Chinese medicinal herb: poppy
Release time:2024-09-08 20:52:51
Word Count:3447
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Poppy, a traditional Chinese medicine name. The seeds of Papaver somniferum L., a plant in the family Papaveraceae. This product is strictly prohibited from illegal cultivation. We now authorize certain units to cultivate it for medicinal purposes. In ancient Song Dynasty, traditional Chinese medicine discovered that poppies were effective in treating nausea, cough, and abdominal pain, as well as in nourishing the stomach, regulating the lungs, and promoting throat function. At one point, some people even used poppies as a supplement, such as Su Shi's poem: "The Taoist advises drinking chicken Su water, and the child can boil Yingsu soup," which reflects this situation. However, during the Yuan Dynasty, traditional Chinese medicine gradually realized the huge side effects of poppy and recommended caution. Poppy shells can relieve cough and phlegm, and are used to treat symptoms such as cough, excessive phlegm, and asthma. It has the effect of lowering blood pressure and can be used to treat symptoms such as hypertension, dizziness, and vertigo. It also has a certain anti-tumor effect and can be used to treat malignant tumors such as lung cancer and liver cancer. It can also enhance the human immune system, improve the body's resistance, and prevent diseases.
[Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics]
Taste: Sweet in taste, flat in nature.
Gui Jing: Gui Spleen, Stomach, and Large Intestine Meridians.
【 Indications and Functions 】
Effect: Nourish the spleen and stimulate appetite, clear heat and promote diuresis.
Indications: Diarrhea, dysentery, and nausea.
Clinical Application
1. Treat red and white diarrhea, abdominal pain, urgency and severity; And treat hernia: half a pound of poppy seed millet (stir fried red), one or two pieces of licorice (roasted, filed). Add two flavors, roughly mash and sieve, take five taels of dagger per serving, one and a half cups of water, fry until 80%, remove impurities, and take warm clothes on an empty stomach before lying down. (St. Francis' Record of Ten Thousand Spirits Soup)
2. To treat nausea, do not eat too much: combine white poppy rice, three large pieces of ginseng powder, and raw yam that is five inches long. Cut and study carefully. Mix three ingredients in one liter of water and two in one. Boil six in six, add ginger juice and a little salt flower, stir well, and take two portions. Regardless of whether you eat it in the morning or evening, you may also want to take the soup pill separately. (The "Materia Medica Manual" is quoted from the "Southern Tang Dynasty Medical Recipe" poppy Congee method)
Poppy is the main raw material for producing opium, and its extract is also a source of various sedatives, such as morphine, terbaine, codeine, papaverine, and nocodine. The scientific name 'somniferum' means' hypnosis', reflecting its anesthetic properties. The flowers of the poppy genus are splendid and beautiful, making them a valuable ornamental plant. According to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, it is strictly prohibited for any unit or individual to illegally cultivate poppy, marijuana, and other drug plants; it is strictly prohibited for any catering industry, food producers, operators, or individuals to add poppy, marijuana, and other drug plants and their illegal products to food.