The secret recipe for herpes zoster takes effect in one day, and I have treated 300 people without any mistakes!
Release time:2024-09-14 13:41:12
Word Count:3891
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The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner said so
This disease has been treated for half a month without much effect by the West. And with just one prescription, it can take effect in a day. Over the years, I have treated more than 300 people and to be honest, I have not missed a single one.
Looking back on the first time I used this prescription, when I was just starting to practice independently, a friend came to chat with me and told me that I had contracted shingles and was being treated at a certain dermatology clinic. The doctor administered intravenous infusion, oral medication, and topical medication to him, which can be described as a comprehensive attack by land, sea, and air. However, after a week of treatment, the effect was not satisfactory, and he didn't know what to do. He felt very melancholy.
I told him that I had a book of Tibetan medicine, which contained a prescription for "Herpes Powder". When I asked if he was willing to give it a try, the patient had no other choice but to treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Helpless, he nodded in agreement and hastily prepared Herpes Powder.
The next day, my friend came to report with great joy, saying that after applying the medicine and returning home, I felt relieved and the pain slightly reduced. I woke up in the middle of the night feeling a significant reduction in pain, so I applied the medicine again. Waking up in the morning, the herpes has completely subsided and scabbed. I am extremely delighted to inform you.
I was also surprised to see this effect. I just had a trial and error mentality, I didn't expect the effect to be so significant.
Many people say that shingles is a 'breathing pain', and when it strikes, the pain enters the heart and is as painful as a knife.
Moreover, the pain caused by herpes zoster is not short-lived. Neuralgia is the most common complication of herpes zoster, which can last for 1-2 months in some people, 3-5 months in others, and even years in others.
According to statistics, up to 3 million people in China suffer from shingles every year. In order to prevent more people from suffering from shingles, I have decided to publicly disclose the prescription.

*Selected formulas for testing
Qixiao Herpes Powder
Ingredients: 15g realgar, 12g indigo, 9g alum, 3g borneol
Method: Grind fine powder together with medicine for later use
Indications: Herpes zoster
Preparation: Take one vial of acyclovir cream and squeeze it into a container. Add an appropriate amount of "Herpes Powder" and mix well.

Fang Jie
Herpes zoster, also known as "snake string ulcer" in traditional Chinese medicine, has symptoms such as redness, swelling, heat, pain, and dampness, as well as blisters. The basic pathogenesis is the retention of damp heat and pathogenic toxins in the meridians and skin.
The treatment uses realgar to drive away snakes, indigo and Dahan to clear heat and detoxify, and dried alum and dry dampness as the two main medicines to achieve the function of clearing heat, detoxifying, and drying dampness. Borneol cold and cool can also clear heat and relieve pain, and can help various medicines penetrate the skin as an adjuvant. Acyclovir cream is used as an excipient.
Herpes zoster, this excruciating disease, is extremely difficult to treat. Many people use Western medicine for treatment, but often after suffering for half a month, they still cannot see the effect, and the helplessness and despair are unimaginable.
And our traditional Chinese medicine uses this formula, which miraculously has a miraculous effect within a day, so good that it explodes. This is not just about treating illnesses, but saving lives in the midst of fire and water!
This kind of effect, this magical secret recipe, I sincerely recommend it, strongly recommend it, tearful recommendation! If you or someone around you is suffering from shingles, be sure to use this prescription.