Traditional Chinese Medicines Winter Melon, Coix Seed, and Lotus Leaf Soup
Release time:2024-09-05 15:30:05
Word Count:3210
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During the summer season, the house is very stuffy and hot, so you have to turn on the air conditioning at night to fall asleep. During the day, most workplaces have air conditioning. What's the problem? Being in an environment with air conditioning often leads to the body being exposed to cold and dampness, and the dampness is too heavy, making the whole body uncomfortable, the appetite is poor, and fatigue is easy. Therefore, when you have free time at home, you can boil this soup to strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, as well as lower blood lipids, relieve heat and diuresis. It is a great soup for summer.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
1 fresh lotus leaf, 500g fresh winter melon, 30g coix seed
Wash and shred the lotus leaves, peel and cut the winter melon into pieces, and put it together with Job's tears in a pot. Add a suitable amount of water to make soup. After cooking, add oil and salt to season. Drink the soup and eat the winter melon.
Analysis of Soup Formula
Lotus leaves have a bitter taste and a mild nature. They belong to the liver meridian, spleen meridian, and stomach meridian, and have the effects of clearing heat, relieving summer heat, promoting hair growth, clearing yang, dispersing blood stasis, and stopping bleeding.
Winter melon is rich in nutrients such as urea, unsaturated fatty acids, protein, minerals, etc. Eating winter melon regularly can have the effects of reducing cholesterol and weight, beautifying and beautifying the skin, protecting the kidneys and diuresis, clearing heat and relieving summer heat.
The Compendium of Materia Medica states that Job's tears invigorate the spleen and stomach, nourish the lungs, clear heat, dispel wind and dampness, nourish the face and body, lighten the body and prolong life. It also has functions such as preventing cancer, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and promoting metabolism.
【 Health benefits 】
Winter melon, Job's tears, and lotus leaf soup have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis, reducing swelling, promoting digestion, weight loss, and antioxidation
1. Clearing heat and relieving heat: Both winter melon and lotus leaves have the effect of clearing heat and relieving heat, which can help cool down and relieve heat, especially suitable for drinking in hot summer
2. Diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects: Both winter melon, Job's tears, and lotus leaves have diuretic and dehumidifying effects, which can increase urine output, eliminate excess water and waste from the body, help eliminate edema, and eliminate dampness from the body.
3. Promoting digestion: Lotus leaves are rich in fiber and plant tannins, which can increase intestinal peristalsis, promote digestion, and help improve digestive problems.
4. Weight loss and slimming: Winter melon and lotus leaves are both low calorie foods that can provide satiety, reduce appetite, and assist in weight loss and slimming.
5. Antioxidant: Winter melon and lotus leaves contain abundant antioxidant substances such as vitamin C and polyphenols, which can neutralize free radicals in the body and have antioxidant effects. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and stomach, promoting metabolism, and preventing cancer.