Traditional Chinese Medicine: Purple Stem Toothache Grass
Release time:2024-09-13 16:54:43
Word Count:1107
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Taizi stem toothache grass is also known as pine stem, grass forsythia, chanji medicine, toothache grass, wing stem grass, and fish state grass. Source: Spartina alterniflora, a plant in the family Scrophulariaceae, used as a whole plant for medicinal purposes. Harvested in autumn, washed and dried.
[Sexual Taste Returning to the Classics]
Taste: Bitter in taste, cool in nature.
Gui Jing: Gui Stomach Meridian, Gui Liver Meridian
【 Functions and Indications 】
Function: Clear heat and calm the liver, reduce swelling and relieve pain.
Indications: Used for acute and chronic hepatitis, gastroenteritis, stomatitis, sore throat, toothache. Clinical Application
1: Treatment for falls and injuries: Purple stem toothache herb costs 5 yuan, Golden silk Atractylodes macrocephala and madder cost 4 yuan each, Four yuan tile, White peony, Water star anise cost 3 yuan each, decoct or soak in wine. (Yunnan Chinese Herbal Medicine)
2: Sore throat: 10g Scrophularia, 10g Purple Stem Toothache Grass, 15g Bupleurum, 10g Burdock Seed, 10g Huangling, 10g Pinellia ternata, 10g Licorice, 10g Red Date Slices, and 5g Ginger