Can I drink traditional Chinese medicine and eat lamb?
Release time:2024-09-06 15:33:06
Word Count:3029
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Can I eat lamb while drinking traditional Chinese medicine
Many people use traditional Chinese medicine to regulate symptoms of discomfort in their bodies. We know that while taking traditional Chinese medicine, special attention must be paid to diet. Eating some foods together with medication may not only affect the efficacy of the medicine, but also worsen the condition. So, can I eat lamb while drinking traditional Chinese medicine?
When drinking traditional Chinese medicine, many foods need to be avoided. Among them, lamb is a volatile food and cannot be consumed during the medication period. Many meat and fishy foods belong to volatile foods, such as lamb mentioned above, as well as dog meat, goose, shrimp, crab, etc. Therefore, in order to avoid affecting the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine, it is advisable to avoid eating lamb during the period of Chinese medicine.
What to pay attention to during drinking traditional Chinese medicine
1. Taboos
During the consumption of traditional Chinese medicine, attention should be paid to avoiding spicy, stimulating, greasy, and cold foods to avoid affecting the effectiveness of the medication.
2. Control temperature
When drinking traditional Chinese medicine, attention should be paid to controlling the temperature. Traditional Chinese medicine should not be too hot or too cold. Generally, traditional Chinese medicine should be taken at a warm temperature for the best effect. However, there are also some special medications that need to be taken hot or cold, and the doctor will have special instructions for taking these medications. Just follow the doctor's advice and take them.
3. Pay attention to medication timing
The time for taking traditional Chinese medicine includes before meals, after meals, on an empty stomach, before bedtime, etc. When taking medication, it is mainly based on the effectiveness of the medication to determine the appropriate timing, and the specific time should be consulted with a doctor in advance.
What to pay attention to during drinking traditional Chinese medicine
4. Do not drink alcohol during medication period
Avoid drinking alcohol during the consumption of traditional Chinese medicine. Alcohol can stimulate the brain and skin, and its paralyzing effect can also delay the condition, which is not conducive to the treatment of diseases. Alcohol may also undergo chemical reactions with some components in traditional Chinese medicine, which can affect the effectiveness of the medication and even worsen the patient's condition. Therefore, drinking alcohol should be avoided during the use of traditional Chinese medicine.
5. Avoid eating mung beans
Green beans have excellent heat clearing and detoxifying effects, and consuming them regularly is very beneficial to the body. But during the medication period, mung beans cannot be eaten because mung beans have a strong antidote effect. If the medicine is eaten together with mung beans, it can weaken the efficacy and fail to achieve the expected therapeutic effect.