This secret recipe can sweep away coronary heart disease without the need for stents!
Release time:2024-09-12 12:16:27
Word Count:9316
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
I have a secret Chinese medicine formula that has good therapeutic effects on coronary heart disease.
Treatment Cases
Mr. Zhang, a patient with coronary heart disease, suffered from the torment of coronary heart disease for 8 years. In the past two years, his symptoms of chest tightness, chest pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue have become increasingly severe. The doctor suggested that he undergo stent surgery as soon as possible, but faced with the high cost of the surgery, Mr. Zhang was caught in a dilemma.
He inquired around and finally found me, hoping to alleviate his symptoms through traditional Chinese medicine.
I carefully inquired about his condition, examined his tongue coating and pulse in detail, and finally prescribed a traditional Chinese medicine prescription for him.
A month later, Mr. Zhang came to my clinic with a banner and excitedly said, "Dr. Fu, do you know? I went to the hospital for a follow-up examination, and the doctor who suggested I install a stent was shocked! He said he couldn't believe it at all. I can recover so well through traditional Chinese medicine treatment. Thank you so much
Trapped in emotion
Seeing Mr. Zhang recover so well, I felt a sense of relief in my heart. But at the same time, I also began to re-examine and rethink the treatment of coronary heart disease.
When it comes to the treatment of coronary heart disease, people often think of bypass grafting and stent placement first. I used to not reject these surgeries, thinking they could save lives in critical moments. The stent supports the hope of the patient and builds the bridge of life.
However, in today's society, some doctors treat patients as "cash cows" for their own benefit, and more and more heartbreaking news reports are emerging. For example, a 62 year old patient was diagnosed with coronary heart disease in 2015 and underwent multiple surgeries with a total of 10 stents implanted. However, the condition kept recurring and the results were unsatisfactory.
These cases not only make me feel sad for the patients, but also deeply saddened by the prospects of our industry.
Doctors should uphold the principle of treating diseases and saving lives, relieving the suffering of patients. If doctors treat patients as tools for accumulating wealth, prioritize their interests over their health, blindly allow patients to undergo surgery, and attempt to squeeze out their last bit of value, this behavior seriously violates the original intention and morality of doctors, and is truly infuriating and shameful.
The treatment approach of traditional Chinese medicine
In my opinion, Western medicine is powerless against coronary heart disease, while traditional Chinese medicine has unique ideas and methods for treating coronary heart disease.
Coronary heart disease, in simple terms, is a problem with the blood vessels in the heart. If we compare our body to a river, blood is river water, blood vessels are rivers, and the heart is a pump. When the river channel or blood vessels are blocked, the water flow will be obstructed and unable to pass smoothly, which is one of the manifestations of coronary heart disease.
There are two main pathological causes of coronary heart disease, simply put, "lack of motivation" and "blockage".
First of all, the lack of power is like the pump (heart) running out of power and unable to push the water flow. This is because there is a lack of "heart qi" and "heart yang", the strength of the heart is insufficient, the ability to push blood is weakened, resulting in poor blood flow. It's like the river flows slowly, and the plants along the river don't get enough water, so they will naturally dry up.
Moreover, the blockage is blocked due to the accumulation of debris such as silt and garbage in the river, resulting in poor water flow. This is like "phlegm stasis" blocking the heart meridian, blood flow is obstructed, and wherever it is blocked, pain will be felt.
Therefore, treating coronary heart disease requires a dual approach.
On the one hand, it is necessary to enhance the power of the heart by adding sufficient horsepower to the water pump, supplementing the heart qi and yang, and allowing blood to flow smoothly.
On the other hand, it is also necessary to clean up the river, dredge up the accumulated silt and garbage, and ensure that blood can flow smoothly.
Coronary heart disease is known as the "world-class coronary artery disaster", with a total of 11 million patients in China. I don't want to see so many people suffer from illness, so many families fall into pain and helplessness because of it, and so many lives struggle and hover in pain. Therefore, I have decided to publicly disclose the secret recipe for coronary heart disease, hoping to spread it widely and help more patients and friends who are suffering from the pain of illness!

*Selected formulas for testing
Heartache Soup
Ingredients: 9g Pinellia ternata, 9g Xiebai, 30g Gualou, 9g Guizhi, 6g Citrus aurantium, 9g Danshen, 9g Chuanqiong, 9g Leech, 15g Yuanhu, 3g Sanqi, 6g Jiangxiang, 6g Ginseng
Effect: Dissolve phlegm, widen chest, warm yang, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis
Indications: Chest tightness, chest pain, palpitations caused by coronary heart disease and angina pectoris
Usage: Take one dose per day, boil twice in water
Precautions: Avoid greasy food, keep warm and avoid the cold

The combination of this prescription can be likened to a powerful river repair team, each undertaking different tasks, working together to repair and dredge our waterways, namely the heart meridian, to effectively treat coronary heart disease.
Pinellia ternata is like a garbage collector in a river, clearing away the phlegm and dampness that clogs the river, making blood flow smoother.
Xiebai Tongyang Sanjie is a dredging agent for rivers, specifically designed to deal with the cold and congealing gases blocking the river. Xiebai can also regulate qi and widen the chest, like expanding blood vessels and allowing blood to flow better.
Gualou clears heat and phlegm, widens the chest and disperses lumps. It is a powerful dredging machine that can help open severely blocked areas.
Guizhi warms the meridians and promotes yang and qi circulation, serving as a power accelerator and facilitating blood circulation.
Citrus aurantium can break down qi and eliminate accumulation, reduce phlegm and disperse phlegm. It is a river channel expansion work that expands the narrowed part of blood vessels and prevents the accumulation of impurities in the blood from forming new blockages.
Danshen promotes blood circulation and eliminates blood stasis, while Chuanxiong promotes blood circulation and qi circulation. It is like a purifier for river water, helping blood flow more smoothly in the river.
Leeches break through blood and remove blood stasis, while Yuanhu promotes blood circulation, qi circulation, and pain relief. It is like a powerful mud dredging team, specialized in dealing with stubborn blood stasis and clots, thoroughly removing the mud that hinders blood flow, and restoring the smoothness of the river.
Sanqi disperses blood stasis, stops bleeding, reduces swelling and pain, reduces fragrance, removes blood stasis, stops bleeding, regulates qi and relieves pain. It is like a river protection team, helping to stop bleeding, reduce swelling, and relieve pain, ensuring that the river is no longer damaged and helping to restore stable water flow (blood flow).
Ginseng replenishes vitality and is a "water pump booster". It greatly enhances the power of the heart, increases heart qi and yang, and ensures that the heart has enough strength to push blood flow, just like turning on the horsepower of a water pump to push the river water to flow better throughout the body, ensuring a continuous flow of blood.
Coronary heart disease is like a sharp sword hanging over the head, which can cause myocardial infarction at any time and endanger life.
At present, many people choose the mainstream treatment methods of Western medicine when facing coronary heart disease - bypass surgery and stent placement.
These treatments are expensive and may cost tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, and many patients may experience blood vessel blockage again after surgery, requiring repeat surgery, and the results may not be ideal.
Today's traditional Chinese medicine prescription can unblock the heart meridian, reduce phlegm and turbidity, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, fundamentally treating coronary heart disease. More importantly, it can avoid the trauma and sequelae caused by Western surgical procedures, providing patients with a safe and effective treatment option.
Instead of spending a lot of money on repeated surgeries and treatments, this traditional Chinese medicine formula is a better choice.
We vigorously promote this traditional Chinese medicine therapy because it has truly helped many people overcome the troubles of coronary heart disease. If you or your family and friends are also worried about coronary heart disease, please forward this information to let more people know the power of traditional Chinese medicine. Perhaps your sharing can save a life. This is not only a help to patients, but also an immeasurable act of kindness!