Reasons for Napping in Spring, Autumn, and Summer
Release time:2024-09-14 15:40:03
Word Count:6193
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What is the reason for napping in spring, autumn, and summer?
Some people feel sleepy all year round, always feeling sleepy, just like the saying 'spring drowsiness, autumn weariness, summer drowsiness'. So, what is the reason for being so tired? Does this sentence have scientific basis? Let's learn about the reasons for napping in spring, autumn, and summer.
Taking a nap in spring, autumn, and summer is a response of the human body to seasonal climate changes, which has certain scientific basis. Spring drowsiness is not a disease, but an adaptive response of the human body to the spring climate, which is entirely a physiological phenomenon that can be regulated through a simple diet. Actually, autumn fatigue is not difficult to understand. The autumn climate changes from hot to cool, and the body enters a periodic resting stage. Because in the hot summer, the human body sweats heavily, causing water and salt metabolism disorders, weakened gastrointestinal function, and increased burden on the cardiovascular system. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that yang qi tends to be more dominant, making it easy to have a bad temper and "get angry". At this time, the human body is actually in the stage of excessive consumption. Autumn fatigue is actually a kind of "compensation" for the physiological function recovery caused by the excessive consumption of the human body during the summer season. Let's take a look at the reasons for the three phenomena of "spring drowsiness," "autumn fatigue," and "summer napping.
02 Reasons for Spring Sleepiness
Entering spring, as the temperature rises, the pores, sweat glands, and blood vessels of the human body begin to dilate, and the blood circulation in the skin also becomes vigorous. In this way, the blood supply to the brain will be relatively reduced. As the weather warms up, the body's metabolism gradually becomes vigorous, and oxygen consumption continues to increase. The brain's oxygen supply is relatively reduced, and the benign stimulation of warm temperatures inhibits the brain to some extent. Therefore, people will feel tired and sleepy, always feeling like they haven't slept enough.
Another reason is that the sunshine hours in spring are too long, and the biological clock developed in winter cannot fully adapt in spring. Spring wakes up about an hour earlier than winter, resulting in insufficient sleep and feeling sleepy.
Reasons for autumn fatigue in 03
Autumn becomes cool due to the heat, and the body enters a periodic rest period. The hidden dangers caused by the huge consumption in summer are also revealed. Therefore, autumn fatigue is usually a temporary phenomenon that needs to be restored after the excessive consumption of the human body during summer festivals. By adjusting sleep, diet, and physical exercise, it can be effectively improved.
Reasons for Napping in Summer 04
The reason why people are prone to drowsiness in summer is because they believe that daytime is relatively longer than nighttime, and summer nights are usually dry and hot, which can seriously affect the quality of sleep. High temperatures often cause skin blood vessels to dilate, resulting in a large amount of blood flowing in, which increases the body's consumption and leads to fatigue and drowsiness. In addition, many people take naps during the summer due to the rich nightlife and staying up late.
How to deal with autumn fatigue?
It's autumn now, and autumn fatigue troubles many people. Here are a few coping methods to try.
1. Maintain sufficient sleep
In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, the weather is hot and humid, and many people suffer from long-term sleep deprivation. After the end of summer heat, the weather becomes cooler, so it is necessary to change the habit of staying up late in summer, try to go to bed before 10 pm, and go to bed early and wake up early to enter the "preparation" state in advance and prevent drowsiness at work. You can also take a nap appropriately, which is beneficial for resolving troubled emotions.
2. Try to have a light diet
Maintain a light diet and avoid or eat less spicy barbecue foods, including chili peppers, ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, scallions, cinnamon, and alcohol. According to traditional Chinese medicine, these foods are prone to exacerbating the harm of autumn dryness to the human body. Increase the intake of high-quality protein in moderation, such as eggs, lean meat, fish, dairy products, and soy products.
Do not eat greasy food, as greasy food can produce acidic substances in the body that can cause drowsiness, so it should be consumed in moderation; Eating more vegetables and fruits, and drinking more water are beneficial for refreshing the mind. This is because the vitamins in fruits and vegetables act as coenzymes to assist the liver in quickly eliminating metabolites accumulated during human fatigue. At the same time, vegetables and fruits are alkaline foods, and their metabolites can neutralize acidic substances produced during muscle fatigue, helping people eliminate fatigue.
3. Strengthen physical exercise
Develop good lifestyle habits and exercise in the morning and evening. Only with sufficient physical fitness can one overcome the discomfort of changing seasons. Simple exercises such as hiking, walking, and doing exercises can help calm emotions and relieve autumn fatigue. Stretching can also relieve autumn fatigue. Even when not fatigued, consciously stretching a few times can feel comfortable. Stretching can cause the chest organs of the human body to compress the heart and lungs, which is beneficial for the full movement of the heart and allows more oxygen to be supplied to various tissues and organs.
4. Indoor plant cultivation
The state of "autumn fatigue" is related to the lack of oxygen in the human body, so it is suitable to place flowers and plants indoors that can absorb carbon dioxide and other waste gases. Potted citrus, chlorophytum comosum, asparagus and green pineapple should be selected. Aloe vera and chlorophytum comosum in the office can transform formaldehyde, which is considered to be carcinogenic, into natural substances like sugar or amino acids during their metabolism.