3 secret formulas to completely eliminate urticaria!
Release time:2024-09-07 06:56:22
Word Count:6025
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
Recently, a group member shared a prescription that cured her and her classmate's daughter's urticaria. As soon as I looked at Fang Zi, it was a famous prescription that has been passed down through the ages, and I couldn't help but quickly share it with everyone.
Regarding urticaria, I have previously shared a prescription with everyone, which mainly targets urticaria and eczema caused by external wind (external environment), which is caused by the invasion of wind, dampness, and heat pathogens into the human body; The prescription shared by the group mainly targets urticaria caused by internal wind, which is due to the imbalance of qi and blood in the body, and blood deficiency generates wind.
Urticaria caused by external wind is like a sudden gust of strong wind, blowing open the windows of the house and pouring cold air directly into the body, causing discomfort and itching on the skin. In this case, urticaria usually occurs rapidly and has a short course of illness.
The key to treating urticaria caused by external wind is to disperse wind pathogens and eliminate dampness and heat.

*Selected formulas for testing
Qufeng Dehumidification Soup
Ingredients: 6g Jingjie, 6g Fangfeng, 15g Sophora flavescens, 30g Baiyangpi, 30g Dihuangzi, 9g Cangzhu, 6g Cicada Shed
Effect: Dispelling wind and dampness, clearing heat and relieving itching
Indications: Eczema, Urticaria
Usage: Take one dose per day and decoct twice in water
Caution: Avoid spicy food, seafood, etc

Jingjie is like a window bolt used to fix windows, blocking wind and preventing cold air from continuing to invade.
Sophora flavescens clears heat, just like an air conditioner, responsible for reducing the heat in the body.
Cangshu is dry and humid, like a dehumidifier, sucking away the moisture in the room.
White ringworm skin and earth skin relieve itching, like a protective shield for the skin.
The cicada molt is the shell left behind by the metamorphosis of cicada larvae into cicadas, which is the finishing touch of the prescription and helps guide the medication to the target location accurately.
Urticaria caused by blood deficiency and wind is like a problem with the pipes inside a house (referring to the body's blood system), causing the heating system to malfunction. This is usually chronic urticaria, characterized by recurrent skin itching and rash.
There is a saying in traditional Chinese medicine that goes, "To treat wind, first treat the blood. When the blood flows, the wind will self extinguish. So, to treat urticaria caused by internal wind, the key is to replenish qi and nourish blood.
The prescription shared by group friends is called Danggui Yinzi, which comes from the Song Dynasty's "Yan's Jisheng Formula" and is a famous prescription for treating skin itching.

*Selected formulas for testing
Danggui drink
Ingredients: 15g Angelica sinensis, 15g Sedum, 15g Chuanqiong, 15g Paeonia lactiflora, 30g Astragalus membranaceus, 15g Schizonepeta, 10g Tribulus terrestris, 10g Polygonum multiflorum, 15g Windproof, 10g Licorice
Effect: Nourish blood and promote blood circulation, dispel wind and relieve itching
Indications: Urticaria, Itching Skin
Usage: Take by decoction in water, one dose per day

Next, let's take a look at how the 10 medicines in the prescription work together to be effective.
Angelica sinensis, Ligusticum chuanxiong, Paeonia lactiflora, and Rehmannia glutinosa are composed of the Four Ingredient Decoction, which nourishes yin and blood, and together repairs the heating system inside the house to ensure smooth flow of qi and blood.
Huangqi replenishes qi, just like the energy supply system of a house, enhancing the "insulation performance" of the house.
White thistle soothes the liver, relieves wind and itching, clears airflow, and avoids excessive disturbance of internal "wind".
Making Polygonum multiflorum nourishes the liver and kidneys, benefits the essence and blood, just like an engineer repairing the main structure, enhancing the foundation of the house.
Windproof, catnip ears can relieve wind and itching, and deal with residual wind pathogens inside the house.
Licorice is beneficial to qi and harmonizes various medicines. The combination of various medicines works together to nourish blood, moisten dryness, dispel wind and relieve itching.
For urticaria, we have previously shared a topical prescription that can quickly relieve itching and alleviate pain.

*Selected formulas for testing
Dehumidification and itching relieving ointment
Ingredients: 30g Sophora flavescens, 15g Sichuan pepper, 9g Da Feng Zi, 15g Bai Yin Pi, 15g alum, 9g rhubarb, 15g Di Fu Zi, 6g peppermint, 6g borneol, 15g Cang Er Zi, 450ml 75% medical alcohol
Method: Grind the above medication into coarse powder, soak it in alcohol, seal for 7 days, and it is ready.
Effect: Clearing heat and dampness, dispelling wind and relieving itching
Indications: eczema, prickly heat, urticaria, etc
Usage: For external use (apply to the affected area)

Over the years, I have insisted on sharing some proven and effective prescriptions on the official account, hoping to help more people alleviate their pain. But I know that one person's power is limited, so I often encourage my friends in the group to share more effective formulas that have been verified by themselves or family and friends, so that more people can benefit.
The reason why I spare no effort in sharing prescriptions is because I deeply understand the troubles caused by diseases. I hope that these effective prescriptions can be like keys, opening the door to health for those who are troubled by illness. I hope that patients will no longer be trapped by high medical expenses and can follow the prescription to any pharmacy to get medication and receive targeted treatment.
Share good prescriptions together, spread the power of traditional Chinese medicine, let more people benefit from the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine, and let this brilliant pearl of traditional Chinese medicine shine even brighter.