Chinese herbal medicine: Constipation fruit
Release time:2024-09-08 20:54:24
Word Count:3301
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Constipation fruit is a natural fruit, also known as sausage fruit or laxative fruit, originating in Sri Lanka. It is harvested during the winter when the fruit is ripe and dried. It is rich in dietary fiber and various natural organic acids, which are beneficial for maintaining intestinal health and can effectively alleviate constipation symptoms. Constipation fruit has the function of supplementing vitamin C, which can not only detoxify and relieve constipation, improve gastrointestinal health, but also eliminate fatigue. It has a beauty and beauty effect and can be used for acne, freckles, etc. Constipation fruit contains flavonoids, anthraquinones, steroids, and volatile oils, which have pharmacological effects such as liver protection, anti parasitic, antioxidant, and antibacterial.
[Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics]
Taste: Sweet and slightly spicy in taste, cool in medicinal properties
Gui Jing: Large intestine meridian.
【 Indications and Functions 】
Effect: Clearing heat and detoxifying, reducing swelling and attacking the body
Indications: Constipation patients, individuals with yin deficiency and excessive fire, and those with endocrine disorders.
Clinical Application
Constipation fruit and laxative fruit are dry and mature fruits of the legume sausage tree. It has the effects of moisturizing the intestines, treating constipation, and reducing fire and clearing heat. Can be applied clinically in
1. Nourishing and protecting the liver: Da Jie Guo contains abundant trace elements, among which a large amount of vitamin C can promote liver metabolism, reduce liver burden, assist in the treatment of liver diseases, and have the effect of nourishing and protecting the liver.
2. Treating Constipation: Da Jie Guo, also known as Constipation Fruit, is rich in fiber and can accelerate intestinal peristalsis, improve long-term constipation or difficult bowel movements.
3. Reduce fire and clear heat: The fruit has a cold and refreshing nature, which can effectively eliminate heat toxins and eliminate fire qi in the body, improve endocrine disorders and symptoms such as yin deficiency and excessive fire, and has the effect of reducing fire and clearing heat.
4. Detoxification and skincare: Constipation fruit is rich in beneficial ingredients such as fiber and natural organic acids, which can relieve fatigue, improve physical fitness, and detoxify and nourish the skin. Due to the fast pace of life, irregular sleep patterns, and frequent staying up late, young adults may experience symptoms such as acne, pigmentation, and bad breath. Constipation fruits can be consumed as an auxiliary treatment.
Pregnant women should consume with caution: Constipation fruits are cold in nature and can accelerate uterine contractions, which can easily cause miscarriage. It is not recommended to consume them casually during pregnancy. Infants and young children should consume with caution: Infants and young children's physical functions are not yet fully developed, and constipation fruits should be consumed with caution to avoid affecting their health. Taboo: Constipation with fruit cold, therefore, it is not suitable for people with stomach cold to consume, as taking it may worsen physical discomfort symptoms. Not suitable for consumption with bananas and pears.