A miraculous cure for the throat! Its actually hidden····
Release time:2024-09-13 15:07:30
Word Count:3605
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
What is the feeling of blowing the aged urine stains from the toilet into your mouth?
Don't complain too much, this is a miraculous cure for the throat, listed as a top secret traditional Chinese medicine in China, and is an intangible cultural heritage.
4 years to become a medicine
The production process of this medicine is extremely sophisticated and cannot be mass-produced by machines. It requires dozens of manual processes and takes 4 years to process.
The most important component of this medicine is the aged urine residue in the toilet. Craftsmen need to go door-to-door to collect urine buckets, scrape off the hard dirt from the buckets, grind it into powder, and then mix it evenly in water. Soak it for a full 3 years, ensuring that the water is changed every 3 days during this period.
After 3 years, remove it and place it on a cement floor to dry in the shade. The craftsman believes that this can remove the toxic fire of urine stains, and then soak it in a water tank for six months, then remove it and dry it, grind it into powder, and the aged urine stains will become white in Chinese medicine.
In order to fully release its medicinal effects, craftsmen added medicinal herbs such as ice flakes and borax, mixed them together and carefully ground them to further turn them into extremely fine powder. After filtering through a sieve, a spiritual medicine for the throat was prepared.
The conscience of a doctor
This medicine is Bixue San, developed by Gu's laryngology department. In 1849, Gu Lansun founded the Gu's Throat Department in Dazhuyuan, Pudong, specializing in oral and throat diseases. With a history of over 170 years and seven generations of transmission, the Gu family's throat department has gained widespread fame and remains rooted in grassroots communities.
Bixue Powder is a throat blowing medicine that requires two copper tubes to be connected. One end is dipped in some powder, and the blowing tube is pinched to blow the powder into the throat. Due to the extremely small particles of the powder, it can instantly penetrate into the throat and achieve the effect of curing the disease.
The production of Bi Xue San is complex and magical, but the price per pack is only 7 yuan. The ancient method of processing, passed down for a hundred years, is loved not only for the good efficacy of the medicine, but also for the conscience of the descendants of the Gu family as doctors.

*Selected formulas for testing
Bi Xue San
Ingredients: 150g Qingdai, 150g Huangbai, 80g peppermint, 80g mountain bean root, 150g gypsum, 30g Huanglian, 50g catechu, 50g human white, 50g borax, 15g realgar, 50g borneol
Method: The above eleven ingredients, except for borneol and indigo, borax, catechu, gypsum, realgar, and Chinese white are ground into fine powder, while the other four ingredients, yellow cypress, are crushed into fine powder; Grind the ice flakes finely, mix with the above powder and indigo, sieve, and mix well to obtain.
Function: Clearing heat, reducing swelling, and detoxifying.
Indications: Used for oral ulcers and swollen throat.
Usage: For external use, 2-3 times a day.

There are very few opportunities for the application of Bai in humans, which belongs to the category of cold backed medicinal herbs and is generally not available in pharmacies. In the past, doctors could only collect and make them themselves, which was quite cumbersome. Nowadays, online transportation is relatively developed, and there are specialized sellers of cold backed medicinal herbs online. People can simply purchase them online.
