Dont worry about varicose veins, a prescription from an experienced military doctor can easily fix them!
Release time:2024-09-13 15:10:01
Word Count:5835
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
This prescription was given to me by an elderly military doctor in his 70s.
Why did he give me this prescription?
The first time I saw the old military doctor was when he came to see me because he had a splitting headache. He said that although he had experienced countless storms, this headache tormented him enough, causing him to toss and turn at night and unable to sleep all night.
After my diagnosis, I prescribed a prescription for his headache. Two days later, he came to me refreshed and excitedly said, "Dr. Fu, this prescription really works. This headache has been tormenting me for more than ten years, and now the headache has miraculously disappeared. It's amazing
Then, he handed me a piece of paper and said, "I don't have much to express gratitude for. Here's a prescription for varicose veins that I've been using for many years and it works very well. I hope you can use it to help more people
When I looked at it, the ingredients of the prescription on the paper were: Huangqi, Honghua, Chuanxiong, Sanqi, and Dilong.
I thought to myself: Isn't this ingredient just a very ordinary recipe?
After expressing my gratitude, I put the note aside.
When did I remember this note?
Two months later, a patient with varicose veins came to me for treatment. The patient's legs were covered with swollen purple red blood vessels, resembling snakes coiled on the surface of the skin.
He has seen many doctors and taken many medicines, but none of them have been effective.
I have looked at other doctors' prescriptions for him, and most of them are for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. If I were to prescribe similar prescriptions for him again, the effect would probably not be much better.
At this moment, I suddenly remembered the prescription given by the old military doctor and wrote a prescription for the patient.
How is the effect?
A week later, the patient excitedly told me, "Dr. Fu, thank you so much! After taking the medicine for a few days, the swelling on my leg has reduced a lot, and the protruding blood vessels are not so obvious anymore. Now my veins are no longer protruding, the pain and swelling are gone, and walking is much easier
I didn't expect the effect of this formula to be so significant. To be honest, I have pondered over this formula, but I haven't fully understood its mysteries.
What is the principle behind this formula? With a heart full of doubts, I decided to ask the old military doctor for clarification.
The old military doctor said, "When I was in the army, soldiers needed to undergo high-intensity training, standing for a long time and running every day. Day after day, many people had problems with varicose veins, bulging veins, swelling and soreness, which was very distressing.
I was thinking at the time, is there any way to treat varicose veins and reduce their pain?
I have researched a lot of information and found that varicose veins are caused by dysfunction of the venous valves in the blood vessels, resulting in blood reflux and accumulation.
If we imagine our leg blood vessels as a river, and the blood is river water, then the venous valve is like the gate of the river. When the gate is working normally, the river water will flow smoothly from the downstream legs to the upstream heart.
But if the river is congested or there are problems with the gates, the river water will flow back and accumulate downstream, causing the water level to rise. The pressure on the embankments on both sides of the river will increase, and the veins will become swollen and twisted.
According to this approach, treating varicose veins is equivalent to dredging and repairing waterways. On the one hand, we need to use methods that promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis to allow the accumulated river water - blood - to flow again. On the other hand, it is necessary to repair the damaged valves - venous valves - to restore them to normal and ensure that blood does not flow back.
At the same time, it is necessary to clear the meridians and collaterals, reduce the pressure on both sides of the river, and relax and repair the blood vessel walls.
I have tried many drugs before finally coming up with this prescription

*Selected formulas for testing
Venous Smooth Flow Formula
Ingredients: 120g Huangqi, 6g Honghua, 6g Chuanxiong, 6g Sanqi, 6g Dilong
Effect: Promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, unblock meridians and relax collaterals
Indications: Varicose veins
Usage: Boil in water, take one dose a day, boil twice and take separately.

Huangqi in the formula replenishes qi, Honghua promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis, Chuanqiong promotes blood circulation and qi circulation, Sanqi stops bleeding and removes blood stasis, and Dilong dredges meridians and relieves pain. The combination of various medicines has a good effect on promoting blood circulation, unblocking collaterals, reducing swelling, and relieving pain.
Varicose veins are a vascular disease with a very high incidence rate. More than 100 million people in China are recruited, and most of them occur in the lower limbs. If they are not found or treated in time, they may develop into edema, inflammation, skin ulceration, bleeding, infection, and necrosis of the affected limb tissue, which may require amputation, or even life-threatening.
This prescription was developed by an experienced military doctor through years of practical research. I have been using this formula in clinical practice for nearly 10 years, and the effect is indeed very good.
This kind of effect, this magical secret recipe, I sincerely recommend it, strongly recommend it, tearful recommendation! If you or your friends around you are suffering from varicose veins, you must use this prescription. Share it together to benefit more people!