Chinese herbal medicine: bone fragment supplement
Release time:2024-09-12 14:11:17
Word Count:3666
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Gu Duan Bu, also known as Shen Jiang or Monkey Jiang, is the root and stem of water dragon orthopedic plants such as Quercetin and Chinese Quercetin, as well as large leaf Gu Duan Bu and Haizhou Gu Duan Bu in the Gu Duan Bu family. There are many legends about bone fragments, which indicate that bone fragments have a good effect on fracture pain and increased blood flow.
[Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics]
Taste: Bitter in taste, warm in nature.
Guijing: Guijing refers to the kidney and liver meridians.
【 Functions and Indications 】
Function: Tonifying the kidney to treat deficiency, promoting blood circulation to continue injury.
Indications: Treat kidney deficiency, lower back pain, weak feet, tinnitus, deafness, toothache, falls, flashes, or sores, damage to muscles and bones, diarrhea.
Clinical Application
1: Joint dislocation and fracture: After orthopedic reduction, take bone fragments and hammer bark, crush them, add flour to make a paste, apply to the injured area, and change dressing every 2-3 days.
2: Connect bones and tendons: Take 120g of Rhizoma Drynariae and soak it in 500ml of Baijiu for a week. Take 30ml of it twice a day. You can also remove the bone fragments from the wine, dry them in the sun, grind them into powder, and apply them externally.
3: Waist and foot pain: take 30g of Rhizoma Drynariae, 45g of Cinnamomum Cinnamomum, 90g of Achyranthes Bidentata, 60g of Areca catechu, 90g of Psoralea corylifolia (stir fry), a total of fine powder, then take 60g of benzoin, mix it with walnut kernel, refine honey into benzoin and pills as big as wutong seeds, take 20 pills before eating, and send them with warm yellow wine (Shenghuifang).
4: Kidney deficiency, deafness, and tinnitus: Take 120 grams of bone fragments, 60 grams each of Rehmannia glutinosa, Cornus officinalis, and Poria cocos, 45 grams of Danpi, and 24 grams of salt marsh diarrhea, a total of fine powder, and refine honey into pills. Take 15 grams each time, and bring plain water before eating.
5: Chicken eyes: Take 9 grams of bone fragments and grind them into coarse powder. Soak them in 100 milliliters of 95% alcohol for 3 days and set aside. When using, first soak the feet and corns in warm water to soften them, then use a disinfectant knife to remove the outer layer of thick skin, and then apply the medicine solution. Apply the medicine once every 2 hours and continuously apply it 4-6 times a day. After applying the medicine, there is a slight pain in the corns, which will disappear within a few minutes. Generally, after applying the medicine for 10-15 days, the corns can fall off and heal.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that bone fragments have a warm nature and a bitter taste, and have the effect of treating bruises, fractures, and bone injuries. Zhang Shouyi, a famous physician in the late Qing Dynasty, once said, "Bone broken tonics can treat bone injuries and fragments, which is why they are named." At the same time, bone broken tonics can also tonify the kidneys and strengthen the body, treat kidney deficiency, lower back pain, hearing loss, tinnitus, diarrhea, nocturnal emission, and long-term ejaculation. They can be used alone or in combination with medicines such as Xuduan, Psoralea, and Shu Di. Bone fragment patch can also be used topically to treat alopecia areata and vitiligo. It should be noted that high-dose decoction of bone broken tonics can cause poisoning, mainly manifested as dry mouth, multilingualism, fear, palpitations and chest tightness, followed by mental confusion and incoherent speech, sometimes happy and sometimes sad. Be careful not to take excessive amounts. The usual dosage is 10-15 grams.