A secret recipe, four traditional Chinese medicines, eliminates all polyps, repeatedly used and effective!
Release time:2024-09-08 10:23:23
Word Count:5541
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
Recently, many people in the group have been asking how to treat polyps. Actually, there's no need for surgery at all.
After many people discover polyps, doctors will tell you that surgery is the "fastest" solution. But the reality is that after surgery, countless people will experience a painful cycle of cutting and growing, and then cutting again. This repeated torment not only consumes the patient's time and money, but also causes immense physical pain.
Traditional Chinese medicine has a secret formula that can solve polyp problems without the pain of cutting.
Polyps, also known as "dead meat" in traditional Chinese medicine, are extra flesh that the body does not need. Polyps are very cunning, specifically targeting the weakest parts of the body to set up camp. They can grow in any part of the body, such as nasal polyps in the nasal cavity, gastric polyps in the stomach, rectal polyps in the rectum, uterine polyps in the uterus, gallbladder polyps in the gallbladder, etc.
It can be seen that polyps are like the "small fat" growing on the inner wall of a water pipe at home. These small fat may not initially affect water flow, but over time, the risk of blockage increases and may even lead to pipe rupture.
Polyps in the human body follow a similar principle, as they are caused by poor circulation of qi and blood, accumulation of phlegm and dampness in the body, leading to abnormal local hyperplasia.
How to treat polyps?
We can imagine the treatment process as "unclogging the pipeline" and "removing sediment".
Clearing the pipeline is to ensure smooth circulation of qi and blood, and avoid the occurrence of new growth.
To remove sediment, it is necessary to clean up the polyps that have already formed and dissolve them.
Here, let's give a reassurance pill to friends who are worried about polyp cancer. Most polyps are benign, and if properly treated, there won't be any problems.
The prescription for treating polyps is very simple, with only four ingredients: black plum, Lu Lu Tong, stir fried coix seed, and white muscardine silkworm.
This prescription has been used in clinical practice for many years and has been effective repeatedly.

*Selected formulas for testing
Polyp without shadow dispersion
Ingredients: 30g Ume, 15g Lulutong, 30g Stir fried Coix Seed, 10g White Silkworm
Effect: Softening and dispersing lumps, resolving phlegm and promoting blood circulation
Indications: Polyps
Usage: Boil in water, one dose per day, divided into two servings

How does this prescription of only four medicines work?
Ume has a sour nature, can dissolve phlegm and stasis, and has the effect of "removing dead muscles and corroding flesh". It is the nemesis of polyps and the main medicine of this prescription. Ume is like a cleansing agent for convergence and repair, which can clean up the waste inside the body. At the same time, it can also converge the ducts and prevent further growth of polyps.
Lulu Tong Huoxue Tongluo is like a pipeline unclogger, which can help clear blockages caused by the accumulation of moisture and poor blood circulation in the body, allowing qi and blood to flow again like flowing water, preventing polyps from continuing to grow due to blood stasis.
The white muscardine silkworm refers to a dead silkworm that is stiff and immortal, skilled at breaking knots, and has a strong ability to soften and disperse knots. It is like a cleaning tool specifically designed to deal with stubborn stains, capable of gradually breaking down stubborn polyps and restoring normal tissue state.
Coix seed is good at absorbing moisture and water, like a desiccant, which can absorb excess moisture from the body. After the excess moisture is absorbed, the phlegm turbidity naturally decreases, and the formation of polyps is inhibited. In addition, it can also strengthen the spleen and stomach, enhance physical fitness, make the body's "pipes" stronger and healthier, and reduce the chance of polyp recurrence.
Through the synergistic effect of these four medicines, the causes of polyp formation - "phlegm turbidity" and "congestion" - have been effectively solved. Just like when cleaning a pipeline, first unclog the blockage, then clean up the sediment, and finally prevent the formation of new sediment, the internal environment of the body returns to normal, and the polyps naturally disappear slowly.
At first, surgery was introduced to better assist patients suffering from illnesses, but now some doctors prioritize surgery regardless of the type of illness, major or minor, or whether surgery is needed or not. Surgery has become a sharp blade wielded by demons towards patients, harvesting money and benefits one after another. These righteous demons keep saying things like 'good for you, quick results, and time-saving', but in reality, they are just trying to achieve surgical goals and seek money.
But fortunately, we still have the treasure of traditional Chinese medicine.
The formula shared today has been clinically validated for many years and has been repeatedly used and effective. This polyp prescription starts from the overall perspective, regulates the internal environment of the body, and fundamentally solves the root cause of polyp formation, which is a safer and more effective way.
Friends, don't be led by the nose by the hospital anymore. Refuse to become a sacrifice for the interests of the hospital. No matter how long the surgery is, it's not the only way out!
Let's spread this good recipe together and benefit more people!