance and fat ones producing Po Lu ointment fragrance in the heart of the wood. The Persians cut off its tree, cut it, and its green color flowed out from the end of the tree. They cut the tree to make a ridge to support it. When used for medicine, there are different methods
2. "Newly Revised Materia Medica": "The tree has a shape similar to that of Chinese fir, with the word" Po Lu Gao "referring to the clear fat under the roots. Longnao refers to the dry fat in the roots, and its seeds resemble cardamom. The skin has false armor, and its fragrance is similar to that of Longnao. It has a pungent taste, especially in the presence of evil qi. It can be consumed and dispersed, and is fragrant. The old saying goes," Po Lu Guo "refers to the name of the country, which is also known as" Shan Zhi ". There are Chinese fir trees in Jiangnan that have not been tested yet. Some have no fat in the soil
3. The Compendium of Materia Medica states: "The fragrance of Longnao originated in the country of Po Lu, but today it is only used by merchants, traders, and passengers in the South China Sea. According to legend, its wood is seven or eight zhang high, with a maximum size of six or seven circles, resembling the shape of aged Chinese fir, with branches and leaves growing on the sides, round and white on the back, sturdy like cardamom, and with armor on the skin. The fragrance is the resin in the wood, similar to white pine resin, which produces the scent of Chinese fir; the paste is the clear liquid ear at the root, also known as Po Lu paste... This wood is also found in the mountains and seas of Yunnan. In the Tang Dynasty's Tianbao, the Jiaozhi tribute to Longnao was in the shape of cicadas and silkworms, but it was rare to find it only in the old roots Wearing clothes and clothes, the fragrance can be heard more than ten steps away, but later it was not heard of. Nowadays, the dragon brain in Hainan is often made into tablets with fire, which also contain impurities. When used as medicine, it is only precious for living beings, and its appearance is like plum blossom petals, which is very good." The brain enters the heart meridian, but not the dragon brain can enter the heart. (Gangmu)
4. Miao Xiyong: "Dragon brain fragrance is the crown of all medicines. Anyone with a strong fragrance must have a warm nature. Li Xun said it's warm, while elements say it's hot. The qi is fragrant and strong, with a strong and pungent taste. The yang in the yang rises and disperses, and the nature is good at moving and opening up the body. The fragrant qi can dispel all evil, and the pungent and hot nature can dispel all rheumatism. Therefore, it focuses on the accumulation of evil qi and rheumatism in the heart and abdomen. For those who are deaf, their orifices will be closed, and when their eyes are red and their skin is blurred, the heat will be intense, and the warmth of the yang will dissipate. If the qi of heat can be ignited from outside, then their eyes will be clear. The red pain on the skin disappears naturally, and this is the way to treat it. In the book" Bielu ", it is also recommended to take good care of women who have difficulty giving birth, and open up the power of the closed body." ("Bencao Jing Shu")
5. Ni Zhumo: "Dragon Brain Fragrance is a medicine that can open up and ward off evil spirits. It has a good nature and can stimulate blockages, reaching all orifices without obstruction. However, its fragrant qi can dispel all evil, and its pungent and intense properties can dispel all wind and heat. Therefore, the Tang Materia Medica mainly focuses on the symptoms of redness, swelling, pain, and embarrassment in the eyes, or throat obstruction, swelling, and obstruction of water and fluid, or headaches caused by cerebral wind, nasal congestion, or external hemorrhoids, with blood and water dripping down, or inability to separate bones, difficulty in delivering the fetus, or wind and toxin entering the bones, numbness, pain, and spasms, or acne toxin closing internally, with no relief. This medicine is pungent, fragrant, and strong, good at dispersing. Shan Tong, in order to achieve extremely rapid results, cannot cure all diseases such as sudden and violent qi stagnation, phlegm stagnation, and dizziness." ("Compendium of Materia Medica")
6. Zhang Jingyue: "The taste is slightly sweet and pungent, and when applied, it is as cool as ice, while the qi is strong and powerful. It is not originally hot, but there is yin in the yang. It is good at dispersing qi, blood, fire, stagnation, opening the orifices, dispelling evil, and expelling evil qi from the heart and abdomen." ("Bencao Zheng")
  Although this flavor is generally referred to as Xin San, it is. The dispersion is not achieved from the inside out, but from the inside out. All obstacles, knots, and closures can be dispersed according to their location. (Compendium of Materia Medica)
8. Wang Fu: "Ice flakes, the pungent and fragrant qi, are all solid and cannot be reached... If you suspect that the pungent flavor nourishes the liver, you should not be cold. The aroma belongs to yang, nor should you be cold. Little do you know that there are different yin and yang in yin and yang... Yu Jin is also pungent and cold, and plum blossom is the only cold fragrance. It is not said that the pungent fragrance is not cold, but if it is cold and fragrant, it belongs to the yang ear in yin... Ice flakes mainly disperse stagnation and fire, can penetrate bones and remove heat, treat epilepsy, phlegm, throat obstruction, tongue swelling, toothache, hearing loss, nasal discomfort, red eyes and skin opacities, acne toxin entrapment, insecticide, sores and hemorrhoids, promote sexual activity, and can also cause sexual dysfunction. Nourishing the muscles and relieving pain. However, when dispersed and easily exhausted, it is ultimately yin cold." (From "Essentials of Medicine")
9. On the advantages, disadvantages, and usage of ice cream application
9.1 Li Dongyuan: "Dragon brain enters the bone, and wind disease is in the bone marrow. It is advisable to use it. If the wind is in the blood vessels and muscles, use the brain and musk to reverse the wind into the bone marrow, just like oil entering the face, it cannot be expelled." (quoted from "Gangmu")
9.2 Ni Zhumo: "However, very effective medicines can be used, such as for adults with small wind-induced drooling obstruction, and for those who experience sudden heat shock. For those who suffer from chronic illness and become wind rheumatism, and for those who experience slow startle after vomiting and diarrhea, they cannot be used. For those who experience sudden heat obstruction in the eye system, they can be used. For those who experience wind pain in the bone marrow, they can be used, but not in the blood vessels and muscles. However, the world knows that it is cool and smooth, but it is not hot enough to fly lightly and lightly. They like its fragrance and value, and often use it as a supplement to musk. However, the body's yang is prone to movement and yin is prone to deficiency, so they cannot be careless. The Compendium of Materia Medica
9.3 Zhang Jingyue: "Those who use this should use it sparingly and temporarily, while those who use it excessively will scatter their true qi, which can greatly harm others." ("Compendium of Materia Medica")
9.4 Huang Yu: "Borneol is pungent, warm, fragrant, and strong, and can dispel qi from the orifices. It is temporarily used to open, close, and search for evil in all syndromes such as wind phlegm and internal closure. However, the pungent fragrance can cause extreme death when taken. It is used for external symptoms such as eye stimulation and throat blowing, and can be used to disperse qi or rely on its fragrance to open the ears." ("Ben Jing Bian Shu")