Lotus Lily Drink in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Release time:2024-09-08 10:34:55
Word Count:1474
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Drinking more tea before and after the autumnal equinox can effectively resist the invasion of autumn dryness. So, what tea can we drink during the autumnal equinox to moisten our lungs and prevent dryness? Below is a lotus and lily drink for everyone to drink and maintain health during this season.
【 Composition of Tea Recipe 】
10 grams of lotus seed heart, 3 grams of imperial chrysanthemum, and 10 grams of lily
Boil water according to the above ratio and drink it as tea
Analysis of Tea Recipe
Lotus seeds have a cool nature and a bitter taste. They have the effects of clearing heart fire, lowering blood pressure, stopping sweating, nourishing the mind and brain.
Gongju has a slightly cold nature and belongs to the lung and liver meridians. It has the effects of dispersing wind and heat, calming the liver and improving vision, clearing heat and detoxifying.
Lily has a sweet taste, a cold nature, and is suitable for the heart and lung meridians. It has the effects of nourishing yin and moistening lungs, clearing the heart and calming the mind.
【 Health benefits 】
Lotus Lily Drink has the effects of clearing the heart, fire, improving vision, moisturizing the lungs, and nourishing the skin. Suitable for those with weak constitution, palpitations, working in front of mobile phones and computers for a long time, with dry eyes, blurred vision, yin deficiency, dry cough, and mental confusion. Insomnia, frequent dreams, and nocturnal emissions can lead to drinking.