Chinese herbal medicine: Maoberry
Release time:2024-09-12 14:09:19
Word Count:2868
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Maoberry is also known as Snake Bubble, Shitian Bubble, March Bubble, Red Plum Blossom, and Tiger Wave Grass. Its roots are used as medicine, also known as fossil roots or sugarcane roots, which belong to the category of heat clearing and detoxifying medicines. Distributed in the eastern, central, and southern provinces of China.
[Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics]
Taste: bitter, astringent, slightly cold in nature
Gui Jing: Enters the liver meridian, lung meridian, and kidney meridian.
【 Functions and Indications 】
Function: Clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting blood circulation and cooling blood, dispelling wind and dampness
Indications: Gallstones, urinary system stones, allergic dermatitis, traumatic injuries, diarrhea due to deficiency cold, drunkenness, dry blood tuberculosis, and sweat spots.
Clinical Application
1: Urinary tract stones. Ingredients: 120 grams of fresh raspberry roots and 120 milliliters of rice wine. Usage: Cut the fresh roots into small pieces, add rice wine, and then add an appropriate amount of water. Fry for 1 hour, remove the residue, and take twice a day. Take one dose continuously.
2: Allergic dermatitis. Formula composition: 50g of raspberry root and 10g of alum. Usage: Boil the raspberry in water, remove the residue, dissolve it with alum, and wash the affected area with warm water once a day.
3: Dry blood (menstrual cycle is closed, body is thin, feet are feverish, skin is dry, throat is dry). Composition of the prescription: 30g of raspberry root, 30g of baby motherwort, 15g of dwarf tea, 15g of crane grass, 15g of thin vegetable, and 10 red dates. Usage: Boil in water and take 1 dose daily for 3-5 days.
4: Injury caused by falling or hitting. Ingredients: 30g of raspberry root and 15g of elderberry. Usage: Boil in water, divided into 2 portions; Mix with rice wine in moderation.
5: Diarrhea caused by deficiency cold. Ingredients: 30g raspberry root, 1 orange cake. Usage: Boil in water and take orally.
6: Drunk and unable to wake up. Formula composition: 30g of raspberry leaves. Usage: Roast, grind into fine powder, dilute salt soup and serve.
7: Sweat spots. Composition of the prescription: appropriate amount of stem and leaves of raspberry. Usage: Sun dry, stir fry with charcoal (stored), apply to the affected area after mixing with water.
8: Cold: Recipe composition: 15g raspberry root, 12g honeysuckle, 6g licorice, 6g mint, boil water and drink.
9: Mumps: 10 grams of raspberry root, 10 grams of black ginseng, 30 grams of indigo root, decoct and take.
Maoberry root also has important effects of dispelling wind and dampness, and is a commonly used medicine in clinical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and joint pain. It can reduce swelling, relieve pain, promote blood circulation, and remove blood stasis. Maoberry root can also be used to treat injuries caused by falls or joint sprains.