What are the benefits of acupoint massage?
Release time:2024-09-07 22:11:28
Word Count:2625
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01 Shock:
Stimulating the central acupoint (located at the midpoint of the nasolabial groove in the human body) has the function of raising blood pressure and stimulating the respiratory center. When patients with stroke, heatstroke, poisoning, allergies suddenly experience coma, respiratory arrest, blood pressure drop, or even shock, pressing their acupoints with the tip of the thumb can often provide emergency treatment.
Lowering blood pressure:
Due to anger, rage, excitement, fatigue, and other reasons, blood pressure rises sharply, which poses a great threat to the patient's life. At this time, pressing the Laogong acupoint (located at the center of the palm, at the middle fingertip of the clenched fist and bent finger) can gradually restore blood pressure to normal.
When vomiting, you can use your middle finger to press the Neiguan acupoint (located in the middle of the forearm, 2 inches above the wrist crease) to stop vomiting. It should be pressed until there is a feeling of soreness and swelling, and vomiting should stop after about 1 minute.
When a headache strikes, you can use both index fingers to press the temples on both sides of the head (located 1 inch behind the concave area between the eyebrows and the outer corners of the eyes), until there is swelling and pain, and rotate clockwise for 1 minute. The headache can be relieved.
When experiencing stomach pain, use both thumbs to massage the Zusanli acupoint on both legs (located 3 inches below the knee and 1 horizontal finger on the outer side of the tibia). After experiencing a sour, numb, and swollen sensation, persist for 3-5 minutes, and the stomach pain will be significantly relieved.
02 Angina pectoris:
Angina attacks are often accompanied by chest compression, suffocation, and other sensations. At this time, you can press the Yang acupoint (located in the depression below the spinous process of the 7th thoracic vertebra), usually for 3-6 minutes, and the angina can be effectively relieved.
Gallbladder colic:
When cholecystitis or gallstones occur, severe colic can occur in the upper right abdomen. At this point, you can continuously massage the Yanglingquan acupoint on the right calf (located diagonally below the knee and slightly anterior to the fibular head on the outer side of the calf) with your thumb for 2 minutes to achieve good pain relief.
Renal colic:
When renal colic occurs, you can use your thumb to massage the Sanyinjiao acupoint (located 3 inches above the ankle tip and behind the medial edge of the tibia), repeatedly massage for 3-5 minutes, and the renal colic can be relieved.