Erectile dysfunction becomes more severe as one smokes
Release time:2024-09-12 14:04:45
Word Count:2581
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Due to the increasing pressure of work and life nowadays, some male friends do not pay attention to protecting their physical health and often smoke and drink alcohol.
So the disease quietly invaded the bodies of male friends. Erectile dysfunction is one of the common male diseases.
Experts point out that erectile dysfunction is a common sexual dysfunction disease, which refers to the inability of the penis to erect or become weak, resulting in the inability to engage in sexual activity.
1. Irregular sleep schedule. Men who often stay up late to work are most likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. The evening, especially from 23:00 to 1am, is a critical period for the natural yang energy to gradually weaken and strengthen.
Men can only replenish their yang energy by taking sufficient rest at night. Only with sufficient yang energy can one have strong functions.
Long term staying up late can cause imbalance between yin and yang and damage to yang energy.
Therefore, every male friend who loves their body should follow the natural laws, go to bed before 11 pm at night, get up at dawn, and go to bed early at night. Therefore, experts suggest that such people should adjust their sleep schedule according to natural laws.
2. Frequent drinking and constant socializing. Due to the fact that alcohol can cause prostate congestion, men who frequently drink alcohol are most likely to suffer from prostatitis. Prostatitis can compress the urethra, leading to symptoms such as urinary waiting and incomplete urination. Moreover, prostatitis itself can easily lead to erectile dysfunction.
Therefore, men who socialize too much and frequently drink alcohol face the dual threat of impotence and prostatitis, and must start to work hard to quit drinking from now on. If they have difficulty urinating, they should go to the hospital for prostatitis screening to prevent the condition from worsening further. Expert advice: These people should strive to quit drinking and seek timely treatment for prostatitis.
3. Excessive smoking addiction. Nicotine in cigarettes can damage sperm quality and cause erectile dysfunction, which is more harmful to male function than excessive alcohol consumption. And emotional depression is also a triggering factor for erectile dysfunction.
Experts suggest that men who love to smoke should gradually quit smoking, and those who are in a bad mood for a long time can use traditional Chinese medicine that can soothe the liver and relieve depression under the guidance of a doctor. At the same time, they should use antidepressants with caution.