A miraculous remedy for hernia, cure one with one! Forwarding to save lives, immeasurable merit!
Release time:2024-09-06 13:42:41
Word Count:4033
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
This prescription is my unique secret recipe that has a remarkable effect on treating hernias.
The scene of my first hernia treatment still leaves a deep impression on me today.
It was a rainy day, and a mother rushed into the clinic with a crying child in her arms. Her face was full of anxiety, and as soon as she saw me, she eagerly said, "Doctor, take a look at my child! He has a bump on his belly for over a week now, and it's been useless to go to several hospitals. He doesn't know how to express himself, he just cries loudly. Watching him suffer so much, my heart is about to break
After careful diagnosis, I preliminarily concluded that he has a pediatric hernia. I decided to use the ancient formula Tiantai Wuyao Powder for treatment, so I wrote a prescription for my mother.
A few days later, the mother returned to the consultation room and became even more anxious. Her eyes turned red and her voice trembled as she said, "Doctor, the child is still not feeling well. What should we do
I saw my mother so anxious and my child so in pain, and couldn't help but wonder in my heart: "This ancient prescription is specifically designed to treat hernias and should be effective, but why is it useless on this child
I couldn't help but remember the ancient saying: "It's better to have no books than to believe in books." So, I said to my mother, "Take your child back first, come back tomorrow, and I'll study it carefully
After returning home, I carefully recalled the patient's symptoms and tried to identify the key to treating hernia.
What could be the reason for the bulging little bag of the child?
The weak abdominal wall in children is due to incomplete muscle development, and the muscles outside the intestines are not tightly wrapped. When children cry and exert force, their intestines protrude from weak areas, forming hernias.
Regulating the spleen and stomach, enhancing muscle strength, is the key to treatment.
The next day, I rewrote a prescription for the patient's mother with only four ingredients: Huangqi, Codonopsis pilosula, Yam, and Raw Malt.
What was the result?
A week later, the child's mother brought me a banner and kept thanking me, saying, "Doctor, thank you so much! After taking a set of medicine, the bumps on the child's belly noticeably shrank and crying decreased. Just stick to taking the medicine and he'll be fine

*Selected formulas for testing
Hernia Gui Yuan Tang
Ingredients: 30g Huangqi, 18g Dangshen, 18g Yam, 9g Raw Malt
Effect: Tonifying Qi and Boosting Qi
Indications: Hernia
Usage: Take by decoction in water, one dose per day
Attention: The above doses are for adults, and children should reduce them as appropriate.

How does this prescription with only four ingredients work wonders for treating hernias?
Huangqi has the effect of raising qi, which can lift up the small intestine qi.
Codonopsis pilosula strengthens the spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the spleen controls the muscles and can enhance muscle strength.
Raw malt helps with digestion, reduces intestinal burden, avoids bloating caused by indigestion, and alleviates symptoms of hernia.
Yam is firm and astringent, like a lock that locks the opening of the hernia abdominal wall.
These four medicines work together to fundamentally solve the problem of hernia.
Hernia, commonly known as "small intestine gas", is common in infants, young children, the elderly, heavy physical labor, and postoperative populations. Don't think hernia is a trivial matter. If left untreated, hernia entrapment may cause intestinal obstruction, intestinal necrosis, and even life-threatening situations.
The prescription shared today, although only consisting of four ingredients, has a miraculous effect on treating hernias. With this prescription, I have cured countless people. Such a good prescription, such a simple medicinal herb, is worth letting more people know.
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