Traditional Chinese Medicines Chenpi Green Bean Soup
Release time:2024-09-06 15:07:35
Word Count:2359
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This summer in the Greater Bay Area, although not the hottest, it is located in a maritime climate zone and often feels sticky on the body, which makes people feel particularly uncomfortable. In fact, this is moisture. This summer, I really like to use snake bile, Sichuan scallop, tangerine peel, and boiled water to make mung bean soup, which is very delicious. I even tasted the five-star Michelin sensation. As we enter the summer, if the patient has heavy dampness in the body, they can be treated with tangerine peel mung bean sand. They can boil tangerine peel mung bean sand and drink it, which can achieve good effects of dispelling dampness, lowering blood lipids and blood pressure. And the effect of long-term drinking on weight loss is also quite significant.
【 Composition of Soup Formula 】
30g of snake bile, Sichuan scallop, tangerine peel, 200g of mung beans
First, boil the dried tangerine peel in 15L of water. Then, put the dried tangerine peel water and mung beans together in a pressure cooker and cook until cooked. Season with white sugar.
Analysis of Soup Formula
Snake Gallbladder Chenpi Chuanbei Powder has the effects of regulating qi, resolving phlegm, dispelling wind, and strengthening the stomach.
Green beans have a sweet taste and a cool nature. They can be used to clear heat and detoxify the heart and stomach meridians, relieve heat, and have beneficial water effects. They are commonly used for heat, thirst, edema, diarrhea, and other hot foods in daily life to clear heat, relieve heat, and detoxify. Green beans also have the effects of lowering blood lipids, lowering cholesterol, anti allergy, antibacterial, anti-tumor, and enhancing appetite.
【 Health benefits 】
Chuanbei Green Bean Soup has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, moistening the lungs and resolving phlegm, promoting diuresis and reducing swelling, supplementing nutrition, and enhancing appetite. It can improve symptoms such as cough and phlegm, sore throat, swelling and fullness, and decreased appetite. It is more suitable for people with heat toxicity constitution, edema, spleen deficiency and loose stools to consume. Soup contains rich nutrients such as amino acids, proteins, vitamins, dietary fiber, and various trace elements. Moderate consumption can supplement the body with the necessary nutrients and maintain a balanced nutrition.