A 10-year-old girl died from surgery! Caution: With this secret recipe, tonsils dont need to be cut at all!
Release time:2024-09-08 10:28:34
Word Count:6466
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
Recently, the news of a 10-year-old girl dying from tonsillectomy has become a hot topic, attracting widespread attention and discussion. This is a heartbreaking tragedy. If a girl had been treated with traditional Chinese medicine for her tonsils, she wouldn't have had to die!
How did tragedy happen?
On August 6th, a 10-year-old girl who snored while sleeping due to tonsil problems received the doctor's recommendation to undergo minimally invasive tonsillectomy. Surgical evacuation to ICU treatment was ineffective, and the young life came to an end.
It is reported that the 10-year-old girl is the only child born to her mother at the age of 36. On the day of the incident, the child's mother's sky collapsed, and she was heartbroken, crying uncontrollably until she was intubated for oxygen therapy. Because she was afraid that she would faint from sadness, there was always a doctor following her, which was very distressing.
The tonsil problem could have been treated with traditional Chinese medicine, but driven by profit, surgery has become the "best choice" for doctors. Hospitals are plagued by chaos and frequent medical accidents, but ultimately it is the innocent patients and their families who pay the bill.
The passing of a life brings a brief punishment, but can this truly awaken the conscience of the healthcare system? Can doctors who ignore medical ethics for the sake of money realize that patients are not their cash machines, but rather flesh and blood lives?
Why is it said that tonsils do not require surgery?
The tonsils are an immune organ in the human body, located on the left and right sides of the throat, just like security guards standing guard at the door, protecting our bodies.
When bacteria, viruses, and other "thieves" try to enter our bodies, the security guard of the tonsils will fiercely fight against the thieves, and at this time, the tonsils will become inflamed. This is acute tonsillar enlargement.
Acute tonsillar enlargement is caused by external wind cold, depression, and heat dissipation. The solution is very simple. Use some traditional Chinese medicine that can clear heat and detoxify, and take one or two pairs to solve the problem.

*Selected formulas for testing
Quick acting throat pain soup
Ingredients: 9g honeysuckle, 9g forsythia, 9g burdock seeds, 6g mint, 9g lotus root, 6g cicada molt, 6g catnip, 3g bellflower stem
Effect: Clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and clearing throat
Indications: Acute tonsillitis
Usage: Boil in water and take orally, quickly boil over high heat, one dose per day
Precautions: 1. Spicy food is prohibited; 2. Not suitable for long-term frying

How is chronic tonsillar hypertrophy formed?
But usually when children notice tonsillitis, they go to the hospital for antibiotics and hormones as soon as possible. The tonsils are healed, but antibiotics and hormones can destroy the immune system and weaken it.
Repeated tonsillitis can lead to tonsillar hypertrophy, which is like the weakened combat effectiveness of security guards. Faced with constantly invading thieves, they are unable to drive them away and can only stand in a stalemate, resulting in long-term inflammation and swelling.
When Western medicine sees enlarged tonsils, they want to have surgery to remove them, which is like withdrawing security personnel. ‍
But the problem is that after Western medical surgery removes all the security guards, bacteria and viruses, these "thieves", can drive straight into the body without any obstruction, even without "calling the police". In this way, the body loses its first line of defense and will suffer greater damage when facing new infections.
Traditional Chinese Medicine believes that chronic tonsillar hypertrophy is caused by repeated upper respiratory tract infections, weak physical condition in children, insufficient positive energy, and inability to expel pathogenic factors, resulting in heat and toxins lingering in the throat and lingering, leading to this stubborn disease. So, the key to treating chronic tonsils lies in regulating qi.

*Selected formulas for testing
Tonsil reducing powder
Ingredients: 9g Houttuynia cordata, 6g Honeysuckle, 6g Bai Zhi, 6g Zhe Bei, 30g Sheng Huangqi, 3g Platycodon grandiflorum, 6g Zaojiao Ci
Method: Grind the above medicinal powder into fine powder and set aside for later use
Effect: Clearing heat and relieving pain, supporting toxins and penetrating pus
Indications: Chronic tonsillar hypertrophy
Usage: Take 6 grams each time with warm water, once in the morning and once in the evening

Huangqi (Astragalus membranaceus membranaceus) is a medicinal herb that nourishes qi and solidifies the surface, supports toxins and generates muscles. It can stimulate positive qi and drive away evil spirits, hence it is considered a royal medicine.
Houttuynia cordata can clear heat and detoxify, as well as eliminate carbuncles and discharge pus. It is specifically designed for the lung meridian (the throat belongs to the lungs); Honeysuckle is particularly good at clearing heat and eliminating carbuncles, and is an essential medicine for treating sores, carbuncles, swelling, and toxins; Bai Zhi reduces swelling and purulent discharge; Zhejiang Fritillaria has the functions of clearing heat and throat, resolving phlegm and dispersing lumps. The four medicines are collectively referred to as official medicines.
Zaojiao pricks through pus and becomes firm, and is used as an adjunctive medicine.
Platycodon grandiflorum can promote lung and throat circulation, expel pus, and guide various medicines to ascend to the throat, directly reaching the lesion. Therefore, it is used as a medicinal herb. When various medicines are used together, the righteous qi is sufficient, the pathogenic heat can be cleared, and the disease can be cured!
Attention: The dosage in the prescription is for adults, and the dosage for children should be appropriately reduced.
Every time I see children undergoing tonsillectomy due to their tonsil problems, seeing this ridiculous method makes me feel heartbroken. In order to protect more parents and children from tonsil problems, I have decided to release the miraculous secret formula that I have developed over the years.
Today's secret recipe, after years of clinical verification, has excellent therapeutic effects. I hope everyone can spread it widely, share and watch it, save more people, and let more tonsil patients see hope.